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The characters travel to the island nation of Shai’taryn in an attempt to end a demonic siege. While travelling through the horrors of the destroyed kingdom, the party learns that the king feeds on the flesh of celestial beings in a bid for power to save his kingdom. The characters must fight through a scattering of demons to enter the citadel and then face off against the corrupted creature the monarch has become.


Edit [25 January 2024]: This standalone hunt PDF has been updated over the winter downtime! Re-download and enjoy!


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Motes of the Divine Series: Part IV

Throne of the Devourer is a hunt optimised for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 6, 11, or 16. Characters who complete this hunt should earn enough experience to progress one-quarter of the way to 7th level, or one-half of the way to 12th or 17th level. A raging supernatural war has turned a pristine island into a charred nightmare landscape. Its once-tranquil rivers now run red with demon blood, and the skies are ablaze with the fires of a heavenly host—both armies determined to bring down a deranged king with a taste for celestial flesh.



We love to hear from you! For quick feedback and typos, you can reach out to Humperdink The Warlock in the Patreon Workshop channel on this Discord server. You can also dish out more meaty feedback in this google form.



Cze and Peku provided these beautiful maps! If you're looking for variants, you can check them out here and here. You'll need to be have a pledge with them for these variants.





Was there an update to this or did I get a random ping about a post from 3 months ago?