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Burned CD's?????? wow. 


After Show: 2003 Sony Walkman CD



Hiya do you have somewhere I can by the mp3s of dankmus? Thanks




Seedeees... Nutzzz


Hey, what’s your favorite band (I spelled favorite right don’t say I didn’t)


Thank fuck for this bid, I kinda forgot that I might have to sleep outside


We still have our discman. Still working. Things were made to last back then


Wtf why would you burn a cd then you can’t listen to it


I have a Sony player from about the same year (well, actually two identical ones, it's a funny story), and some info: 1. They're much thinner than that, so much so that they use rectangular Sony rechargeables (way thinner than AAs), but you could still power them with AAs with an external "dongle" you hooked to the power port 2. The buttons will feel awful because you weren't really meant to use them. You were meant to put it in your pocket/bag, attach the remote to it, clip it to your clothing and plug the earbuds to it (which is why their cable's short and do not account for the weigh of the remote). My remotes also have an LCD and buttons for all the modes so you had no reason to use the player's controls. 3. My units do have optical out, it was more of a matter of price range than year, in fact my third player, that I found in a dumpster, didn't. 4. It beeps at you in pause, because when paused a CD keeps spinning to resume playback right away (as opposed to stopping it, which will still resume playback where you interrupted it), so this beep reminds you it's spinning the disc so you don't forget about it and kill your battery. In my units to remove it you hold stop as you insert the batteries. I'm not kidding. Luckily my MiniDisc player just has a setting on the menu. Oh yeah, I also have a MiniDisc player. B) 5. The remotes actually tended to be pretty cross-compatible within close time frames (post-2000s will almost all work with each other, even my 2004 MiniDisc player, meant to have a special remote with integrated AM/FM radio, you read that right, will happily accept my 2002 CD player remotes and even have fancy animations for when you change the sound modes.


I remember in jr. high I spent $80 on a sony disc player but it played dvd's! It used a pretty janky folder system, and if you didn't burn your dvds juuuust right it would crap out. I was so hyped about having the coolest cutting edge tech... and then ipods came out the next month.


I recently got the old discman from my dad and damn does it skip. So hoping to get an old new one. New old?


it's so wild to me that i'm 20 years old and i missed out entirely on CDs. they really are a super retro thing


This is the first time that i can say that i had one of these


Mine from childhood is a ruggedized yellow Panasonic one. It's around here somewheres in a box.


On your main channel I have a comment about my old MDR-NC10 ear buds and that weird Sony connector.


Does that power pack count as europa flavour anymore after Brexit?


Wish I knew about MP3 cd when I wanted to upgrade from my shuffle as a kid, Way cheaper than a nano.


I used to Have a sony Walkman in the 2000s 8 year old me loved Burned cds with my parents mixtapes lol


Europa flavour plug? Nope, that's UK specific. The third pin is earth. Not all appliances are earthed, but the third pin is necessary as the plugs have a safety mechanism.


Wade, that's a smoke alarm

Karen Sykora

I think Sony dropped the Discman name (and the Watchman portable TV, glorious nugget) after everyone just kept calling them Walkmans. Not even trying to meme but my most vivid portable CD player memory is listening to the Shrek soundtrack on a coach on the way to a school trip. Introduced me to John Cale that CD did, good album.


I think sony names things using the "Million monkeys bashing at typewriters" technique 😄


my sister had a walkman CD player and it blew my tiny childhood mind, then she had a Creative Zen Micro which was awesome then she got an iPod touch 1st gen and man oh man that was it I was into technology


Aw hell yeah. Now we’re getting into the stuff I had in high school. I had splurged for a Sony like that one with the batteries that work (tho still cheaper, plastic lid and all) for my beat up old Grand Marquis, connected with the cassette with the wire in it. It had *some* skip protection, but turning the skip protection on chewed through the batteries so I just drove with the player in my lap… Can you guess how that player met its grisly end?


Those batteries tho "Ah my Sorny..."


I had a later version of the Sony Discman. It was an MP3 CD player and I used to attach the control clip to my seatbelt in my 95 Honda Accord and plug in a 3.5mm to tape adapter. It even had built in batteries and an battery extension like the other model.


19-2000 brings me back to a simpler time.


I had a pair of earbuds like that and my mom pointed out that the longer end is supposed to go around the back of your neck


Back in my birth year. Fun lol


The batteries may still actually work, you've just gotta press stop to put it into charge mode because lol. Both of my minidisc players do it so it could just be something that Sony does because they're Sony.


*B E S P O K E*


I've also been getting back into physical media, but in minidisc


Come on man don’t cable shame!


