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The Kindness of Strangers

As pressing matters rage in New Orleans, the Mikaelson siblings must work together to escape a "chambre de chasse."

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Alyssa Dyson

This episode always gets me. Daniel's acting breaks me every time.


This episode breaks me even more every time I watch it... And I have A LOT to say about it... Kol and Elijah's talk is where I'll start because that broke me! The way Kol said that the important thing is that he got Davina back, and not everyone is so lucky. The way he was looking at Elijah! It hurt him to know that when Elijah eventually got his memories back, he'd be left in a world without the woman he loves. And you can tell that he's kinda forgiven Elijah and Freya for killing Davina too. Like, I think part of him will always be angry and hurt by it, but having her back definitely helps. Then Marcel and Elijah's talk too. Ouchies! Marcel bringing up the time Elijah killed him. (Gotta say, Kol and Marcel were doing a WONDERFUL job at making Elijah WANT his memories back with these stories. Killing his brothers girlfriend, killing Marcel... Real fun memories!) But also talking about Elijah teaching him to play piano and stuff. And then Elijah slipping up and calling him Marcellus on instinct. I LOVE that moment. It's just so natural for him to call him by his full name. Especially when he's frustrated by him. The big scene between mostly Klaus and Elijah, but with Kol and Rebekah there too. With Klaus just basically breaking and admitting that he hates this Elijah not just because of what happened with Hayley, but because he killed his brother. And Kol saying "We all make each other miserable" just that confirmation that despite everything, he loves them all so much. And Rebekah breaking down Hayley and Elijah's relationship and why Klaus didn't try to break them up. It was SO REAL. It makes so much sense. Elijah and Hayley's relationship almost made him feel secure. Like, he had a few moments at the beginning where he was insecure about them, thinking that his child would grow up to consider Elijah her father and all that, but he came around pretty quickly. And Elijah in that scene BREAKS ME! Him denying he's their brother, saying it sounds like he makes them all miserable, wondering if they even want him back (little bit of insecurity crept in there, I think...) and what HE said about his relationship with Hayley. Aagh! I totally get it! It's not too far fetched that he'd fall for Hayley out of some twisted obligation. But that's NOT what happened. He genuinely loved her. Then the scenes in the white corridor... First, I love that Kol is so quick to leave stating he's got other places to be, and yet when he wakes up in the real world, he STAYS. He doesn't just instantly leave, he doesn't go right back to Davina (who, btw, was probably really worried about him...) he waits for the rest of his family to wake up too. Same with Marcel. He doesn't rush off to who knows where, he sticks around and waits for the others to wake up. (Rebekah of course does the same, but it's Rebekah. She wouldn't leave before Klaus and Elijah woke...) But yeah, Klaus shouting "It's just a door, Elijah! Open it!" IS hilarious... Poor Elijah! I love Rebekah convincing Klaus to help Elijah. Her talking about their Mother before she turned them. When she was a loving Mother (who still, ya know, suppressed Klaus' werewolf side to hide her infidelity from Mikael and allowed him to abuse his children...) and all that, and how she felt when she learned Klaus killed her. Then Klaus assuring her they'd both be out shortly and her leaving. Then Klaus telling Elijah that he hates him for killing his brother and letting Hayley die, but then also saying that Elijah can't do it alone and needs him, and explaining the real reason Elijah loved Hayley. How he talks about her believing in something better for them, fighting for them when they couldn't. Then the way Elijah looks to Klaus right before they run through the door. He looked at him kinda for assurance, I think. That he wasn't alone and that it'd be okay. Then them running through the door together. And then we get to absolute HEARTBREAK! God, that scene always gets me! It hurts so much. Getting all these flashes of Elijah's life over a thousand years, then him opening his eyes. And you can just see it in his eyes instantly. Then as he's getting up, we get the moments of him and Hayley. And then he just loses his ability to stand and falls onto the bench. And he just breaks. It is HORRIFYING! We've seen Elijah cry before, right before Hayley's wedding, after he killed Marcel, when Kol and Finn were dying. But NEVER like this. It's always silent and as controlled as he can keep it. Here he was literally struggling to breathe, he was sobbing, he was just breaking down. And everyone's reactions to it were just as heartwrenching! Marcel looking away, Rebekah starting to cry, KOL also starting to cry, and Klaus just looks so upset. None of them wanted this. They were all kinda trying to prepare themselves for when Elijah got his memories back and realised what he'd done, but none of them were prepared for that. Elijah has always been the strong one who put his feelings aside so the rest of his family can express their own. But in this moment he just couldn't do it anymore. He had not only just remembered everything he loved about Hayley and realised he could've saved her, but he also was just hit with EVERY. SINGLE. MEMORY. of his 1000 year long life at the same time. All the pain he's been through in that time. All of it. All the guilt for everything that's happened over 1000 years. All the guilt over not saving Hayley. And all the guilt of everything he said to his family. (I said last episode that it kinda reminds me of when characters turn their humanity off. This does more so. Just feeling it all at once, feeling the pain that caused you to turn it off, as well as the guilt for everything you did while it was off.) Then that moment