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A Rush of Blood to the Head

Haley receives news of a possible tragedy and Dan's search for Nathan leads him back to his dark past. Meanwhile, Clay has a breakthrough with his treatment, Brooke and Julian deal with Xavier, and Chase's concern for Chuck pushes him to his limits.

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The thing with Clay actually happens and is a real thing. The trauma from losing Sara just made him repress certain memories. And unfortunately, Logan was one of those memories. And it is heartbreaking. The fact that Sara's parents and the Therapist tried telling him multiple times after Sara died but it just never stuck makes me so sad. He just could not handle it at the time. Which makes complete sense considering he was at a place of wanting to kill himself. But the fact that when he first met Logan he made a comment about his name and how it's Wolverine's name who is his favourite Superhero!! Agh! That's so cute! They totally named him after Wolverine... Hahaha I love that there was basically no question of whether Chase would beat the shit outta Chuck's Dad though... He literally googled what would happen with the Air Force, not to decide if he'd do it, but to be prepared for what the consequences would be. I love that scene where he threatens him though. And then when he actually does go in and beat the shit outta him. There was no way he was just gonna leave for the Air Force knowing this was going on. Honestly Brooke should have a Restraining Order on Xavier... She needs to call the Police. I mean, he keeps showing up around her, that is clearly stalking. And she should've been warned that he was being let out. Given a chance to sort things out before he was just suddenly showing up at her place of work with no warning. Sure, there was the hearing thing and all that, but that was to DECIDE if he was gonna be let out. She should've been given time in advance to be aware that he WAS getting out. So she could sort out a Restraining Order, get more locks on her doors, know to be on the lookout for him just randomly showing up. But I really feel like him showing up constantly around his victim when she has told him multiple times to leave her alone should be grounds for him to go back to Prison... That would literally be the first thing I did the second he showed up though, contact the Police and make them aware that he showed up. Because even if they didn't do anything about it (which, let's be real... They wouldn't...) I'd know that I'd been to the Police and I'd return every time he showed up until they did something about it. And that way, if he ever did anything to me, I would've been to the Police multiple times and told them what was happening... But seriously, it should be a rule that he's not allowed anywhere near her... Poor Haley though. She really is going through it. That must've been terrifying, getting that call that there was a body and then having to go and identify whether it was Nathan or not. The relief she must've felt when it wasn't him. I still love that Julian and Dan are working together. It's SUCH a random team up and it's great!


Joy's performance here is so good. She really makes the most of this kind of bizarre storyline. You can feel her emotions so well. And that Clay reveal... yeah it is always so weird for me. I have a degree in psychology and while repressed memories have happened in super rare circumstances, his don't really make sense and it is such a rare occurrence that this storyline makes no sense. But it is oth so we don't watch it for its realism. Its still fun so that's what counts

Nebulous Shooter

I don't know if someone already mentioned it to you, but to add context to why it was so effective for us watching live, Nathan's actor was rumored to not yet have been confirmed for s9, being in contract talks and then after talks we knew he had a limited number of episodes this season. Keep in mind that at the time we also didn't know about the series creator stuff and most people assumed Lucas and Payton were written off for money disagreements also, so for us believing he could be written off like that was still a possibility. Slim, but enough to make us squirm. Joy's performance this ep is godlike!