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Wondrous item, uncommon

This exceptionally fast-growing, animated Xyxlwood tree writhes its roots in delight whenever you sprinkle it with fresh water. Measuring 6 inches cubed, this magical plant needs almost constant care lest it become an unkempt shrubbery. Each day, the bonzaï bonds with the creature that tends to it, also known as its gardener.

Goodboy Berry. So long as the following conditions are met, the bonzai produces 3d4 goodberries at dawn each day:

  • The bonzai is in bright light for at least 1 hour in total, each day.
  • The bonzai receives a quarter of a gallon of fresh water (sprinkled during each rest you take) or half a gallon during hot weather.
  • You spend 10 minutes pruning and watering the bonzai during each short rest that you take, as well as at the start and end of each long rest. When you prune the bonzai make a DC 11 Dexterity (Nature) check. On a failure, the number of goodberries produced is reduced by 1d4.
  • The bonzai forms a bond with its gardener; if multiple creatures attempt to tend to it, it gets shy and produces no goodberries the following dawn.

The goodberries produced by the bonzai remain for 24 hours. At the end of this time their magic dissipates and they fall off and rot.

Calming Practice. If the bonzai produces at least 1 goodberry at dawn, then its gardener is suffused with a sense of calm until the following dawn. While filled with this sense of calm, the gardener can, as an action, cast the calm emotions (save DC 13) spell centred on itself, requiring no spell slot. After it does so, it can’t do so again until the following dawn when it must fulfill the requirements of this property to regain the ability.

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