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Don't It Just Break Your Heart

Klaus gets a mysterious clue that leads him one step closer to finding Hayley, Antoinette opens up to Elijah after her past comes back to haunt her. Marcel makes a decision that puts him at odds with Klaus, and Hope takes matters into her own hands.

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Peter Mark

Can't wait for the next episode😀🥰


I have such mixed feelings about the binding thing. Because at the end of the day, I DO believe it should be up to Hope. It's her that would have to go through it, she's the one who would have to live with part of her bound. But she didn't have all the information. I mean, Freya hadn't even told her the full extent of the ritual before she was about to begin! It was Hope asking the meaning of a word that made her tell her about the branding and all that. And she also didn't know that there was a very real possibility that it wouldn't get Hayley back, that they'd end up just killing her anyway. Plus, she's still a child. There's a reason people under 18 aren't allowed to get tattoos, because they're children and will likely end up regretting it! Same rules should apply here. It should've been a conversation between Klaus and Hope where it was all laid out to her and she got all the information, and both were willing to hear each other out and fully consider each other's sides. Instead everyone went behind his back and didn't full explain things to Hope before getting into it. I GET why Josh, Marcel and Freya thought it was the right call. On the surface, it WOULD solve everything. Hayley would be returned to them, Hope wouldn't be able to make anymore Hybrids, and she also wouldn't have to ever go through a werewolf transition. But there's so much more to it that they just weren't considering and it should've been a conversation instead of each side being so deadset on their own side that they were trying to hide things from each other... On the subject of the Binding Ritual though... WOW! That is brutal! Finding out what it entails really gives more insight into why Klaus became who he is. Like, all his life Mikael beat him and belittled him and Esther did nothing to stop it, but it doesn't seem she ever hurt him. Until the Binding Ritual. Where she put him through, in his words, the worst pain. A fate worse than death. And it locked a part of him away that he hadn't even known existed until then, a part of him that only existed because of Esther's infidelity. Of course he was determined to break the curse. Not only did he wanna actually get to just be HIM, but he likely wanted to undo that torture as every full moon was probably a reminder of that torture he was put through in the ritual... What I LOVE about this episode is Klaus finally accepts accountability. He admits that he went too far and it had consequences. He's honest with Marcel and stops with all the shifting of blame and deflecting. And the flashbacks with Klaus and Elijah. It was so nice to see them being brothers after everything this season, them hugging and being happy to see each other and working together. And I get Klaus' frustration. None of his siblings can understand that part of him, and the connection he feels to the wolves. And that's not their faults. But Elijah was trying his best, he just wanted to protect Klaus. He didn't do anything wrong. Also, I believe this is probably the last time they saw each other until TVD. I mean, Elijah just found out that Rebekah has been daggered again, and he was so clearly just fed up and wanted his family back by this point. If it wasn't the last time they saw each other, it was definitely the thing that led to him helping out the Mystic Falls Gang with trying to kill Klaus... Cuz Idk when Klaus told Elijah he'd dumped their siblings in the sea... They probably ran into each other once more after this? Or he sent a message somehow? Idk, was it ever actually explained? Antoinette... I actually like her. She's clearly trying to get away from her family. She doesn't believe in what they do, she even said it back then. Was it wrong of her to lie to Elijah about knowing him? Yes. But I get why she'd do it. Meanwhile, poor Hope. Her first kiss will forever be tainted by all this... :'(

angelcakes (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-21 07:05:45 can you not read the first comment on this post???
2023-09-06 01:20:23 can you not read the first comment on this post???

can you not read the first comment on this post???


That symbols real it means wolf hunt it has a hard to remember german name aswell