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I participated in a 30 day Pitch Challenge and, to be honest, I felt like I failed it. I realized that I wasn't ready to make a BIG PITCH to a LOT OF PEOPLE (not, like, emotionally unprepared but literally lacking the needed materials.)

BUT a guy on Model Mayhem just offered me a job as a shot girl and, following the advice of the woman running the challenge (Jen Dziura of Get Bullish, she is amazing.) I turned it around to pitch his marketing company a burlesque themed event.

I don't know if it'll come to anything but it felt more productive than just ignoring him or agonizing over whether I should or shouldn't take a $25 and hour job I don't really want, which is what I would normally do.


(No title)


Jack MacCarthy

YES SO MUCH THIS. I loved that part of the challenge: turning other people's asks into your own pitch. I feel like most of us (me included) felt like we "failed" the 30 day challenge, but I think the point was actually not to follow it to the letter but to adjust to a new way of thinking. Which I think I ultimately did, and it sounds like you did too!! Hooray!

Mary Cyn

Yay! I'm so glad I'm not the only person who felt this way! And, yeah, I don't think I met the end goal of the program (if there was a specific one) but I definitely learned a lot and have managed to implement some of it!