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Today an old design turned 180 degrees around and became a new chapter in the Age of the Down's lore. The chapter about Arrach-Ray's origin.

To give some more meaning to the terms I'll use in the future: Arrach-Ray are a synthetic race to which Rahhar belongs to. They got their metal appearance after a virus, which made their joints to multiply with each new generation, struck the Cradle - a facility which autonomously produced(ing) Arrach-Ray to fulfill a specific role in their pre-designated society. That includes everyone from cleaning personnel to leaders and everyone in between, as all information is written in their serial numbers.

Name of their home planet is Raachmaray. The planet's core is made of a unique and precious metal, called Acmirazidium, from which Arrach-Ray are making their spaceships and pretty much everything else, including their own new metal bodies after a pact with Ksedasses. 

To deal with the virus Ksedasses offered Arrach-Ray help with studying the virus and came to the conclusion that the most viable option will be to operate each individual, after one comes from the Cradle mutilated by the virus, remove the vital organs and plant them into a specifically made bodies from the said metal, which is also highly conductive and can change state of being and merge with one another, as well as split if need be with no damage caused to the initial structure.

Arrach-Ray's bodies can be fed only by an electric charge equivalent to a lightning strike.

Weather on the surface of Raachmaray is 99% of thunderstorms, with occasional clear spots scattered all across the planet's surface.

Now back to the creature at hand, - in the past called the Night Wanderer and now - the Rayach, - a race of semi-intelligent creatures that dwells under the surface of Raachmaray, and from which, at the dawn of times, the DNA has been taken to create the electrically conductive liquid which runs through the bodies of all Arrach-Ray till now.

(Also added the old work from the 2011)
