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Haunter of Ruins

After five years apart, Klaus tries to bond with his daughter. Elijah works to resolve a conflict between Hayley and Freya, and Vincent tells Marcel terrible secrets about his ex-wife as they track a witch who is planning to sacrifice children.

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Klaus and hope I just so adorable. I love them so much.


I’m sure there will be plenty of comments regarding hope and klaus so I’ll choose to comment on something else 😂, I love this episode so much aside from seein hope and klaus, because of the backstory they gave Vincent. Vincent character in my opinion is one of the best ones and one of my many favorites, the actor (like most of the cast) is an impeccable actor and does an amazing job going into detail with his backstory and showing the emotion and rawness that is needed to believe his story. Was so happy to see him finally stepping into a more main side character than just a side character. Can’t wait for you to see his talent in episodes to come!


"And she's practically your sister." AGH! Love that line so much! Despite Marcel's complicated feelings about Klaus and most of the other Mikaelsons, those feelings do NOT extend to Hope and Vincent knows it. He knows that despite everything, Marcel loves Hope and wouldn't let anything hurt her if he could help it. He just needed that little push, that little reminder of what's at stake. Plus, I love whenever someone other than Klaus and Marcel acknowledge the fact the fact that Marcel is Klaus' son. And Vincent pointing out that Hope is basically Marcel's sister is just so cute. Because she IS. He loves her. I love all the Klaus and Hope stuff this episode. It's about damn time. Those two were ROBBED. (Honestly, I will NEVER forgive Julie Plec for separating them for so long and not just letting Klaus raise her, and letting Hope just have both her parents raise her.) So, with the fact that Hope likes to paint and that Hayley told Hope that Klaus likes to too. SO CUTE! I love the thought of Hayley telling Hope these things about Klaus and her Aunts and Uncles. And I just have this scenario in my head of Hayley seeing Hope drawing for the first time and just kinda wanting to break down because she gets that from her Dad. And then buying her some pencils and a sketch book the next day and sitting and just telling her about how her Dad likes to draw and paint and how she gets that from him. And Hope being so happy that she shares that with him... But I honestly think one of my favourite moments is the moment Hope comes to Klaus telling him she doesn't feel well. One, I love that she went to him. It's so cute. She's just spent the entire day with him, he's just told her he won't let anything hurt her, and so she just instinctively goes to him when he's not feeling well and knows something's wrong. And two, I love that as soon as Klaus realises that there is something seriously wrong he calls for Hayley. He doesn't decide to try and figure it out alone, he doesn't let his pride and ego win out. Instead he immediately calls out to Hayley because she is the one who has raised her the past five years and he knows that she's done a damn good job of it and will know what's normal and what's not. But also because he knows she needs to know Hope's not well. Even if it WASN'T anything serious. Even if it had turned out she just had a bit of a cold. Their coparenting has gotten so much better. AND HAYLEY! Saying they're all going to NOLA because Hope needs her and she needs both Klaus and Elijah. Her admitting that she needs Klaus. That's growth too. Despite her little joke earlier about Klaus being able to visit on weekends in her perfect little world of just her, Elijah and Hope, she NEEDS him. She loves him. Not in the way she loves Elijah, of course. But she loves him. I just love that they've both learned that when it comes to Hope, there's no good in ego and pride. They need to trust each other and let each other in. They realised it last season, of course. But it's really good to get to properly see it in action here, with Hope as a proper little person instead of a baby. Haylijah!! I love them! They're so cute. Seeing them together finally is just great. They really do deserve it. They've had to hold off for so long, then they were physically incapable of being together, but finally they can just be together. As sad as it is to see Rebekah go AGAIN, I am happy for her and Kol. It IS good to see her and Klaus end things on good terms for once. For him to not try and stop her from leaving him. For them to just part ways for a bit, with Klaus knowing she's not abandoning him. And Kol has one of his siblings choosing to go with him for once. He finally gets that experience of actually getting to hang out with his sister.

