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The film packs smell like chemicals. Bonus! 


After Show: I got an Instant Camera.



"Hey, it's the after show" Or the warm up for me. I end up watching this before the public vid XD


tfw aftershow comes before main show


Where is the public vid. Want to watch it in order😭😂


If you want another good Fujifilm instant camera, check the mini 90 neo. Doesn't need an app, but has more features like exposer correction, high shutter speed for fast objects, and a cool double exposure mode!


woah this is a new experience! finally catching an after show when it’s released!


one thing I’d say is to avoid the Polaroid branded cameras/film. Their new film is incredibly disappointing due to long standing quality issues that they refuse to fix.


It's basically the mini 40 but with more control over there shot


The camera is so instant that we got the video about it before the main video.


I'm curious, what ever happened to the Tooheys speaker you got from Cashies? Are you still going to pimp it out with better speakers?


A way to make it less washed out is to cover it while it is developing. I’ve noticed it allows a lot more contrast in the developed image :)


If you ever want to have a fundraiser for anything, you could always auction off your photography. That is some classic stuff there.


As a Polaroid guy I loath those instax cameras 😂😂😂😂


Damn. This brings backs many memories


I love my instax mini 90. It's got a few extra features like extra modes including double exposure, a tripod mount, and auto ejecting the plastic cover when you put in a new film cartrige. That being said, it has its own proprietary battery, so it's definitely not better in every way. It really is addictive to start buying the cameras and doing instant photography again. It's like my early childhood all over again.


He actually said "double a" instead of "AA!" Im impressed and disappointed at the same time


My dad got me a Kodak Trimprint™ instant camera when I was a kid. I think I was able to use it like 3 months before Polaroid sued the bajesus out of Kodak.


ha ha ha ha ha ha, a dollar a photo laughs in 4x5/10x8 large format at roughly 10-15 uk POUNDS A PHOTO


i want one now


I’m doing the thing.


as a large format and 120 photo guy, i laugh at how small it is


I just bought myself a Fuji instant camera with 27 exposures after looking at a bunch of old photos recovered from a flood damaged basement and I’m going to use it to take some vintage style images. Have fun with the Instax Dank. Hope to see Shrek in one of them.


i have their printer. Not as cool, but you can center your pictures and use it to print out overpriced business cards


Here mate, dunno if you know this but craig are still making stuff


The fact that instax mini 40 is written in comic sans is seriously breaking my zen


Love that you made a video talking about Instax! I'm a huge fan of the OG polaroids themselves; the films are more expensive but the image quality is heaps better (on account of the exposed area being so much larger than the fuji films) and you can get proper vintage ones on sites other than Ebay (although I did get a fair few Polaroids on there) instead of buying a refurbished one on the official Polaroid site. Would strongly recommend them if you were thinking of going down this path a wee bit more!

Charlie Markley

Ah yes the good ol' parallax error, ruining photos since, I don't know like, the 1910's.


Go check out Ben over at "In An Instant" on YouTube. One of my favorite instant film YouTube channels. I own quite a few Polaroid Cameras, my oldest working one is from 1974-ish "SX-70 Sonar" (yes it uses sonar for auto focus) and that boi has traveled the world with me, even all the way to Australia back in Jan 2019. My oldest Polaroid Camera is from the 1940s, it works kinda but no film is sold for it anymore. I have some of the newer Polaroid cameras too, the most recent one being a "Polaroid Go", tiny little nugget and I love it. It is indeed an expensive hobby, but I have taken some of my most favorite photos on these instant Cameras, and because film is so expensive it really does make you think more about a shot before taking it.


Yeah, instant cameras don’t really do parallax correction (the viewfinder and frame lines issue you mentioned) all that well. The only ones I know of with that are a couple of high end ones that cost close to $1000 U.S. and a few of the really old peel apart roll film Polaroids of the 1950s and 1960s. The Polaroid SX-70 and its variations also don’t have to worry about that because they are SLR cameras, so what you see is what you get. But still, cool camera, nice photos and thanks for talking about your dive into instant photography!


its like the same appeal as lofi music.... just a good time


My sister has one of these from Polaroid and she loves it.


what do i have to do to get that polaroid of your setup dank :)


You're selling yourself short. You should have called that one you took while walking "Life in Motion, part 4" What happened to the other 3 parts? Well that's the mystery


next up, an aftershow filmed in stop motion using the instax

Nuno Campos

So much memories with one of those kind. I have a map of Portugal that's being built with pictures like that. Big errand but is going


No pic of Frank? *Sad Aussie sounds*


Videos like this are the exact reason why I pay this dollaryoo. You're so unapologetically fascinated and hyped by the stuff you're talking about it's just pure joy to listen to you. But we didn't see Frank at the end of the video so I have to say GARBAGE!

