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Hello Everyone!

I am sorry for such a long absence from the VAM scene.  Life is very busy at the moment and I've not had alot of spare time to work on E-Motion or my other plugins, but I have been doing little bits here and there!

Before I release this version fully, I need to figure out and get it working as a VAR so I can put it on the hub, and I've not had much luck in that regard, but I didn't want to leave it any longer without giving you something to play with :D

E-Motion 1.8.1 Updates

Fixed issue with scenes losing 'target' when loaded.  You will need to resave existing scenes for this fix to apply, old scenes will still drop the target until resaved.
Fixed issue with eye tracking causing flickering
Fixed issue with morphs not being detected causing the script to freeze
Improved target selection when at high angles
Improved some facial animations
Added support for MalMorality and VAMTimbo's custom smile morphs (optional)
Added 'Custom Physics Weight' under 'Look settings' to allow you to control the physical weight of body parts
Added the ability to override the randomised points to objects in the room. Call any object one of the following names to override the random point with the objects position : EMObjectLeft, EMObjectRight, EMObjectUp, EMObjectForward
Lots of little bug fixes and improvements

Hand Animator Updates

Added hand pose for Pelvis region, upper thighs, side abs
Added ability for the plugin to react to a second person (to allow touching another person)
Fixes and improvements to hand poses thanks to VAMTimbo's feedback

Also included in the ZIP are the following scripts of mine :
BVH Player - Advanced version of the BVH player with hundreds of extra options
Bulger - Independant belly and throat bulging script
LightPoint - Attach to a light to have it always point at a persons chest
LightPointHead - Same as above but points at the head

Once I get the VAR working properly, I will do a proper changelist and new set of instructions to cover the new features.   




Ted Ee

Yeah, what he said! ^^^^^


Best plugin in VAM, keep up the good work m8!