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Sorry that I sound a bit flat in this vid, I just hopped off the kit after trying to stream and gave up after 30 minutes. 


After Show: The Drum Stream Rig.





- W A D E Y O N A - - L E T ' S - G O - T O - W A D E - edit: KRUT!


Patreon gang, i love your vids bro


Time to give Twitch the arse and stream on YT instead?


Content’s amazing, Wade. Your drum streams, especially the debbie-downer one you had last is what motivated me to start donating.


love your content


I think that if a bunch of content creators just decided to open their own platform there would be less bs


Look. I'm happy to do what I can to help an artist achieve their dreams.


As many other comments I saw, I too am here to show support following your YouTube video - screw Twitch, you’ve got us!


Mate you stuff is amazing , hope you get it sorted. Hey at least I agree a hotdog is a sandwich :D


Good luck man ^^


I’m doing it again. https://www.ebay.com/itm/133885151989 Cmon man only .4 hunge


Things are gonna get better for you soon, Wade. We love you!


Its amazing how you started the video so down and gloomy but you livened up when you started talking about the drums, that passion and love for something is so rare and i love it


I hope things do clear up for you.


I know it's a stupid question, but do you have any china cymbals? If I were ever going to put together a kit I'd have one of those for playing Huang Chung.


After a batshit week of bureaucratic nonsense at work, my Friday is always more chill but also delightful because I get to watch your new vids while I eat my lunch. It's the fuckn best, dude.


We support you. Never Give Up Never Surrender .....i think George Carlin said that on Star Wars while on an away team witnessing a ferengi and baby Yoda battling it out on couch co-op goldeneye on a Nintendo Dreamcast 64

Marvin Arand

G'day mate, glad I've become a patreon lately, have binge watched all your old videos on here for about half a week last month, and glad to be helping you out mate.


Don't know if you've heard of Picarto, but might be worth looking into. Wishing you the best with this!!!


You're awesome man, so sorry Twitch has dogged you like this. It really does seem to be on a downwards trajectory...


hope twitch gets their head out of their ass and helps you.


I'm sorry dank that all of this has happened. I work in support and let me tell you they barely know what they're doing when you do get a person. Hope this gets resolved and you can be your chipper self!


Just become a Patreon, big love brother 💙


Just bumped up my Patron pledge. You're more than deserving of it, have given me so many laughs over the last year and introduced me to good audio. Get a dog up ya Amazon -Former Amazon warehouse employee.

Peter Shillito

I remember the Dankmus "airing dirty laundry" video about youtube from way back when. Really sucks Twitch are messing you about like this. I've upped to the $10 tier here for the time being, and hopefully you get things sorted out.


So sorry you're having such a bad time with Twitch mate. I hate these companies trying to replace a simple call center with idiot bots ruining lives. We've got your back here.


Appreciate everything you do fella, Thursday night (in the UK!) is my favourite day of the week, look forward to every video you post. Keep up the good work and don't let the b'stards get you down. You're better than them, because you care.


You deserve to be mad. Twitch hasn’t been great in a long time. Good luck! You’re seriously my favorite content creator


Mate, I think it’s the right move to go to YouTube streaming. I would watch you there and many others would too. I’ve been boycotting Amazon for years so I don’t get to watch your drum stream and it’s gutting af.


Big love my guy, I hope they fuck off with this


How many patreon supporters to get you to start your own streaming service for music?


Twitch happier to ban streamers than spammers, bots and trolls. Priorities set then 🙄


That's the problem. If they do fuck off then he will have nowhere to go but YouTube or Facebook, both terrible.


He can't because of content match and shit. Did you watch the main vid?


If you move to YouTube streaming, you can simply scream the entire time you're playing music and get past the algorithm. Thatl show them.


You should check out https://Floatplane.com Maybe you can stream there?


Canadian Zildjian. Apologizes after the session is over for making loud noises. Also, you did sound deflated today. I hope you get your stream income back.


