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Look for the Light

Joel and Ellie arrive at the Firefly's base, but learn that they have to make one last sacrifice.

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Kevin Cleary

The actress who played Ellie's mom, Ashley Johnson, voices Ellie in the video games. Also, the actress who played Marlene, Merle Dandridge, voiced the video game version of Marlene as well.

Henry Sowell

I'm sure there's a lot of debate about whether or not Joel was in the right, but I'm 100% on his side for a couple of reasons: 1. Hypothetically, even if the Fireflies could create a cure, how would they be able to distribute it? Mass production and mass distribution don't exist in this universe, which means the only ones who would even have access to the cure would be the Fireflies and any other groups they trade with. 2. In the present-day, we have not seen the infected since Episode 5 (there was an infected in Episode 7, but that was a flashback.) This seems to suggest there are large chunks of the country where the infected aren't even an issue. 3. Humans, like the raiders and the group we saw in Episode 8, seem to present more of a threat than the infected do. Coming up with a cure is not going to magically restore society and prevent people like that from existing. Would it be nice to have a cure? Yes, absolutely. However, Marlene's reasoning near the end ("She lives in a broken world that you could have saved") is nonsense because the cure can't fix this broken world.

Mark Johnson

I am 100% on Joel's side without any confliction whatsoever for several reasons. 1. You don't murder and dissect a 13 year old girl because one doctor says I "think" it "might" be a cure. 2. Marlene wasn't trying to save the "world" she was trying to save the fireflys. If she really wanted to save the world she would have used Ellie to broker a truce with fedra. Ellie was in the perfect position to do so since she had been inside of fedra since she was a baby. Also this shows that Marlene must have known that there were some decent people in fedra or why would she think Ellie would be safe there. Fedra would have been able to get Ellie to the best medical facilities left in that world in relative safety, plus they are the only group in that world that had the capability to mass produce a cure if one could be found. Instead Marlene decides to turn Ellie to a cold blooded killer to smuggle her across an infected wasteland for payment. This says to me Marlene wasn't interested to find a cure unless she could control it. She wanted the fireflys to be the sole decider of who got the cure and who didn't. She would rather let Ellie die and the cure with her rather that let fedra get it. To me this removes any moral high ground from Marlene's actions and makes her no better that any other raider group roaming the wasteland.

Mark Johnson

Also I have seen several medical experts comment on this show since it aired, and they all agree that while Ellie might very well be the key to the cure; how the fireflys were going about it had a near zero chance of success. One Neurologist even pointed out in an interview that what ever chemical "messengers" that they found in Ellie's brain would also almost certainly be also found in her spinal fluid which could be extracted without harming her.


I am on Joel's side simply because I'm selfish and wouldn't want someone I love as a daughter to die. As for people applying real-world medicine and logic to a show about infected, I think it diminishes the moral dilemma. The creators confirmed that the cure would have worked and I like that, obviously the creators aren't medical experts. But by confirming that it would have worked makes the impact and the choice Joel made better. It shows just how much Ellie means to Joel and that's exactly what this show is about.

Alyssa Dyson

This episode is the most heartbreaking of the whole series for me for many different reasons I cant go into. 😩

Henry Sowell

Good points. Like you, I don't think Marlene was as benevolent as she made herself out to be, I think she just wanted the cure as a bargaining chip to increase the status/power of the Fireflies.


Not sure what season 2 will be about Joel has opened up so his story arc has been fulfilled. Ellie has come to terms with not being able to save any one but Joel. Do the Fireflies hunt them down & destroy the town were Tommy lives?


I’m not so sure I agree with that ending. Not just the lie. But the murders to create the lie. I understand Joel’s perspective. I do. He didn’t have much faith in humanity anymore. All the betrayals. The only thing he cared about was his personal emotional bonds. As he always did. And especially because Ellie sacrificed everything to save his life. It made sense that he chose the selfish route over the greater good route. But - imagine the scenario for yourself. You have one chance to save humanity but had to sacrifice one child to have it. I know what my decision would be. My decision would be the same as Marlene’s. As hard as it may be, saving you and your own does not compare to saving the human race. And what makes it worse is Ellie would agree. I don’t know. Maybe my decision would have been different before COVID. Maybe I would have agreed with Joel instead. But all I know is how I feel right now. People lose people all the time. And we have to let go and move on. It’s just a part of life. Joel couldn’t let go. And he clearly never could. He learned nothing.


If they go in the route of the second game then I don’t think many will watch Season 2. But I know I will.