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One Wrong Turn on Bourbon

A mysterious disappearance brings Klaus back to New Orleans; Hope looks forward to the prospect of seeing her father again; a dark magic begins to manifest in dangerous ways across the city; Vincent turns to Ivy for guidance.

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Really great talented actresses play Caroline's twins in Legacies too which makes their dyanamic with Hope really great. Even though ironically the actresses are both older in real life than Danielle as Hope when twins were supposed to be born after Hope in the universe as you probably remember lol Friendship is kind of the biggest theme in Legacies where originals it was family and tvd romance and family I guess. Though all the shows also have all those things as well of course in some amounts.


Hope and Marcel's relationship is so special to me. Like you said, Marcel is the one person who can understand Hope's relationship with Klaus because he's lived it. But he's also at a point in his life where he understands Klaus better and knows that nothing Klaus does means he doesn't love them, he's just really bad at showing his love in a healthy way. But he's also probably one of the people Hope trusts most in the world at this point. And I love the way she told Henry to close his eyes and sing if he got scared, like Marcel told her in S4 and Klaus told Marcel when he was a kid. It's just so sweet that it stuck with her too. It feels like a special little thing between the three of them, ya know? And Marcel telling Hope not to be so hard on herself and just assuring her that she's worth all the sacrifices they've all made. I just love how much he loves her. And how open he is with it. And how he's just as protective of her as the rest of the family. <333 Yeah, Freya and Vincent's friendship this season is so cute! I love that they were able to become friends after everything. They both deserve a friend. They both put the weight of the world on themselves, so it's good they have each other... Klaus and Hope's relationship BREAKS MY HEART! I don't think I'll ever forgive the writers for separating them so much. First Klaus has to miss 5 years of her life to save his family, then he has to miss another 7 years to save Hope. And then they decide to add drama by having them not SPEAK for 5 of those years. It's just not fair. Hope deserves to have both her parents in her life all the time. It's great that she's had Hayley all this time, Hayley is a wonderful Mum and all. But I wish she could've had both... I know they needed drama for the season and all, but it would've been really cool to have opened the season with them doing well. With Klaus calling every day, with Hope Astral Projecting to see him often (with warning!) and with Klaus maybe NOT being on a killing spree. It just could've been cool to have him be in a good place. Then maybe Hope gets tired of not being able to physically be with her Dad and so she does what she did here, makes Hayley "go missing" to bring Klaus back to town. Or maybe even she thinks she has a way to fix everything but knows her family wouldn't just come back because she says that so she does what she did here to get them to come back so she can do some spell to fix it all. Idk, I just think they could've done it without having Klaus and Hope not talk for 5 years... But I guess it wouldn't be as interesting if there wasn't that tension between them... I do LOVE that scene where Hope admits to putting Hayley in a coffin though. Poor Klaus realising his daughter really IS his daughter... You just know when everyone heard that (before they found out Hayley is really missing now) they found it hilarious that Klaus is just dealing with a teenage girl version of himself... If anyone called and told Kol or Rebekah about it they were probably having some serious panic over having another one...

Nebulous Shooter

I don't know if its unpopular opinion, but Danielle in my opinion is one of the best actresses in the tvdverse, which is insane for someone so young. My other top picks are Joseph Morgan, Daniel Gillies, Yusuf Gatewood and from TVD, the only one that comes near them is maybe Nina, but honestly tvd cast are not consistent enough, at least not compared to the ones I mentioned. ~runs away to hide from the rocks~

Zeph 802

Your reaction to the snake coming out of Hope's mouth had me dying 🤣🤣