It's a pity that Odysee kinda blows for streaming and LBC isn't really worth that much, otherwise it could be an option. Hopefully Twitch will get their heads out of the sand and finally provide some support (I'm an optimist). Good on you for venting too; you obviously needed to get it out there.


Don't feel bad! The more people speak up the more pressure Amazon and Twitch will feel! You got this Mr. Pods!


Unfortunately it really is the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. It shouldn't have to come down to making a big stink to solve a basic issue but that's the way these big companies operate. Just remember you have so many fans grateful for the laughs and entertainment you provide. She'll be right mate.


Aw man, I'm sorry to hear you being messed around, some genuine sadness in your voice too. Gave me the sads.


Hey dank King Merry Chrysler and Happy New nuggies to you. I have an idea for some content if maybe you'd be interested. I'm not going to do anything myself, but maybe you would want to steal my idea and do something with it. I know that you're a very, very quite professional lad, especially when it comes to sounds and bits and bops. So I was thinking maybe you could give us your insights and opinions on some movies, TV shows and other soundtracks and sound effects. Or in other words, movies and TV shows that have the best recorded sound effects and soundtracks in your opinion. I guess you already do talk about soundtracks a bit, but sound effects I think would be a whole other monster that we would love to see you get stomped by. Lots of love bro


That with Twitch sucks.


I popped on over to your Patreon because your videos are truly some of my favorite content and somehow they feel nostalgic despite me literally finding you almost a week ago. Please keep doing what you do!


Happy To support you man.


I would hoesntly love a video about cymbals, and what makes them good and why, and what the differences are. They are just big discs to me, they look the same for the most part. But I always enjoy hearing someone talk about their passions.


I'm not saying this as criticism, but It's really obvious when you change the energy and the motivation behind the videos and it's not fun for anyone. I really hope the issue with twitch gets resolved and we can all go back to having fun.


Dank, considering your Twitch issues, big enough following on Patreon and YouTube, we could all take it to Twitter and Spam Twitch Support, force a hashtag, make those wankers pay you. You just say it mate, we'll coordinate and bomb them.


As an audio engineer, I physically recoiled when I saw you put the overheads into channel 1+2 lol. Love both your channels old mate! I hope Twitch sorts its stuff out so you can keep this up :D


Really happy I get to be part of the people that help you ride the bumps. You are still my first and only patreon subscription. I love the drum streams, and honestly I don't care what platform they are on, as long as that platform is paying you your dues.


<3 u dank


Sending lots of love your way dude, I love your streams and your channels, sending happy thoughts xxx


Hope it gets better Dank! I've loved your content for ages now and just recently have I actually got a bank account, and one of the first things I done is subscribe to this. Sucks to see you getting done over by big companies


Man, this week really bummed me out to hear what you're going through. You're a fantastic creator, and all us patreons love you man. Don't let the bastards grind you down.


Here's to hoping Twitch grow a few brain cells and start helping out the people they're getting paid by. Keep smiling <3


Maybe Floatplane could be something to look into. It's more like Patreon, providing a subscription based service, but it's from the folks over at LTT. Maybe that'll move some gears.


I’ve been watching for like 1 1/2 years and I finally have my own PayPal and finally being able to support u is honestly really nice :)

Jack DenHartog

So umm... ever heard of Floatplane? It's a subscription based video platform made by Linus Tech Tips. I don't recall if they've gotten streaming ready for everybody quite yet but if not it'll be there eventually. Hope this helps!


Aight, time for the big question. Which is the better drummer, Ringo Starr or Dave Grohl


My man I don't think you have anything to say sorry about. You are a human and emotions are a thing. Expressing them helps you think on it and get over it so I don't think there's any reason to apologize for doing something completely normal. I hope it all works out and you feel better my dude I'm glad even 1$ a month can help you! Stay strong!


hey, love your content man, wish i could help with the patreon more


Hey, don't be sorry about it. Sad to hear about the twitch situation. All these big corporations do is fuck us over. I'm increasing the amount of my patreon donations, hope it helps! Stay strong!


fuck twitch


Twitch? More like 'oh no'.


