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Cordelia must help Angel rediscover his conviction to be a hero; security is sent to keep an eye on Eve, but it is her partner who is plotting Angel's demise.

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I had heard the reason they didn't bring Cordelia back as a regular in the final season was because Spike. Apparently they didn't have enough money to pay both James and Charisma. And Joss had to have Spike because as Joss was debating with the network as to whether they would renew Angel for season 5 or not, Joss got them to agree by promising to get Spike in the show.

Jonathan Hall

I never realized this was the 100th episode. But man, what a good one for the 100th. Cordelia, Doyle, and Lindsey all remembered. And Cordy gets to go out like a bad ass.

Jonathan Hall

Yeah that was actually James's theory. James said he negotiated for a huge increase in pay to play Spike on Angel. He thinks he asked for so much they had to cut somewhere else so they cut Charisma sadly. That's just his speculation in hindsight.

Adam Worthington

Oh, this episode always breaks my heart! So bittersweet. As much as I hate Cordelia dying there is no other way as she wouldn’t be anywhere else but by Angel’s side. She’s the Yin to his Yang! I love that her last act was to give him a goodbye kiss… farewell sweet Cordy! 😭

Phoenix Dawn

Love this episode but I have never been Cangel fan. Like, for me they were very platonic for over 2 seasons and all of a sudden "omg, I love you"...I never liked that. You can have deep connection and still be friends. I have friends that I have amazingly deep connection with and I am not romantically involved with them...But yeah, Season 4 killed Cordy in many more ways than one...so, this was a great send of given the circumstances. I am glad she is not part of the team this season though. Wolfram n Hart storyline would not at all work with her being there.