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No really Lenovo this is kinda low. 


After Show: Bootleg AirPod Pros.



The problem is that they have good reviews.




honestly did not expect that from Lenovo looool


Bruh that packaging as well


Honestly I’d totally get a bootleg pair of AirPod pros if they where half decent and in black because I can’t stand how much the white stands out, gives a very “oh look at me and what I have” vibe, I just like how slim the case is, the ANC ans the amount of battery in them compared to its size


I would argue Lenovo made these because there's a market for affordable wireless headphones. Like reviewers can check out of reality all they want but $200 USD ain't budget friendly. I do agree that ripping of the design is crappy but it looks like they changed just enough to skirt by. If I didn't hate these kinds of headphones for being non repairable and generating e waste I'd probably buy the Lenovo version. At least I could afford it and they wont be ripped clean out of my ears when I get the wire caught on something lol

Cup Of Earl Grey Tea

Everyone is here! Craig #32 Dick Smith #12 Some Chinese name Dankpods can't read #43 Samsung #42 AND NOW LENOVO #89! WATCH AS THEY ALL COMPETE IN SUPER BOOTLEG BROS ULTIMATE!


Is it just me, or did Lenovo lose the plot around the same time that they changed their logo? These days, ThinkPads are more like StinkPads and the rest of their products are also garbage. I miss old-timey T-series ThinkPads. :(


3:26 Funny that you uploaded this vid the same day LTT made a vid on the fake Airpods "ProMax", nice coincidence!


I see AirPods Pro’s on Facebook marketplace, and I’m convinced that 75% of it is bootleg. Low prices and people claiming it’s 1 to 1. Edmonton is so full of junk lol


I was at a store the other day that sells secondhand electronic stuff - and also FREAK NANOs and NUGGETS - and I saw something in the glass that baffled me. Bootleg AirPods Pro in a box for $30 - and they’re VERY convincing. I had to tell the clerk about it and show the signs that it’s a bootleg - wonky font on the back, packaging not 100% aligned, it’s like the fake iPod video from a while ago. It’s probably still for sale at that $30 price point.


Oh no, i always thought that Lenovo is not one of the copy-paste brand. Actually they were kinda unique showing first generation of IdeaPad Flex, and now? This is so sad and maybe even little bit pathetic.


I can't seem to find these that appear on an official Lenovo retailer (at least from USA) so it looks like some enterprising individuals slapped that Lenovo logo on there to ad some credibility to some aliexpress garbage. EDIT: nope found this https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/General-Discussion/Lenovo-Livepods-LP1/m-p/5046758


Lenovo really trying to make that extra penny from this god awful move.


I love your channel man. I'm really interested in shitty tech too, and I also picked up some KZ's and samsons because of your videos. Didn't know head/earphones could actually not sound like shit until then.


It’s actually hilarious that a real company like Lenovo made these stinky knock offs


The Closing music for Franks house was inspired


Makes me wonder what he'd think about the various offerings that Razer has in terms of true wireless earbuds.


There are many good cheap tws buds that aren't bootlegs, no reason to buy these


You should upload the full raw audio memo of the chonkster AirPod. Then name it “beats to grit/cry to.”


Oh Lenovo..🤣 Frank has a really good taste in music indeed.


Awww, that's kinda sad. I really liked Lenovo. Back in 2015 I got a pretty cheap Thinkpad which I absolutely loved. It was indestructible and it works quite snappy to this day. I even bought a Lenovo phone in 2016, which worked flawlessly for 3 years before weird software issues showed up, way longer than anything else I ever had! I'd love to see them do better.


I love you


Don't know if you heard of this the us customs actually confiscated 500 pairs of these thinking they are knockoff's but low and behold they were lenovo's


Lenovo never surprises me with the lengths they will go to make something no one wants


Facepalm LENOVO


that poor duck XD


Got my pkcell fix for the week.




I love you Mr Pods


I disagree, you can still buy t series, and my lenovo ideapad? i think is great, especially for the price


Hey Dankpods you should look in the box of the airpods with the screen. In the box there was a QR code that might link to an app download. If it has a dedicated app you might be able to change the picture on the case.


zucchini bread


That Frank's house bit is the kind of premium content I was expecting


I think frank might be able to see those IR LEDS?


Hello Frank.