John Walker Is That Dude

I like/adore the Klaus and Hope scenes like others. I love the scene where Freya, Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah all said they need to leave the country right now Klaus said no than they took turns saying no through looks and words than he basically said I want one day with my daughter one day and IM NOT ASKING love that part. It could have been a 10 out of 10 if his siblings push backed again than Klaus shifts into his form. This universe had up to this episode to show us Klaus’ wolf form it’s criminal to me cuz up until Hope the thing Klaus has wanted more than anything is to get his wolf form back and we can’t see what his wolf form looks like. Three originals and Freya a OP first born Mikaelson witch just backed down and they literally have the numbers on him.

John Walker Is That Dude

This might be extreme to many I’m not talking about the people who might like the character but Vincent is a trash character to me let me explain why. In season two Vincent told us that Eva was sacrificing witch children to gain a stupid amount of power that was more powerful than davina cuz Eva’s power would be controlled and wouldn’t kill her like Davinas power was going to kill her. We learned that Vincent is 100% responsible for Eva going crazy and he did it cuz Marcel and Davina were killing innocent and he found magic that would overpower Marcel and Davinas power. In season 2 he takes his body back and he hates how he killed witches, in season threes finale, and this episode we hear/see Vincent say how he hates him again for treating the witches like crap. In season’s three finale we have came to the compound mocking Marcel and saying ur no better than the Mikaelsons cuz Marcel doesn’t care if innocents are hurt ok Vincent u were the idiot u gave Marcel the serum fully knowing that Marcel was killing, subjugating, enslaving witches, and not caring about innocents. Vincent u don’t get to talk or crap all over Marcel when u gave him the serum u knew who Marcel was shut up Vincent. Also Vincent is trash to me cuz he should have took the regent job not Davina it was too much power for a selfish child. He knew davina was killing them so his tactic was to tell him when a regent is made the ancestors give them a one time use of some omega level power to help the 9 covens instead she used it to try and bring back Kol after Vincent told her she could use it to bring Kol back that’s when she said yes here we go again davina tells us she doesn’t give a crap about the witches yet Vincent still manipulated her into taking the job that should have been his. Davina volunteered the covens to take part in her war with the Mikaelsons again she doesn’t care about her witches. Also Vincent knew about this new threat in season two and said nothing he’s wack for that to me.


Klaus was ready to kill all the bad things in a split second hahaha

Zeph 802

I think that makes him a way more interesting character. He made Davina regent because he had given up hope after getting his body back and coming into conflict with Eva, he didn't think he was good enough and he had trauma from the repercussions of magic, trauma we only knew the surface of as shown from this episode. Was it smart to make Davina regent? Absolutely not, but he knew that as well, suffered the consequences, and overcame that fear. The Marcel thing is a little different but his fears still come into play, he didn't think he could take the city back from the Mikaelsons (we won't ever truly know if he could) so he took the easier option, like with Davina, and gave the power to Marcel. I personally think the only dumb part of his plan was giving it to someone with a history with the Mikaelsons, but what vampire could he fully trust that wouldn't be a complete tyrant? Josh is the only other person I can think of but a) his connection with Marcel would come into play and b) it would take a while for him to train up to be tactfully stronger than them. In terms of giving the power to someone who had a history of killing witches, Marcel had changed, and Vincent knew the reasons he did what he did to the witches, and he knew he wouldn't do it anymore. Again this can still be chalked up to the fact that he felt inferior, but even that he chose to rectify by the end and took the church back. That journey gets heavily unnoticed by fans because he's always telling the characters how it is. Also he didn't say anything about his past in season 2 because he didn't really have to. It wouldn't have benefited anything except for putting the knowledge of that power in the hands of people that are known for not only being evil but for doing wild things in order to protect the ones they love.


So I've been thinking about that scene where Hope heals the butterfly and that is honestly the most Klaus thing. Not this Klaus, obviously. But you can not tell me that if Klaus had magic as a child he wouldn't have done the exact same thing! He was clearly the most kind hearted kid and he would've been out there saving animals and insects if he could... Haha