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An old fire of ours has to come back into play. The writing pledge is relevant this month. We've had a lot of difficulties getting people in to record given the current circumstances so to keep things afloat I'm afraid we have to turn to the writing pledge instead. Those of you who were here a long time ago might remember the idea; a single paid post outline what we've worked on, which accounts for the production hours that don't go into recording or editing. We avoid doing them except when absolutely necessary as we prefer content posts but the situation is as it is. We don't plan to bring them back again in the following months however and will only present you with content.

Along with the recording difficulties an expensive piece of our recording equipment also broke, leading to $400 on the spot to replace it. This 

In any case, here's an overview of what we've been doing on the production side of things over the last month:

During this month while editing wasn't happening we drafted the outline for the rest of the series of UBW, and began making progress on scripting it. Though our goal of finishing UBW:A in 2020 now seems unlikely (who could have guessed the world would end?) we're still going to proceed as if that was our goal. We also drafted several episodes of Inuyasha and have begun making solid progress on the finalized scripts for those as well, despite our lead actor being unable to record until the quarantine lifts and he can cross the border.

Things are much more on track now. After a month dealing with the quarantine and making sure proper precautions are taken we've reached a point where the remaining actors are comfortable coming in to record so long as the space is kept sanitary (which is is regardless). We wanted to make sure we waited long enough that if things got worse suddenly we weren't in a bad spot. 

Things are, ultimately, back on track. As much as they can be. This month hasn't been great for us in terms of editing and recording but we're dedicated to making it through this and keeping the channel going ESPECIALLY in this period when we know people want content more than ever. We want to help you guys through this as best we can, in any way we can.

Stay strong everyone. Remember, you're enough!



A global pandemic has hit the world. Times are uncertain and nothing is the same. I think everyone understands a lack of voice work and content posts. Hit us with em writing pledges as they're needed

Tony Cooper

Still not sure what a writing pledge is, but the world is crazy right now, and we understand things are off track. Sorry to hear what happened, but keep up the awesome work :D


It is 100% understandable that things are difficult right now in terms of getting stuff done, both on a practical and emotional level.


It makes sense at the end of the day without scripting the shows would not be what they are.


You guys are awesome don't give up . Don't worry about stuff too much life is life and the fambase understands that. we support you whatever happens.


My understanding is that the Patreon works on a per-post basis. Traditionally they would only claim money from Patrons for posts with actual content. Episodes, previews, recording streams etc. No new content, no Patron money, no income. The 'writing pledge' seems to me to be what they call it when circumstances force them to make a paid post with no 'content', it's their word that while there's nothing to show for it right now, they are still working on pre-production stuff. Which is sweet of them. I've got a non-zero number of Patreon..ees? That just have it set to pay monthly and provide No explanation when they just stop making the thing!


Keep doing what you're doing. Y'all seem like a bunch of good eggs, so I have no doubts you crazy workaholics are finding as much as you can do to keep moving forward even if we can't see it right now!


This is correct. It's when what we're making the post for doesn't translate into something we can physically show people, like writing hours, investing in getting things made outside our circle, etc.