Why do snakes even have eyes? She is clearly navigating by smell alone ;) seriously though how long is she now? She looks more than double the length of when your channel started.


1:24 nice voice crack Mr. Dank

Manuel Uribe

I'm 99.9% sure they're fake. Many have the same name but look completely different. Also I can't find them anywhere on Lenovo's website or any reputable store like Amazon or Best Buy.


Lenovo make phones too, I had a P2 which was cromulent


I kinda want zucchini bread ngl


Lol I used to work for Lenovo and honestly this definitely seems like something they'd do. A bit of a shame really, their laptops are/were pretty decent. So weird to see a product from a company I used to work for in one of these vids!


The of video was taken down rip


yo where did the newest yt vid go, i was half way through watching it and it says dankpods deleted it!!!!!!!!!


wait why was the vid taken down?


I had 10 seconds of the main channel vid left before it got taken down. Perfect timing


Bro what happened to the video of the giant dingus????


RIP the big dingus he died as he lived being trash


Here after the big dingus was executed by papa YouTube


Didn’t even get to watch the big dingus video 😭


currently half way through the big dingus video youtube please dont kick me off

The Thunder Ghost

I actually have a pair of rip-off Air Pod Pros, called the SoundMates V2, and they are surprisingly good. I daily drive them. :)


Wait why is the main vid gone?


Ok I thought I was going insane, the vid vanished as soon as I heard the recording off the big dingus LOL


As of 10/21/2021 at 6:55PM Eastern, I appear to be the last viewer before Mr. Dank took the video down!

The Thunder Ghost

ALSO those wondering where today's video went, check his Community tab. He posted an update.


Wow… I really had respect for Lenovo since ThinkPads are great machines, but this made me lose some of that.


But can you put the Lenovo buds into the AirPods Pro’s case and vice versa?


this Patreon is so worth it for $1 a month and 5 minutes every week I forget about my depression lmao


What happened to the normal video???


I'd love to try making zucchini bread, but I don't like the idea of my house burning down.


Thanks for that. Glad to see it was a technical glitch with YT and not some bogus flagging or content match etc. Can't wait to see the gap filler video and then the main big dingus video once he gets it re uploaded


I was at about the same place.


Best birthday present. thanks for making content for all this time.


Rip main vid. Its gone :(


Where did the normal vid go? Youtube shut me out halfway through the video


could you post the main vid on here until its back up for everyone else?


Walmart sells some pretty good airpod pros rip offs and I use them almost everyday.


Hey Dank, sorry about the vid trouble, I’ve been very tempted to watch the illegal re uploads that are already all over YouTube but I’m going to hold tight and wait for the issue to be fixed, good luck


It’s pretty easy to make things use USB-C these days, they sell board so that you can make your own electronics projects use USB-C


I would die for frank what a special treat that last bit was!


was the video on youtube taken down???


Frank comes home to discover there’s been a burglary.


caught the vid before it got taken down RIP


I saw the notification before i could name my son, rip


my favorite part of the video was the last minute


But... Zucchini bread is better then banana bread.


Where did the main video go?


What happen to the main vid?


Hell yeah frank


Main vid gone, I take lunch for nothing. 😢

Mat Gadd

Where's the main vid, I need my Thursday routine Aussie! 😢


Did this video get copyrighted? It mentions what music is in the description, uh oh


Guys!!! The video was taken down because of YouTube complaining, we get a second video though tonight and it should be up tomorrow!!!


Where is my regularly scheduled nugget video? What happened to main video?


Man, Frank doesn't even want to hangout with me :(


Aw man i didn't get to watch the main video :(


Now that the main video is up: Please consider filling the BigPod with concrete and using it as a club to destroy nuggets or home invaders etc


i use a lenovo monitor, i'd expect this from a few companies, but lenovo?!


Anyone know why it says the video is unavailable


lmaoo i actually own a pair of these, they’re not great but they definitely get the job done for someone who doesn’t want to spend hundreds on earbuds, like me, because in all honesty i rarely find myself in situations where i need earbuds lol


Frank at the end was amazing


That zucchini bread bit had me giggling for far longer than it should have 😅


Same here man, I got the Grado labs SR60e (2of em!) because of this man. Love love em and am disappointed that I never appreciated some decent sound. Tried to buy some Sennheiser HD 600 Open Back Headphones, so excited they were on their way, but elas, I never received them. Refunded. So disappointed. But Mr. Dank sells me on appreciating good sound through his enthusiasm.