Peter Shillito

I totally get you on the tactile stuff. Having something physical to hand is great. I did look into instant cameras like that, but they seemed a bit pricy. Instead, I went full nerd and hooked up a receipt printer to a Raspberry Pi and got it to automatically print every photo I take with my phone. After being on a trip, I come home to a roll of questionably dithered photos and it's amusing seeing which ones came out well and which ones are garbage.


Any chance you'll ever turn on Clips for your public videos? The memes people could make.


You should have named this episone After Shot instead of Show :)


I can't wait to get a polaroid camera I think they're so cool. But i'm focusing on 35mm film right now, testing new waters with that


Boi, polaroids are awesome! The only downside imo is that the cartridges are a bit hard to find tho. I have a One Step SX-70, the classic with the rainbow sticker.


I've been tempted to get a polaroid before, but the crappy quality puts me off. I have an old film camera which I should use more, there's something extra delightful about film.


I see Patreon uploads faster than I see Youtube subscriptions, so the after show is literally my notification for there being a new main channel video. Hahha.


Instax Square is a good middle ground between color quality and picture size, IMHO. neither beats 35mm, though.


Keep it up


Hey, what a coincidence, I just got an instax square film camera and also had lots of fun with it so far!


Used to call those Polaroids




I'd love to see more of this! Keep getting more of these!


I'm a hobby photographer with 35mm film, I'd love to dip my toes into polaroid/instax as I may have access to an older camera. but give 35mm a try. incredible quality and just lots of fun.


Jvc ha-nc250 will blow u mind


yo instax owner here! The viewfinder is only for roughly lining up the photo. You might notice that the viewfinder doesn't actually go through the lens like it does on a DSLR, but is instead just a plastic porthole through the camera. I don't know about the actual fuji ones, but mine (made by lomography and uses the fuji film cartridges) has a some markings in the viewfinder that sort of simulate out the edges of the photo being taken. Anyways hope you enjoy the camera! They're super fun for little photoshoots and at parties


Didn't know I had to turn it on! I'll defs figure it out when I find the time Frank has wasted


I got a vintage 1992 Polaroid. Love it.


Actually, as a photographer, I can say these pictures you took are not half bad. Some of them are exhibition material. (I am not joking. 😄)


I hope you went back and grabbed that office carpet. That would look cool somewhere in the warehouse.


The amount of rubbish on your 2 minute walk screams Davo park 🤣🤣


I buy it for my wedding :D guest had something fun to do :D


Me and my Girlfriend actually want to get some Cameras aswell, me personally I want the Canon F1 while my girlfriend wants a Polaroid instant camera


I got myself a small portable hp printer to get stuff out that I shot with my phone, I prefer it that way, relatively the same size but the technology is different and it's much less "vintage"

Mattis. Probably.

Personally I would love to own (or even just hold for that matter) a Nikon F2. It's such a beautiful camera :)

Mattis. Probably.

You say you don't want one with Bluetooth because you are afraid of it losing software support, yet I would be more worried about those companies stopping the production of the film for the instant cameras 😅


Oh hell yeah weird cameras are the best, I've got a bit of a collection going of odd film cameras and stuff like the 110 freaks I have are just absolute blasts to shoot on even if the photos look like ass 90% of the time. I've got an old Polaroid too that I keep meaning to use but finding film and battery packs for them seems to be stupid hard, some listings say the new packs work in old cameras and others don't, so I've never felt comfortable getting film for it.


Techmoan has done some of these, might be worth a look at his videos


Love instant cams! I bring them to photo meetups in my area (cause i find them boring) and it’s a great way to make it fun while everyone else is using their pro cameras. Not that I don’t love my Panasonic… shes my baby


I'm surprised you didn't talk about how the photos are vertical.


No photo of Frank, I am disappointed


I’ve actually been doing a project where I take a Polaroid a day for a year! Highly recommend getting an actual Polaroid brand one, the pics are bigger and they’re just neat to mess around with!


You make Australia look like Brazil with the pictures you take, not sure how to feel about that


I got an instax camera off of my uncle for my birthday last year! I made the mistake of trying to take a photo on the plastic cover.. huge diappointment


I love it.


I've always wanted an instant camera. They have a great novelty to them, but there's something about the looks of the pictures that's just nostalgic and charming.


These pictures aren't even bad, which makes it even more funny


so bunch of discarded property pics😂


I've had my Instax Mini 90 Neo Classic for about half a year and I enjoy it. I don't shoot it near as much as 35mm because of the cost per picture, but I brought it on my vacation with friends and it was so much fun!


I must say, the best way to make memories on my vacations is the duo Instax + Instagram Stories. It's nice to hang them on the wall and just pass by.