For what it’s worth, the effort you put into your streams is very evident. Great production value and very professional, like the time the iPod was acting up and did not play Bustin’, that was just spectacular.


It makes sense why Twitch and YouTube have terrible support, the companies that run them don't need the money they make. It's completely dwarfed by the deep deep deep pockets of Google and Amazon. They keep these platforms around for two main things: Free advertising and massive influence. Think about how many Google Fi ads you see on YouTube, and the Amazon-related ads you see on Twitch. These platforms are infinite money generators for these companies through unrelated means. They make very little money (relative to how much everything else makes them) so why would they care about providing real human support when it doesn't affect their bottom line whatsoever?


Twitch is in a miserable state. I have friends who are partners that barely get the support they did back in 15/16 for example. I gave up on it a while ago. I never made it BIG or whatever but I saw what kept happening and happening on the platform and decided to just never go back. Also one time I did a stream of calling scammers and accidentally showed a scam number and they banned for me 24 hours. Sorry you're going through this man. Happy to have been a Patreon supporter since day one to help all of this nuggetry continue though.


I felt sorry for the fact that twitch is scamming you. Now I'm here


Twitches system seems so annoying to deal with rn i really hope things get better


I hope Twitch really fixes their stuff ASAP...


Glad to be here, been around YT since 1000 Subs, finally ponied up to get my name in the vids. Yes i took apart that original iPhone, it was a mess and i never uploaded the vid.

Jasmine Czerwik

Oh no Wade, hearing you sound so dejected, heck I could cry for you. I hope you know that I legit eagerly look forward to Thursdays and even showed my mum and siblings your videos cos they bring me such joy (my younger bro had a real proper giggle at "I bought Buzz" from the 3rd cashies special). Know that you have all our love and support and keep on going, you're a true hero to us all ❤️


Hey, i've reached out to a friend who works at Twitch bringing her attention to your video. She's passed it over to someone at the Twitch ANZ team. Hope it helps out!


If you wanna pick some crazy obscure platform to host streams on, I will happily make a account and sign up for it and use it to watch you, your content is worth it.


So I'm not a drummer, I'm a guitarist. But I super dig listening to you geek out about drum stuff, mega interesting!


Make a new account called Garbage_stream2


Hey Dank Honestly even tho your a large creator Twitch doesn't care and it's sad they just think there on top so they don't need to help anyone


hehe im a new dingus

Nuno Campos

Keep us posted. We love your work. I'm here no matter what happens. Let's hope twitch wakes up


The biggest problem is that even if a competent alternative to Twitch were created, probably hardly anyone would move there because it would not be that popular. Someone who creates such a project would immediately have to attract popular creators to their website to act as ambassadors of the platform


I came across a website that has a phone number for twitch I’m not sure if it works https://twitch.pissedconsumer.com/questions-answers.html


I think a lot of the comments mentioned it, but maybe it would be worth it to reach out to floatplane? It's not as popular (and I don't know if it can provide the same level of free viewership) but it at least seems more creator focused. Love the vids regardless.


And that was the moment i knew: i fucked up not watching the streams Living in GMT +2 would make it harder to watch, but i'll manage as soon as you continue


Hello Wade, quite bummed about your situation and I totally empathise with you. Been watching your content for a while now and hearing you geeking out about drums makes my week, and god knows they're hard to get through. It really saddens me to see all your hard work and effort basically thrown out the window by Twitch and I hope you'll get a response very soon. Well not entirely thrown out since we still enjoy you and your content no matter what. Looking forward to next week, and every other week after, to relieve myself from a stressful day and to see you ramble passionately about things you love.


I just noticed that you are using Streamlabs, and surprise, surprise, yet another company that is not very good. Not only did they refuse to remove 'OBS' from their name until recently, they also filed a trademark when OBS themselves told them not to use it. They also stole a whole website layout from Lightstream, down to the reviews. It's a whole mess. (If someone is more knowledgeable about this than I am, feel free to add onto it or even correct me) You can find guides to transferring from Streamlabs to OBS online, and it's a lot easier than I originally expected.