On the topic or knock of pros I have some TOZO NC2s which are pretty decent for 40 murica dollars.


oh hey thought this my be one of the easier ways to reach out. Have you ever considered taking a look at the 3rd gen ipod shuffle?


I like how the last minute is just all Frank


if anyone is looking for a pair of actually good airpods knockoffs, i have the huawei freebuds pro and i really like them! noise cancelling and sound quality are great, well built, and not nearly as expensive as the airpods pros


How about trying something from Soundcore by Anker


Literally joined for the Pkcell.......MY PKCELL!!!


What happened to today's main video?


After watching all your vids for the last few months I’ve finally become a patron 8) can’t wait to binge more videos this weekend!


youtube problems, wade said that it might be out tomorrow


So close to 1 mil Wade! And you deserve every sub, thanks for the amazing vids every week.


I feel like you would really like the controls on the Powerbeats Pro, they’re physical buttons you have to press to turn up and down the music or pause it or anything, really.


I love pod airs


god that might be the worst microphone from a name brand product (or "name brand" in this case) I've seen, except maybe for the fiio btr5 mic that was pretty bad too. it sounds like someone talking from the other end of a hall


You should check out the nothing ear 1... you have to have heard of them by now


I'd bet that, that type c cable is one of those stupid fakes that isn't even wired for usb3. I hate when they do that because 1. It's never advertised and 2. When you go to grab one for fast data transfer, you're tricked to think it's fast. If you know to look, the only real way to check is to look deep inside the A side and see if it has the 4 extra pins for usb3.


Frank clips are straight up the crowning jewel of these vids. <3 Frank


Holy s***. Earlier today LTT released a video on Floatplane about knock-off AirPods Max and people were saying "give these to DankPods", and today's episode is about knock-off AirPods. Spooky.


When the no effort knock offs are nearly better than the name brand knock off


Vore me frank


Another great video


Oh Lenovo


Guys, it's my birthday. That's it. That's all I wanted to say.


ooooh my pukcell ..... hmmmm.....


zucchini bread sounds kinda good ngl


That packaging was bootleg level


The Frank epilogue alone was worth the price of admission.


Dear Lenovo, I’m sad. Even as a apple boy with every m1 device excluding the air (yes I pre ordered a 16 inch m1 max) I still have a place in my heart for Thinkpad. This really makes my heart sink that Lenovo went this low…


Love the Frank cam at the end!


Had that happen with me after buying a pair of fakes. Took me a few minutes to realize the cable wasn't capable of data transfer and I had to pull out my charger cable from behind my bed to transfer some files over. Bumped my head in the process. Not fun


Ok, love these videos, but I do not understand why you "take offense" to other companies copying these designs. It is an immature response to dynamics that should actually be encouraged at every step of the way. This sort of attitude doesn't actually protect the teams that design these products. This isn't about some imaginary sob story of a poor designer discarded by the wayside of history. We are talking about 'Apple'. You don't, in fact, have to hand it to them. Ever. The reason they are making these products isn't because they are more "genius" or whatever, but because they have the means to do so, and maintaining those means is a process of exclusion and exploitation, by definition. Don't encourage that, not even subtly. Everyone should steal from these companies, and then steal from those, too, because they also suck. It's not revolutionary or anything, but it sure as hell isn't unethical either. I'd encourage it every time. Steal it. Make it cheap and decent. This is the danger of this conversation: people need to know if these suck or not, but no need to advocate for the protection or the sanctity of design work like this in the process.


I seen the reason why dankpods took down the main vid. (I’m not saying as I respect him) PSX also that’s not the exact reason if you were able to see the entire video he accidentally showed something that he shouldn’t of which would cause many problems for him.


Why should bootlegging be encouraged? They aren't trying to provide a cheaper product at the same level of quality, they are straight stealing a design, slamming the cheapest components in to it and throwing it onto the shelf. They are trying to scam less tech savy of us into thinking they are providing a cheaper alternative to the Airpods which these are not. I get wanting to hurt mega corporations like Apple and such as much as the next guy, but these bootleg products don't do that, if any thing they help Apple gain customers, I personally know people who bought these cheap products thinking they were alternatives, but they ended up getting sick of having to replace them so often because of their low quality, they ended up just buying the real product


zucchini bread is actually p good


It's on the community tab anyways. It's just that youtube was bein stupid

Eggicus Roundplumpius

Well, that's a disappointing face to Lenovo I hadn't seen before. Don't get me wrong - I still stand by the Thinkpad line as reliable laptops. That being said, this is very indicative of whether a company really loves what they create or whether they just love the money they get from it.


are these even a real lenovo product?


