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When Mal and the others overtake a derelict ship, they fear the crew has been slaughtered by the Reavers, an Alliance cruiser trails Simon and River.

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I'm sorry guys about the delay, I had trouble syncing the audio with the video for this one. 




Audra Foxgrove

Sophie. Sophie. I am not done with the video, but you have already said something that is so perceptive without even realizing how good it is and !!!!!!! I can’t say what but it brings me such joy but also such agony that I cannot talk to you about it until after the series!


Normalize Sophie calling people douchebags😆 Seriously though, I think this episode is where a lot folks start to really develop an attachment to our characters as we really start to get to know them a little more. You're right the interrogation scene is just gold 🤣 You might notice when rewatching (there's a lot going on, I get it lol) when we pan out from the dining room table through the ship's windows to reveal Simon and River on the outside of the ship, there are only 7 place settings where there should be 9 if we included our 2 fugitives. They removed S & R's plates and chairs from the table in order to hide their existence from the Feds🤓 Mal is one smart cookie, man, but he sure doesn't seem to ever want to give up more information than he has to, even some times to his crew for better or worse😬 I'm going to be fascinated to watch you dissect our characters and their motivations as we get learn more about them the father along we get. Can't wait for the next one, cheers


You said so many things that Passion of the nerd says in his review for this episode🤯 Amazing 😌👏👏 Can't wait for you to watch his videos (although like I said you already figure out most things on your own so it's not like you need them queen)

Henry Sowell

This episode is very reminiscent of the movie Event Horizon. You're right, it definitely has a more horror-centric, suspenseful atmosphere than the rest of the series. One thing that has always impressed me with Whedon shows is how he effortlessly weaves in comedy in episodes that are otherwise dramatic or suspenseful in nature, without losing the overall tone of the episode.

Eric Hunter

Bushwhack is an American term meaning to engage in guerrilla warfare, a surprise attack.

Joelle Schutt

You've made some comments here that are so, SO astute! I won't say which for spoilers but you're so observant! This is one of my all time favorite shows and I can't wait to watch the rest of it with you


Surprise Attack or to Blind-side someone certainly (& I see the guerrilla warfare on oxford dictionary and that just seems to be a very poor usage. Bandits & Robbers can bushwhack someone doesn't mean they aim to kill them