D-EJ250, man they must've been naming them after Subaru engines or something


you never heard about the well known Sony Subaru collab? I thought everyone loved Sonarus XD


I was literally about to comment that you should get a early 00's model discman because those were the tits! and you said you got one in the main vid! I used to skateboard back in highschool with these suckers in my pocket and id fall all the time but the "G-Protection" kept my music from ever skipping, i beat my discmen to hell and back and they kept ticking! they were the best untill i got the legendary ZUNE's! had all of them till microsoft killed them too lol


i think the speaker is unhappy because of the water test


Wait you’re telling me that one can’t charge and play but the other one can?


fond memories dank :) I had one of those circular discmans that was not much bigger than the cd you put in it. It felt cutting edge. the remote was pretty slick but seriously... could you get more proprietary sony? People give Apple a bad rap with the lightning connector but Sony were next level with this shit, proprietary headphones, remotes, memory cards, even the PS Vita needed a custom sd (but not SD beause its Sony) card that was 4x the price of a standard SD card. Not saying I didn't buy into that shit tho as a clueless teenager! Memory stick Duo for life

Kyle Hagerty

yeah capitalism is the real evil


That cassette adapter gave me flashbacks to my first car


My grandfather has those same portable speaker. (SRS-A27)


Same here! Cool to see other people getting back into Minidiscs as well


really surprised you haven't done the mini disc yet :)


Dankpods seeing a UK plug: "Hey, it's Europa flavoured again" Me: (single tear runs down cheek) Used to be Europe...


The buds have a short cable 'cos the longer one is supposed to go around the back of your neck into the other ear. With my old play I would jam something in the door lock so it would play with it open. Then I would swap the disk while playing and with the 30 secs of antiskip cache it would keep playing and switch to the same place on the new disk. Closed I've ever felt to being a DJ.


I suspect that the batteries that still work might be NiCd rather than NiMH


The country hasn't just floated up and out of Europe, it's still part of the continent Europe, just not the European Union.

Johan Eriksson

Regarding the odd headphone plug on the dirty buds - it was a thing with Sony at the time. I had a Discman D-335 with the same typ of plug/jack in the inline remote, although it came with regular headphones. But Sony actually had a range of headphones which came with a cable with that jack so it was possible to upgrade the listening experience. But it was Sony specific (of course, this was the mid 90's) so the selection was quite slim.


That's the British plug. Or we like to call it. The most Plug looking plug.


I remember with my old diskman, I once was so bored that I did actually read the manual, and I found out you can disable the beeps on pause and on button-press by holding the stop-button while putting in the batteries. That's a feature that no-one would've ever found out without the manual.


Hey DankPods, regarding your public video, can you check if the headphone plug actually broke inside the remote??? There could be half still in there and could be the reason it's crunchy also (but also spin that dial a bunch of times to help with that) - what you pulled out looks like the inside of a broken 3.5mm jack. Might be able to pull the rest out??


I had a yellow one, can't remember the brand, but it was frikking waterproof! Didnt have shock buffer or anything... it wasnt really good... but waterproof...


Is it possible that the sexy speaker is acting up because you dunked it in water? The EFM site says it's only IPX6 rated (basically means splash resistant) and you need at least an IPX7 (if not IPX8) rating for protection from submersion.


i honestly had that same thought when he mentioned her acting up a few videos ago.


Those things were fucking loud. I had a slightly different model and if you cranked the volume using the included buds, you could lay them next to you and still hear all of the music (in even worse quality than if you put them in your ears, obviously)


I remember my psp used the same Sony specific headphone jack


oh fuck I had that exact Sony discman (the round boy) back in the day and I loved it! This is more nostalgic than I thought it'd be


Techmoan does some great videos on the mini disk Sony propriety cables. Some of them are really cool!


If you want to see the pinnacle of portable cd technology, check out the Sony D-EJ885. Only just bigger than a cd and so thin it needed special flat rectangular batteries.


They used the same remote jacks on most minidisk players of the time and there was a LOT of different remotes that weren't intercompatible


I defo remember some software i used to use like isoburn or something, used to have a button specifically for making CDR for a CD player, and it would slow down and take longer, but it would always work on any i tried.


I went back to CDs in April, honestly I love it. You can find really good CDs at Goodwill and other thrift stores for like $1, and it's fun to go hunting for them


I do not regret giving you money man your show is absolutely excellent and I'm glad to be supporting you more actively, now I am gonna go binge watch your entire behind the scenes collection and wait patiently for the next episodes.


Hell yeaaaah, that's your Sony quality right there!!! 💿 👨 💿 👨


Does that Sony play MP3s? It looks exactly like a CD MP3 player I bought back around 2003. Carrying around my entire collection was nice. Having to burn a whole new disc whenever I wanted to add a new track was not.


I had a CD Walkman back in the day. One with the screen and the controls on the front. Loved it.


