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If this is Deluxe then Frank is the queen of England. 


After Show: "Deluxe Headphones"



they look epic




When the aftershow is available first 🤣🤍🤍


Shhhh.... no one's supposed to known Frank is the Queen.


Oh yeah can't wait to finish to watch the fio17 vid to watch this wild headphones


I laughed out loud when the comparison switch to the deluxes


Instant airport ambiance in a pair of paper cone drivers.


Heyyyy it’s the after show


Frank smells indeed, mate I believe this is the first after show ep that has recordings in it. What an amazing episode.


god even though this video I feel the palate cleanse from that A/B


They sound awful but they look really vintage.

Robin Syl

Is this the worst pair of headphones I've heard on the channel? Quite possibly


They look like aviation headphones. And they sound like I'm flying and the window is open and I'm listening to music.


i don't think anything could have mentally prepared me for how these headphones sound


Congrats, these are the worst headphones you've ever reviewed. Well, that goes in an S tier of my reverse best headphones ever chart.


These deluxe headphones produce a percentage of bass. What percentage is that? Zero, zero is a percent.


blow it

Aidan Rayner

I belly laughed when the DELUXE SOUND came out of those things. That is incredible.


I actually recoiled in disgust when hearing them. Just might be the stinkiest headphones on your channel


8ohm mono? Doesn't that mean each side is 4ohms? I modded some mono headphones to stereo and each one had their ohm value on the box be the sume(I mean they are in series).


Got my Wife the SR-850s based on your recommendation and she loves them. They don't quite match the best headphones we have, but they are super comfy. About 80% of the sound quality for 20% of the price of a really great set headphones isn't a bad tradeoff.


I have a feeling these were meant more for ham or CB radio use than hifi. Archer was Radio Shack's in-house brand for general electronics, their audio gear was Realistic. Most of it was oem'd by big name brands, but until the 90s, RS was weird about only selling products with their own brand names on them. IIRC most Realistic branded headphones from the 70s and 80s were made by Koss, or at least the 'Nova' line was.


Sounds exactly like the overhead announcements in a Radio Shack store


yeah, less hifi and more for listening to education tapes in primary school in the 80's. We'd have a bunch of these through a headphone splitter (each output had it's own volume control) and the teacher got us to read-along to the audio


It kinda scares me that I don't hate how these sound. I actually sorta like em tbh


Lol. That snap.


The best part about these cans is the font on the box.


They sound exactly as expected. Like you put some old vintage speakers to your ear. Lovely!


You're right about the glow up period of audio gear recently. To my knowledge, there wasn't anything nearly as good 15-20 years ago in the budget range compared to now. Budget things for me back then were Sony MDR-V150 headphones ($20) and JVC Marshmallow HA-FX30 IEMs ($12-15), and those were garbage. Now, you can get some Koss KPH30i headphones ($30) and CCA CRA IEMs ($15-20), and those are great!


Anyone else love that shitty vintage sound? It’s kinda endearing in a way


8 ohms is very much inline with listening to weird shite like the headphone out on some older amplifiers, or more likely in this case a cheap vinyl player. before somebody bites my head off, matching impedance is important on older amps because if the resistance is too low or high vs the expected load, you can damage the amp


I knew we were in for a fun time when I saw those speakers inside, those are the same ones I used for cheap electronics projects when I was a kid. Good for beepers, not good for audiophiles. You are 100% correct, we're in a great time for affordable audio equipment.

Mattis. Probably.

I guess "premium" means that you can have that amazing elevator music experience in the comfort of your own home!


Oh my god I have never felt more claustrophobic due to headphones


oh god i don't think i've ever cringed so hard even with dirty buds. that was horrible to listen too, i felt so closed in the whole time. and then the hurrdurrs opened back up. it was weird.


I have those headphones. I found them in some salvation army type store near my house, and I can, in fact, confirm that they are horrible.


listening to a recording of Samson SR850s, while wearing Samson SR850s was fun!


I think I just had a violent reaction hearing those Elevatorphones. Nice video Dank!


heyy its the aftershow!


mannnnn sr850s are dope


The only thing deluxe on these headphones is the yellow ink on the cardboard. looks like deluxe premium pee yellow after being dehydrated.


I really enjoy your headphones content thank you so much for make a post every week. I get exited every Thursday for you post.


the sound from the Freakish Ears-on-a-Stand sounds like listening to music in a Walmart


Between the mono and the completely gutless tuning on those cans, the miniDSP recording actually gave me the illusion that my phone had switched audio sinks from my headphones to its speaker. It threw me for a loop for a second.


I have samson 850s on your recommendation! "I only like them because I haven't heard better" umm... yes. because audio is full of pricks who are willing to pay obscene prices for headphones and that prevents companies from bringing the prices down to reach more consumers.


LOVE IT! Wade bought those from me :-D


My mouth dropped when he turned on the "Deluxe Headphone" I was expecting bad but this was worse.


To be fair, these are intended for use with communications receivers. I have a pair that I use with my Realistic DX-160 shortwave radio, and they are perfectly suitable for that purpose.


