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Good news.
For current subscribers the current prices and rewards will remain the same. I managed to 'unpublish' the Warg and Minotaur tiers, which apparently keeps all current members active with the same rewards as before.

Please note that if you unsubscribe you will not be able to subscribe again to the old 'minotaur' and 'warg' as these have been 'unpublished', or essentially retired.

I also bumped up the price of the new Warg and Minotaur tiers by 1 dollar to keep up with inflation etc. Also the new Warg and Minotaur tiers only offer access to the current game in development (RoB atm) and not the whole catalogue of older games. This will not affect current subscribers.

Hope that all makes sense. Thanks for understanding. And thanks to those of you who pointed out to me that it was possible to unpublish the tiers and keep everyone on the current plan.