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Necromancer’s Robes

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

Component: undead undying flesh

Tendrils of residual negative energy course through these robes, venting in the form of wisps of dark, crimson-veined smoke whenever great magical power is channelled through them. Necromancers preferring to operate in secrecy can easily conceal these phenomena, however, until the time is right to strike.

These robes can be used as a spellcasting focus for your spells.

Necromancer’s Disguise. As a bonus action while wearing these robes, you can speak their command word and cause them to assume the appearance of a normal set of clothing or a different set of robes. You decide what they look like, including colour, style, and accessories, but the robes retain their normal weight. The illusory appearance lasts until you use this property again or remove the robes.

Sense the Living. As an action while wearing these robes, you can become aware of the presence of the living. For 1 minute, you know if there is a non-construct, non-undead creature within 30 feet of you, as well as its creature type and where the creature is located. If the creature is under an effect that changes its creature type, such as the polymorph spell, you know both its true creature type and that of its disguise. Once this property of the robes has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.


Rare variant: Increase the range of the Sense the Living property to 60 feet. The Sense the Living property can be used three times, and regains all expended uses daily at dawn.

Very rare variant: Increase the range of the Sense the Living property to 60 feet. The Sense the Living property can be used three times, and regains all expended uses daily at dawn. You have resistance to necrotic damage while wearing these robes.




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