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Voodoo Child

Klaus is forced to rely on Vincent, who believes he can use The Hollow's own dark magic against itself. The King of New Orleans decides on a deadly backup plan, and Hayley struggles to figure out Hope's future in New Orleans.

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Jasmine Reigns

The writers really don’t know what to write for Hayley , they keep making her attack the Mikaelsons again and again and it don’t make sense honestly! It’s like they want people to dislike her which is crazy cause I love Hayley


I will say this a million times “the Mikaelsons are wrong” Hayley is here to make a point. She’s the external view. Her storyline in the entire show is how she walks in to their family as a human knowing right from wrong and becomes a monster in order to protect her family and she is starting to realize how much she has changed. She’s bent her morals a lot to do “what’s right” for them. This episode she’s saying she does not want that to happen to Hope. Hope will learn by example and Haley being with Elijah means she’s condoning that behavior. Haley wants Hope to grow and be better than both her and her family. She’s suppose to be BETTER.


I think people know this, what you might take into consideration is the fact that she’s klaus’s daughter, earses any normality hope has. That includes her innocence and the way she is. Hayley could want what she’d like for hope it’s understandable as a mother, but that doesn’t mean it’s an option. Hope is daughter to the most powerful family in the world with tons of enemies around the world. Hayley could wish for the best but at the end of the day hope will have to accept what hayley tries so hard to hide her from as that’s what comes with being part of the mikaelson family. Hayley can stay away from Elijah but enemies of the original family will still come for hope and when they come for her and hayley is the only protection she has what do you think hayley will do? Exactly what klaus and Elijah would do, which is anything to keep her safe, which apparently is the opposite of what hayley wants to do. See the flaw in Hayley’s logic?


I think Hayley is just scared that her daughter will turn into a monster too, just like Hayley turned into a monster after joining the Michaelson Family. Since Hope is a Michaelson, she is in constant danger until Hope gets older and can defend herself. And Hayley will do whatever it takes to keep her child safe, just like the other Michaelsons will, but of course she is Hopes mother first and she worries what her child will turn into with all this violence in her life. Any mother would try to minimize the violence in her childs life. Plus with all the power Hope has already, Hayley worries what will happen when Hope gets older and even more powerful, she wants her daughter to be kind and happy not violent and sadistic. Hayley just wants to be a good mother, no parent wants to raise a monster. She is panicing and scared right now so she is a bit emotional, just give her some time she means well.


Yes! Exactly. Her doubts for Elijah and what her relationship with him means towards Hope and her future is a real concern. She is trying to be a good parent and knows being with Elijah is not what’s best for her daughter. I mean, he did murder 4 innocent girls in this season alone, in order to “protect” his family. What message will he teach Hope?


After readin some comments I understand that hayley wants a better life for hope. It’s understandable she doesn’t want to teach her that she condones violence but she is part of the mikaelson family. Violence finds the family regardless. Being the daughter of one of the most hated creatures on earth doesn’t help her case. I agree with sofie it makes no difference for hayley to distance herself from Elijah as she would turn to the same darkness to keep hope safe. Everyone wants to protect hopes innocence including Elijah but at some point she will learn the violence one way or another and it’s sad but unfortunately the price to be in the family. Like klaus said, Elijah has only ever done the darkest things for family unlike everyone else in the show including hayley. And have someone that would go to those length to protect his family (hope included) I’d say is worth more than the innocence hope will eventually lose being part of the family. Not to mention if it came down to doing some of the dark things elijah has done in order to save hope, hayley wouldn’t blink twice without doing those exact things. Only difference is hayley would cross those extreme lines mostly just for hope with very few exceptions whereas elijah wouldn’t blink twice to do it for anyone he considers family.


Hi sofie please unload the last episode of this season pleaseee before the month end🥹🥹🥹


She a mother . They are the worst vampires in history. And with Haley seeing how vicious Elijah was . She has the right to be nervous . The michealsons Always turn on each other . Kluas hurt innocent people too . I'm team Kluas but She can make descions for her .


They attract danger . She stay away from they family . It would keep danger away . Like keeping your kid from going to wrong neighborhood. Or hanging around bad kids . The worst people in the world are after kluas . Keeping her daughter safe overrides what Elijah wants . Or how he feels