Twitch can go taste the big one! I really hope it all works out for you man


Sick drums 👌


I hope twitch does something about what's going on it seems the biggest companies make the worst crap...

Benjamin Serwa

Dear Dankpods, You have a sufficient platform that instead of relying on a hosted streaming service like Twitch or Youtube, you could roll your own. You seem to me like that kind of person that would want to own your own streaming solution anyway. It would cost money, but probably not as much as you think. The software to do so is called Owncast, it's free and open source, and it's available here: https://owncast.online/ They're even offering people like you free hosting if you're interested in that: https://owncast.online/donated/ I'm not going to claim that there's a 0% chance of you getting DMCA notices or anything, but if you do, you can handle them yourself, rather than having a corporate entity using an algorithm to automatically fuck you. I suspect you could be much less discerning about what music you drum to, realistically. I'm sure you'd run into the occasional issue with this, but any work you do on solving it would be under your control, and nobody else's. I could help you get started if you like. Regards, Benjamin Serwa Humanesque#5826 on Discord

Nick A

I'm sorry this is happening to you (and everyone else). Your content makes me happy and I just want you to be happy.


Stream on Reddit with all the other musicians


Have you checked out uploading videos and/or streaming on Floatplane?


NGL this + the reggo vid on YT makes me wonder whether or not I should be really driving at getting twitch affiliate myself. I'm super close but just need a few more regulars in order to to do it -- Hearts to ya for all the laughs & content tho


twitch sucks and so does pretty much every tech support these days


No worries dude, I'll deffs keep chucking my dollar at ya cus I wanna support someone as passionate and naturally hilarious as you! Keep chasing your dreams dude, and Twitch sucks!


Mate i just signed up for Patreon after years because I'm tired of seeing twitch and other big companies shit on good people like you. Keep it up!

Bruce Michael

Glad to be able to support you despite twitch fucking you over




man seeing this happen to you and so many others is so upsetting. im glad i have the means to support you even if its only a little, and fuck twitch for doing this


Ho man, what a cool setup. I'm so glad you still have the motivation to stream even though twitch is the utmost worst.. Let's just pray this gets better and in the meantime we all scream at funny things to distract ourselves ✌️


DankMan you are a champion of the people. You've brought so many hours of laughter to this depressed mess of a human since I first found out that you don't just make funny simpsons music, I swear I watch the cursed spongebob mp3 video almost daily and it always improves my day. It's awful awful hear that twitch is giving you the business. Keep the head up boyo and I really hope things get better for you you magnificent man!


Enjoy your content and variety thoroughly. Keep up get good work, I see how much you put into being a creator. Thank you!


You're my favourite creator Wade. Hang in there!


Upped my Patreon contribution. I know the vid is about venting frustration at Twitch and not begging to cover lost payments, but I enjoy the content and it’s worth it. I look forward to seeing my name whizz by at unnatural speed.


Last time I saw one of Wade's tours, I spent the last year spending hundreds of dollars on headphones. Now that he did this...luckily I am not a drummer.


I showed my father in law your drum set up and stream. He was in a Mexican heavy metal band in the 70s. He also help set up the non-union-Mexican-equivelent of Woodstock. He nodded approvingly at all the drums. Every time there was a vintage symbol he'd say "ah que Bueno!"


Wade: calls his circa 2016 or newer Intel Macbook Pro hilariously out of date Me still rocking a 2013 Macbook Pro as my main computer: O


looks good


I've got the last intel macbook pro 2020, with a f... up space bar.


I have that same "guitar stand" but instead of holding one of my guitars it holds a borrowed banjo from my brother!


I use an upgraded 2012 non retina for professional audio work, that thing is still kickin it


I used to have a radio show on campus. Used that exact same mixer board too. Good stuff from Yamaha, they always know what's up.


Glad we got to smell the old rig before the new drumgeon is completed


I actually use a stand from next level racing, quality stuff