Stephen Greer

I got into Polaroid 600s again myself


I just became a patron I freaking love this channel


Uhh... I just found this gem. https://poshmark.com/listing/MP3-Shower-Radio-Amplifier-splash-proof-FM-NEW-5eeaa4b767bd9117a2108391


Just found some Craigs hanging out at big lots here in the US


You said you have a Ute?? Like a Holden Ute? If so I love those they never brought them to the states but I want one so bad lol. Can you show use the Ute in a video please. Love your videos bro!


the film looks like amogus


Oh, man. I’m old enough that Polaroids were totally a thing during my childhood (idk if they still make the film, but if so, get an old Polaroid. They made the best clunking-wizzing noises, and they folded open with a big ass lightbulb on top… very steampunk. And you had to shake the picture after!) My sister has boxes and boxes of vaguely blurry pictures of red-eyed people in these square photos with the thick white border on the bottom that held all the chemicals. Here in the US, at least, it was pretty much just Polaroid for instant cameras, so much that “Polaroid” just meant an instant photo.


Just an FYI, if the “Viewfinder” isn’t actually going through the camera lens, thus leading to an inaccurate representation of your centering, then it’s a rangefinder.


If you looking for a topic for a video I would check out Sonos speakers, I have a few in my house and I love the way they sound, I’d like to hear a comparison between them and your high end speakers in your setup, just a thought!


Awesome! There was a time where Kodak weren’t making instant film (I wasn’t happy with Impossible Project film) and I considered the Instax mini photos too small. I bought an “Instax wide” camera and the photos are twice the size of the Instax mini photos. I still have and use it.


No photos of Frank?


We want frank!


The only cameras where you can center the shot with the view finder are mirror reflex cameras. The viewfinder goes down a couple of mirrors and lets you see though the lens. While cameras like these have one that is away from the lens, so it's more tricky to get it centered correctly.

Michael Pollart

I know this doesn’t have anything to do with this vid, but as a drummer, have you tried the “noise cancelling” Vic Firth headphones?

Mr AngryFatMan

You need to find a cassette to 3.5mm adapter to play scarlet fire through to the Craig cassette player


put the pictures of the desk on ebay


Can we get an aftershow one day going over your mic setup?


this is the first piece of old tech ive been pretty interested in, i mean he was handling them like collectible cards


G'day DankPods! Love your stuff! Been watching for a while now. I'm an announcer at a radio station in Sydney NSW, If you're interested, I'd love to get you on air for an Interview!


And I instantly got more than I payed for.


theres dudes on tiktok going on carmeets with that camera just to give the pics to the car owner


Accidentally using the rule of thirds and taking better pics by not figuring out the viewfinder is trademark dank


I unironically love some of those photos tbh lol


Local Boi discovers art: a retrospective. Fuck I do love film photography though, Love my Instax wide, love my 1980's Soviet nugget cameras and the 1960's Japanese cameras that have more and better features, Whole-heartedly agree that humans are just fancy monkeys who love shiny things

Brandon Robinson

Yes! I was looking for someone who mentioned this! I always flip mine over immediately onto a flat surface or put them in a loose jacket pocket to develop, the colors are always deeper and less washed out!


Looks like a kodak ektra (derogatory)


Look up the camera company "Mint cameras" they do very nice instant cameras


Techmoan did a video on this camera


This after show reminds me of the camera reviews that Lazy Game Reviews does. He normally takes pictures of things that could be mistaken for the time period the camera was made in. So old cars in alley ways for example.


The film for those is ridiculously cheap in asia but stupid expensive here.


Yup, those come out pretty expensive here as well where I live in South America


You should take a look at fully mechanical film cameras that doesn’t use electricity at all!


Some of the photos of junk are actually kinda nice


lmao i used that exact same sad piano youtube free music track for a video i made a while back


You didn't take a photo of Frank with that camera? For shame, DankPods. For shame.


If you want to have real fun, find an old Fuji Construction Camera. The photos it takes are wild, blues become over saturated, everything else is a bit under saturated, and it's just beautiful.


Something about that TV picture makes me think it would be an album cover in like 2002


Man, lots of these feel like an Indie rock band cover. that first one with the TV i'd seriously hang on my wall too. nice lookin photo!


Ive been a photographer for over 7 years mate and i mostly shoot film 35mm or 120 and i occasionally use Polaroids as actual parts of my work there great. photography can be very experimental or conceptual. its not about the perfect exposure or the best lens art is objective. theres alot more that i can say here but im tired as and i dont wanna waste peoples time.


I'm sure someone else has said already, but the issue with not getting everything you saw in the viewfinder is what is known as "parallax error". The closer you get, the more incorrect the viewfinder gets. This is because the viewfinder doesn't have the same vantage point as the lens. Many old point and shoot cameras would have 2 sets of framelines with one set being intended to use for close up photos. If you have a REALLY fancy camera then the viewfinder will be mechanically linked to the focus and shift automatically to a parallax corrected view when necessary.


those pictures were a bit over exposed, the camera is probably set up for impromptu indoor shots with sub optimal lighting. parties, family gatherings, and holidays. like how most people use cameras.


Super cool! I'm now inspired to use my instax camera from goodwill and I'll finally waste all that fim! also in USD it's still a dollar a photo :( wish it was 10 cents


ahh, watching this vid as a working photographer and also a old camera junk collector makes me happy


this makes me want one, but i need friend first