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Bizarre changes to a once-tranquil mountainscape lead the party to a portal to the Clockwork Arcadia, a plane of pure, mechanical order. Accompanied by an emissary of the Arcadia, the party must collect clues to help them decipher the nature of their foe and prepare for the battle ahead. Once through the portal, they combat the creations of a powerful AI, before fighting the AI itself when it takes control of the emissary’s body. Preparation for an extended fight as well as the ability to deal force damage will be advantageous in this dramatic combat encounter.


Edit [25 January 2024]: This standalone hunt PDF has been updated over the winter downtime! Re-download and enjoy!


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Motes of the Divine Series: Part V

Forge of the Divine Machine is a 5th edition hunt optimised for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 7, 12, or 17. Characters who complete this hunt should earn enough experience to progress one-third of the way to 8th level, one-half of the way to 13th level, or two-thirds of the way to 18th level. The adventurers must defeat a corrupted arcanificial intelligence (AI) to end the procession of bizarre creations it is unleashing across the planes. This hunt is the culmination of the Motes of the Divine story arc and can also be run as a one-shot.



We love to hear from you! For quick feedback and typos, you can reach out to us on this Discord server.



The map in this adventure is the Elven Magitech portal, From the brilliant Czepeku Maps! You can get the full hi-res version with a ton of map variants from their patreon!




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