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Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)

Airborne death, this razor sharp dagger can swirl and weave around the battlefield at the whims of its wielder. Controlled verbally, be it with simple words or an intricate whistle, it has made many a fighter bleed out on the battlefield with a quiet, eerie tune ringing in their ears…

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The dagger has 6 charges and regains 1d4 + 2 charges daily at dawn.

Flick of the Wrist. This item is composed of a gauntlet and a blade. This dagger has no handle and can’t be wielded by holding it. Instead, it hovers a few inches above the gauntlet at all times, can’t be removed against your will, and can’t be used to make ranged attacks except with the Daggerflight property. While the dagger is hovering over the gauntlet and that hand is free, you can use it to attack normally.

Daggerflight. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 charge to make a ranged attack with the dagger. Hit or miss, you can then spend 1 additional charge to make another ranged attack with the dagger (no action required) against a different target within 20 feet of the first one. You can do this a maximum of two times, after which the dagger returns to hover over the gauntlet. The dagger manoeuvres around obstacles mid-flight, and ranged attacks made with it ignore half and three-quarters cover.

Hextech Recharge. As an action, you can slot a gemstone worth 50 gp or more into the sword, which immediately destroys the gemstone and regains 1 charge. Once this property of the weapon has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.


Uncommon variant: The dagger doesn’t have a bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Very rare variant: Increase the charges to 10 and the recharge to 1d6 + 4.





Odysseus' Bow

I cannot wait for all of these items to be out!