The hilarious thing is that you referred on both of these devices as "charging cables". We (I'm old) always called these "power cables" because the primary purpose was to power them up when hooking them up to our existing hifi--the charging ability was just an extra benefit. Actually the batteries on this model, require you to plug it in without using the device and select the "charging" function and FULLY charge them before using (old tech!). In fact I gasped on the last video when you unplugged it before finishing charging becuase devices--ESPECIALLY from the 90s required a full charge of the battery every time, or else the battery life was severely shortened.


The headphones are uneven on purpose so that you wrap the cable around the back of your neck


spinny boi


I have the D-EJ100, got it for Christmas when it came out. Still works perfectly 😁😁


Thanks :D


HiFi Engine says that the D-475 came with MDR-E741MP earbuds (https://www.hifiengine.com/manual_library/sony/d-475.shtml) These have the Sony Microplug on them (hence MP). the non-MP MDR-E741 had a 3.5" plug and were supplied with walkmans and non-remote Discmans at the time. you'd need a PC-MP1S dongle to use standard headphones To be fair, its not like this is new for Sony. Also, Sony manuals have always been a roadmap, and continue to do so. Even something like the 40th anni walkman (essentially a small android based player in a case that looks like the first Walkman) has a roadmap


in some regions, sony sold the PC-MP1S dongle to convert old MicroPlug to 3.5mm stereo


If you like that one you should really try the Sony S2 Sports Discman, it was all metal with a metal clip and a joystick control for skipping. Incredible. It was my second CD player after my cheap one broke. I loved that thing.


If you burn the CD-R on a Mac as a “Audio CD” it should work fine in the old Discman, as they work in my AM/FM Discman from 1997!

Samuel Fout

Yeah and I had a different pair of sony buds that I loved for that reason. Sounded pretty good and I could hide them under my clothes and around my neck super easy in HS


so at 1:53 those sony headphones you called 'hideous'... well i'd have to agree BUT! I used to swear by those things for when i went jogging or biking. They WOULD. NOT. COME. OUT. and if you ever were unfortunate enough to drop your player, these could catch them with THE STRENGTH OF YOUR EARS ALONE


I had that exact same model... In Mexico it didn't included the batteries.


So uhhh... I found some headphones that look like the samsons. They're called superflux hd861.


very much looking forward to see you dive into the weird world of mini disk players XD


I'm sure I had one of this model years ago that I bought second hand and even came with the remote. It looks like the same model.


everything made by Sony has a worse name than Elon musk's child


I had a Sony Sports Discman (the D-SJ15) that lasted me all throughout high school and my undergrad before being replaced with a 1G shuffle. It came with a hand strap and everything. Of course it felt like it weighed as much as my chunky 14" iBook G3, but it was nigh indestructible. It shrugged off drops, liquid spills, being crushed under textbooks...you name it.


Not sure if anyone has mentioned this but the dirty buds' cable being so short on one earbud vs the other is actually Sony's J-Cable design thats used for exercise mp3 players and Bluetooth receivers meant to be clipped to your arm sleeve or something. The longer earbud cable is meant to wrap behind your neck for added stability when moving around. I actually use some Sony MH755s with the original J-Cable connected to a fiio Bluetooth receiver as my work earbuds!


Do they both sound the same?


gosh i miss my walkman so much! nothing like trying to fit those bad boys into a pocket or awkwardly carrying it around along with a bunch of CDs...good times


I've always found the "behind the neck" earbuds weird, like, sure, it kinda makes sense, keeps it kinda out of the way, but really? Were they that much in the way?


Soo modern


I had one of these, truly the coolest thing in er, 2010


Y'know, I bet James could whip you up an adapter with the stink plug from the old Sony remote and put a 3.5mm socket on it, so you can use normal headphones with it.


I think I had those speakers on the advertising leaflet back in 03/04


I found myself getting excited when looking at these, like they were a Christmas gift for me, because back in 2003 I asked for a cd player and got a mini 300w HiFi system that had a three cd changer instead of the portable Walkman I wanted. A step up for sure but the portability wasn't there.


Say what you want, but that skip protection is straight fire


sony ufo


My mum actually has a portable Panasonic Disc Player that looks very similar to this, with the round shape, the controls and the AA compartment under the disc.

Joe Blankenship

When I was a kid, I had that black and yellow Panasonic CD player with the the side clamps on the lid. People used to think it was waterproof because every waterproof thing was yellow in the 90s. It wasn't. It lasted me from around 6th grade up until it broke during my first year of college. I got it by saving up my dad's Marlboro Miles off his empty packs. All those miles plus $30, I got a really nice CD player. My first CD's were Michael Jackson's Dangerous and ZZ Top Greatest Hits.


I like the hard plastic case that the batteries came in. I kind of want that.


I used to have one just like that but I put it in a micro wave