between Klaus and Elijah in the Church. How it starts with Elijah just sitting there alone, clearly still not okay but trying to pull himself together. Then Klaus just coming in and sitting beside him. Then giving him his blood to save Antoinette. He wasn't going to let her die. Not after Elijah got his memories back and would have to go through two lots of grief at the same time. And him telling him that if he wanted to be with Antoinette, he should. Agh! My heart! He was setting him free! THEN AS HE'S WALKING AWAY AND ELIJAH CALLS HIM "NIKLAUS!" AAAGH! And the look on Klaus' face as they just stare at each other for a moment before he leaves. I will say it a million times. Klaus' name MEANS SO MUCH. Klaus is what most people call him. It's a name that sets fear into people. It's the name he chooses to go by. Nik is what his younger siblings call him. It's affectionate and short and just cute. Other people have called him that too though. Lucien, Aurora, Genevieve, even Stefan in the 20's. (And Freya did once, but it felt so wrong! Haha) But Niklaus is his full name. He said back in S2 to Esther in Cassie's body "You use my full name, as though we are familiars." His parents call him that, and his elder siblings call him that. His younger siblings do too. And mostly people who are older or more proper. But Elijah calling him Niklaus just means so much, I think. It almost feels like a term of endearment. (Same with Freya.) He's just gone 7 years without hearing his brother use his full name. He was just Klaus to him, the brother he didn't want or like or know. Then he's got his memories back and he's Niklaus again and it just means so much. It's just a moment of "Yes, this is Elijah. This is Elijah and Klaus." THE "FORGIVE ME"! AAAGH! Elijah saying "forgive me" is so painful. He's got so many issues. The Klaus and Hayley stuff hurt so much too! First the flashback of Klaus taking Hayley home for the first time. With her saying she wants to believe the baby means something to him, and asking him not to let them down. Then them naming Hope! ("Katherine" "God no" HAHAHAHA Okay, but like, Katherine is kinda part of why Hope was even conceived. The reason Klaus was protecting Hayley in TVD was because he wanted her to give him information on Katherine. Then BAM! They had sex... Haha) And Klaus choosing Andrea as the middle name after Hayley! So cute! And Klaus apologising for the fact that Hope's beginning was so violent, and Hayley saying it wasn't his fault and that she knows he fought for them. THEN THE PHONE CALL! Ouch! That hurt! Hayley just wanting to fix Klaus and Hope's relationship. Her asking "since when does this family give up on each other?" and Klaus' response being that she's not a Mikaelson and that she escaped them. IT HURTS! Hayley will always be a Mikaelson. She fought for that family more than anyone. She earned her place in that family. And she is proud of that. But Klaus sees it as a good thing for her NOT to be. Then Hayley saying she's not giving up on him and Klaus hanging up then it revealing that there was a dead girl in his bed who he had killed and the look on his face. That was such a sad moment. It felt like he felt guilty for having a dead person in the room while having that conversation. Like, Hayley saying she's not going to give up on him, not knowing about the dead girl in his bed. SO PAINFUL! And then the letters. Klaus reading those letters. Joseph talked about filming that scene actually. He said it was a really tough one for him because of how uncontrolled it was. Usually when Klaus cries, there's a certain control to it, but here (like Elijah) it was just him unable to control it anymore. It was him reading a letter from Hayley (who is now dead) about Hope (who he didn't get to see grow up) that he had refused to read and had sent back instead. It was him facing that he had failed them both and that he had missed them both so much. And Elijah putting his suit back on hurt more than it probably should. Because we all know what his suits represent. They're an armour. They're his way of trying to trick himself and everyone else that everything is okay and that his hands are clean. He'd been free for 7 years, casual clothes and no worry about his family, no grief or pain over them. Just freedom. And now he's got all his memories back and things are even worse than they were before. And he's putting his armour back on. So, here's the full letter from Wiki... It references Mary's death, which you asked about last episode. . . . Dear Klaus, You'd have been proud of Hope today. She's back home for summer break. I brought her out to the Bayou for the crawfish boil, hoping she'd play with the other crescent kids, but I turned around and she was gone. I found her inside at Mary's bedside telling her stories and signing to her. Sometimes I think about all the unlike things that led to her existence. You and I born a thousand years apart and all of the petty crap that brought us to that one night in Mystic Falls. It's been hard...but the truth is, I watched her curled up next to that dying woman, and I knew I wouldn't change a thing. In all my life I've never felt lucky before her. Anyway, we miss you. Hayley . . . I love that Hayley says that Klaus would've been proud of Hope for sneaking away to spend time with Mary as she's dying. Hayley knew that despite Klaus' issues, he LOVES how compassionate and caring Hope is. (I honestly get the feeling Elijah might've told her in between scenes back in S4 that Hope reminded him of Klaus when he was a child... Or even Kol or Rebekah might've mentioned it at some point over the years.) I just love that there has never been a moment where any of them think Klaus would want Hope to be like he is now. They know that he wouldn't wish that existence upon his daughter. Hayley knew that Hope's compassion is one of the things Klaus loves most about her. Anyway, I love this episode. Even if it absolutely breaks my heart every time I watch it. The Mikaelsons love each other and they're all severely traumatised and need help...