Lenovo was brought out by China, since then it’s become a very sad company.


Lenovo has always been Chinese. They bought out IBM's PC division in the mid '00s, and for the first 10 years or so they made ThinkPads that were just as good as the IBM branded ones. Lenovo started going down the toilet in the mid '10s.


I don’t think Lenovo is bad, I use a gaming laptop from them and it’s amazing! Only problems I seem to have is my hardrive.

Ze Chair

Try out the ProBuds V2, another AirPods Pro knock off, but it comes with a case protector, ooooooo


Jesus, that mic LMAO


Honestly? That ending with frank, if wasn't for Frank being a sweetheart and this wasn't a Dankpods video, i would truly believe this was some analog horror type of video


does dank have a mailing address?


I don’t Think these are an actual Lenovo Product. There’s an aliexpress page that sells those and you can tell they’re just cheapo items with company logos slapped on them


Lenovo has a really large domestic market in China. These are real...


Just got a pair of those Soviet TAC-17s, those box staples are no joke!


Has anyone seen The Retro Future’s parody of DankPods yet? It’s pretty funny and an awesome tribute…




gud doogie frenk




Thanks for all the vids man, me and my fiancee just binged most of them over the course of a week and just died laughing (and wound up wanting to buy new headphones). Speaking of which, have you tried the Anker SoundCore Life Q35s? I ended up buying a pair as RTings had them as roughly on par with the Sony XM4 10000 whatever they're called over-ears and I really like them!


Love the huge airpod lol



Heikki Taivalkoski

Ok. What do you call an actual nugget? The food kind?


lenovo i'm dissappointed. Thier computers & laptops are good thought actually using one right now.


Be Frank Enter his house Leave shortly after Refuse to elaborate why Absolute chad.


I have a very strong personal grudge agains Lenovo, so no surprises here.


oh to be a snake living in an mdf box


Well then if you didn't know Lenovo bought Motorola so you can blame Motorola for it too.


Sorry I mixed up




yes plainrock


These somehow make it trough US customs, but One Plus Earbuds that look nothing like the airpods get seized on Apples orders.


I bought some devialet Gemini earbuds and they sound incredible much better than my b&w px7 but they hurt my ears to wear. I've always been obsessed with the devialet phantom speakers and wanted to try something from the company. Now I use bootleg airpods when I'm listening before bed. I still love the Gemini though.


lenovo look like they are the wish ones but pros


Lenovo released some AirPods 3 Clones already, Lovely


the real sneak peek here is seeing the size ear tips he uses on his airpods pro massive ear holes m8


i'm watching this video on a Lenovo laptop... i'm ashamed


Dude that Mic was....and this is a channel that is nothing but nuggets for christ sake


Ah, gotta love touch controls. I never get sick of turning off my headphones or putting them in pairing just because I’m trying to refit it. Or even turn the volume up, which usually only works when I’m not trying, and activate Siri or something worse still. Perfection


I love the unnecessary duck rip


yeah i remember people make fun no wire earbuds .now people copy apple


"i dont like bootleggy stuff" *entire channel is founded on bootleggy stuff*




i am currently watching this on a lenovo product


Mom, we need airpods. But sweetie, we already have them.


Ugh, So shameless. At least OnePlus tried making it different


Big companies certainly do make the worst things sometimes.


These feel like the ones kids would call someone out for but not have the proof to back it up.


I saw some Polaroid AirPod Pro knockoffs once.


I came here right after the bootleg airpods episode my God I never laughed so hard in my life when the giant airpod started squealing


My mums AirPods be like


Maybe try to put real AirPods Pro into this Lenovo case. If it charges them, you have AirPods with USBC 😹


I never thought I would be here watching an Australian man talk about bootleg headphones for only 1$ a month


I’m watching these with AirPod Pros, I feel insulted by getting bootleg-ed by out of all companies, Lenovo. At least this subscription is a 1d a month, living the life.


This is the best 1 dollar subscription I’ve ever paid for