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Sorry guys again every time I think I'm feeling better I end up sick again 😟 So we're gonna try again this week to get through these episodes.



Everyone’s passion for this channel and their favorite shows is clear. Of course we would all love the episodes when we want them. But this is her channel after all and she’s going to upload as she sees fit. If it’s not working out for you, please accept it and move on. I think it says a lot about the work you’re putting out if people are saying you are in high-demand. So keep it up Sofie! 👍🏻 the rest of us will patiently wait..

Jennifer Clark

Clever...I never thought of that. I hate doing it, but I do prefer binging. At least on OUAT. Maybe I will just downgrade until I can get several to watch. I really hate feeling that way, especially when I have done the very same thing with my own Youtube live streams. It just seemed like SOOO many other shows were going up but not the one I was waiting for, or it got delayed, and then again. BUT on a good note, I now have 2 eps to watch...

Melanie Vine

Hi Sophie, you posted that Stranger Things would be posted Sunday, do you mean in a weeks time?


I’m working on it. It’s taking me time to edit cause i accidentally deleted the recording screen of the episode. So I’m trying to sync the videos 😩