Supermarket music is what I first thought of when music started playing out of these. Followed shortly by the aforementioned elevator/lift music.


I always love when the vintage headphones are elevator simulators, cracks me up everytime!


i am drunk


We had a version of these with mics on them in primary school, never used them for anything that would require the mic.


You should rebuild them with higher end specs


Have you ever wondered what your favorite jams would sound like if they were pulverized into hold music for a telephone system? Deluxe Headphone! (Just the one!)


Finally, headphones that turn everything into vapourwave!


Actually burst out laughing when the recording started. I've literally never heard something with that little bass before.


I laughed hard when I heard those headphones. That's just transparent garbage in comparison to even dirty buds lol. How far we've come is right.


Ah yes, these would be perfect for that 'listening to music through a bucket on my head' experience.


reminds me of my Telex 610s. ....If you ever want yet another hilarious bad mono pair, Ill pay the shipping.


These aren't really for music, but decent for SW radio. Still was not prepared for how they sounded. 😭


Your videos bring me so much joy, cheers mate.


Can’t wait to see how the samsons stack up to budget headphones in 40 years


Now what you need to do is mod them with the guts from some modern cheap-but-quality headphones and create the ultimate sleepers


Reminds me of my first set of headphones that I bought from Radio Shack in the late 70s. Mine looked similar, but were (a) stereo, (b) had a volume control on one ear, and (c) had a curly cord like an old telephone receiver. They got replaced by a $100 set of AKGs while I was still in high school.


This is now just a dirt, it looks like pieces of cockroaches... damn.

Fredrik Hemsen

Plugging those into a stereo amp shorts one channel to ground (which you absolutely do NOT want); so don’t do it again! Would be fun to see you mod them into stereo headphones though :-)


Still mulling over getting the Samsons or the suplerluxes you recommend. If anyone has them and wants to share there view feel free.


Would love to see you do a video on the stem player on the channel since I've seen a lot of people talking about that modern nugget recently


They sound like standing in the middle of a grocery store in 1987, with one tiny wedge shaped speaker playing AM radio way off in the corner.


I'm no audiophile AT ALL, I mean I'm listening to that video through a Sennheiser PC 3 headset. But I actually made a disgusted face when I heard those things. Eurgh. What garbage!

The Duke of Earl

There not bad, but they got nothing on these bad boys! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/403461273971


They sound like they're in a tunnel.


Loving the woman's weekly and overturned trolley. First thing I saw on the box was the sadness of the missing contact. Believe it or not, these sounded better than I expected via the freakish ears on a stand. I don't think my mid 90 experience was much better


i got headphones very similar to those "deluxe headphones" at a goodwill for around 25 cents many years ago, exact same speaker drivers and exact same elevator quality. they were promptly blown up


1 Grit still rocking the plastic bedazzlent


i kinda like this delxu phones it has s really really old but good gibtave sound


How premium!


whenever you compare headphones with differences in ohms(like the senny's vs the deluxe's) you should do a VOLUME comparison. lowest, tolerable, preferred, and uncomfortable. or smth like that. I think it'd be a good laugh!


On the Archer headphones it sounds like the music is playing over a phone line.

Gavin Latham

Hey I would really like to know what are your thoughts on the focal clear headphones, maybe even do a video on them?

Greek Fire

Yo I have a similar case for M15.


Wow..... I mean I know these are old, but golly gee I'd rather listen to nothing over these.


Immediately transported to a macys elevator


They really listed mono as a feature...


Watching this vid with my Meze 99 Classics really makes me appreciate having good headphones. I'm now into audio because of Dank. I love it but my wallet doesn't


ever heard of this Arc Star floating speaker? def check it out if you can, love to see a video on it https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ET1OTV6/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_W7N9RQ22P908ND31Q0X6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


Heard about Kanye's new "Hi-Fi" Donda Stem player?


First after show and I wasn’t disappointed


All hail her Poppy majesty, Frank the first, queen of the poos


Me listening to the SR850 recording through MY SR850s: oh so THAT'S how they sound


Holy shit the bass just disappears and all of a sudden I'm in an elevator.


Yep I thought it sounded like an elevator before you said it


Frank is the queen of cuteness


Oh wow, it's from Fort Worth, I'm from Fort Worth, home grown but it's in Australia.


Gotta not love the lift music 3000s


Frank should be the next queen of England


the dynamic range is hilarious


That “deluxe” headphone sounds like music being played out of a garbage can


Those headphones sounds like you’re in an elevator 😂


Deadass sounds like a wax cylinder lmao


Are you listening to music or guiding airplanes down a runway?


Just realized that I have the most accurate listening experience today: A Samson SR850 recording out of my Samson SR850 headpahones


the akg k240's are only 20 bucks more than the knock of Samson's, (i have the Samson's, because i didn't know)


"If this is Deluxe then Frank is the queen of England." im from England and thats just funny


genuinley listening through a sock


A brand new nug


looks like a proper set of low cost headphones at a library or vocational school