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E-Motion has finally made it onto the HUB!  Not much changed from the 1.8 test released a month back.

Updates / Fixes :

Fixes to Gaze and Glancing systems that caused the head to dip alot

Fixes to Gaze and Glancing eye control to make it less erratic

Overall Gaze head movement smoothened and made a bit less jerky

Lots of little code fixes and tweaks

I will be working on getting a WIKI setup for E-Motion to make learning the thing a little easier! I'll keep you posted ;D




I am having some problems with eye control, that I didn't have with the last version. I am setting the plugin to have one model look at another, but it seems like the model is not within the field of view. Can you tell me what parameters control this?


Under Distances and Angles there are two sets of angle controls. The first is what her perception is, which is used for deciding whats interesting and whats not (look direct, peripheral etc) and the second set are maximum angle deviation of the head. Mess with these

George Hayduke

OK, I have D.va, but its what you did to her that I'm interested in, can you please post the look as it appears in the video? or at least tell us what assets you used to create it?