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One Tree Hill

In the last episode of the ninth and final season of the US drama, the tenth anniversary celebration for Tric club brings back some old faces and creates new possibilities for the future lives of the Tree Hill family.

Link to the reaction:





A beautiful ending to a beautiful show


This ending is everything it needed to be- a heartfelt beautiful celebration of One Tree Hill and everything it represents...I still think this is one of the most endearing and emotional finales and just ties it all up- No wonder I have kept watching this show all the way through multiple coz it all makes sense- Were we robbed of Lucas and Peyton's appearance, sort off to be fair, and they could have at least incorporated a flashback but it is what is, it would have made this finale absolutely flawless imo in not sidelining Lucas who was arguably the main character for so long, but it's just too bad.....What you said is absolutely true the show has had an impact on me my entire life; it provides so much guidance and emotional understanding within the many many storylines we got to see throughout the years..But also it will still stay with you as well as an adult, to this day there are so many times where i see a situation and it just reminds me of the show and it's characters...For me OTH is ultimate feel good show that really truly feels like home, it's not even about relative quality or anything technical, but it just IS IT for me on the way i connected to it on an emotional level


"theres only one tree hill, jamie scott and its your home" they paralleled to karen saying that to lucas


I love this episode so much! Love that everyone ends up happy! I love the scene in Karen's Cafe, I loved seeing Logan running around with Jamie and Chuck. It's so cute! I love that literally all of them show up to Jamie's game, Chuck is probably on the Team too. I love that it shows that they're all still close after all that time, and that Chris is very much part of the group now. I mean, if you told me back in S2 that Chris Keller would eventually be at Nathan and Haley's son's basketball game with them, I would've laughed in your face! And seeing all the kids a bit older. Logan, Lydia, the twins! Lydia and the twins are totally the best of friends! And Bevin came back too! And it seems she and Skills end up together in the end, which is just great! I loved them together! LOGAN CALLING QUINN MUM!! AGH! MY HEART! I love that scene so much! And I love that they got married at the Courthouse instead of having a big fancy wedding. It feels very them. Like, I'm sure they'll eventually have a kinda ceremony/party so their friends and family can be there. But that just felt so perfect for them. I just weirdly can't imagine them having a big wedding. It might just be because we didn't see them have one, but I just don't see those two spending loads of money on a big wedding with loads of people. Having it just be them and Logan (and Bevin) makes sense. Only other thing I can see with them is a really small one of just their close friends/family (basically the main characters...) on the beach or something else very small and intimate... NALEYYYYYY!! I love them recreating everything! Nathan serving Haley Mac and Cheese and Haley calling it "food of the Gods" is a reference to their first date that Brooke set up for them. Then of course the Cracker Jack and the bracelet AND "Don't say you never gave me anything" AAAGH! I love that he flipped it! It's so perfect! And then the kissing in the rain! OF COURSE! THEY COULDN'T DO THE FINALE WITHOUT A NALEY RAIN KISS! <3333333 And both of their scenes with Jamie were perfect too. I love Haley passing on the tradition of the wishes to Jamie, and repeating the "There's only one Tree Hill and it's your home" line that Karen said to Lucas in the S1 Finale. And I love Nathan assuring Jamie that he doesn't have to live up to any of the expectations people put on him and that he doesn't owe anyone anything. Just him continuing to say to Jamie what he always wished Dan would've said to him. And their jokes about their kidnappings! I love that they share a sense of humour about these things. AND JULIAN BUYING BROOKE'S CHILDHOOD HOME! He really is just wonderful! He's perfect for her. I'm so glad she finally has everything she ever wanted. A wonderful husband, kids, her clothing line, and a good relationship with her parents. It's about time. She deserves it all! <333 And Millie is pregnant at the end! Aw! And Mouth getting that money from Dan and using it for Sports Scholarships in honor of Jimmy and Keith. I love that the show really kept them alive with how often they were mentioned after they died. That episode really changed everything and lived with them all forever. I really enjoyed Chris' scenes with Nathan and Haley too. Nathan buying Chris' old guitar back (how he managed to find that I'll never know!) to thank him for helping to save him, Chris saying he's sorry about Dan dying and that he's glad Nathan's okay. AND THE HUG! And Chris naming his guitar after Haley. And the reminiscing about when they first met. Then Haley getting to return the favour of Chris believing in her music back in the day (though he obviously did a lot of other stuff back then too which was a lot less appreciated...) by signing him at Red Bedroom Records. And Chris admitting he didn't like the person he was back in the day, and Haley telling him he's working on it. And I love Chris' reaction when Haley starts singing too, I love that he STILL just thinks she's amazing. And poor Chase will never be good at making drinks... But he'll keep trying! And he'll keep getting slapped and yelled at for it... Of course the only thing missing was Lucas and Peyton, but their presence was still felt. <3


I love this show :) hopefully you’ll like once upon a time almost as much 🤩😊


When the show came out I was in highschool . So it definitely means a lot to me . One tree hill ,Buffy, angel tvd is what brought me to the channel . I'll say it One tree hill one of the greatest shows ever made . Even with the behind the scene turmoil they still delivered every week . Chris Keller storyline was one of the biggest parts of the show. I was mad at haley the whole time she was on road with Chris. Dan hurting Keith was a major storyline . In the show . The crazy Nany Was insane . Great show . The Oc fans Will never know this 😃


I'm looking forward to that as well, I really like the show however at some point I stopped watching and got to far behind... (life happens)