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The gang learns that the existence of two living vampire heroes with souls has created chaos in the world; the history of Angel and Spike's relationship with Drusilla is played out in flashbacks.

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Syed Hasnain

I realize how immature I am when I see another adult react to this fight. Other people are like "no guys, stop, there's no need for this" whereas I am more of a "yes, please, beat the crap out of each other for my entertainment" person. This is probably my favorite fight in Buffyverse. Buffy vs. Faith in season 3 BtVS is close, but the flashbacks/setting/character insight we get in Angel vs. Spike gives it that edge in cinematic quality to me. I love the little touches like Spike hopping down onto crate after crate while making his points. If you think fighting over claiming the Shanshu prophecy is childish, though, on the commentary version of this episode on DVD, there were writers saying that Whedon originally wanted this fight to specifically be about Buffy but the others insisted it needed to be about more since this AtS. I'm glad we were spared how insane and degrading it would be for all the characters involved to have Spike and Angel do this to each other over a love interest neither of them are even presently with. It's also an interesting note that Angel was originally supposed to win the fight, but Spike was rewritten as the winner because the combination of the flashbacks and the battle would have made it too heavy on Spike being beaten down. I think the way it played out was perfect for Angel's story this season in losing faith in his place in the big picture, and Spike kind of needed this one definitive win over the vampire he's seen himself secondary to for most of his existence, even over a make-believe prize that turns out to be Mountain Dew lol. I agree that Spike wouldn't have killed Angel regardless of Buffy's opinion about it. He wouldn't have felt right about it nor do I think he would want to let Fred down like that, and I think he's at least a little attached to the Angel crew by this point. I think he doesn't want to be seen as a "good guy," so he gives himself little outs when he makes the right decision IE "just don't wanna hear Buffy bitch about it" or "I'll give Wood this one pass because I killed his mom but next time I WILL kill him." Seeing Lindsey back is always a great cliffhanger. Wonder if those tats mean something or if he's just one of those MMA douche bags now

Henry Sowell

Interesting details there that I didn't know about. I agreed with the decisions they ultimately settled on, as Spike winning presents more interesting storyline possibilities.


Alexis Denisof was busy this episode getting married to a certain red-headed witch from Sunnydale :)