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The Man Who Sailed Around His Soul

As Nathan, Julian and Clay coach Jamie's first Little League game, the situation regarding the accident comes to a head. Meanwhile, Chase asks Alex to take a drug test for him, and Quinn gets an offer to shoot in Puerto Rico.

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LOVE the scene where the guys confront Ian! And yeah, the fact that it was Clay to lose it first is something I love too. Because like you said, it was Nathan's son and Julian's wife (fiancé at the time, but whatever...) that he nearly killed, so you'd expect it to be one of them to lose it. But instead it was Clay. His friends nearly lost the most important people in their lives, he sees Jamie as a nephew. (We haven't really seen him with Brooke, but I'm willing to bet he cares about her too with how close everyone is in the show, we just haven't really gotten to see it...) And he hadn't trusted Ian from the start, and so to see him saying they should be grateful that he got away with it as their Agents, he just lost it. And I love that! I love that he'd told Nathan at the start that Nathan was Bad Cop and he was Good Cop, and Nathan returned that he's actually Officer Friendly. Then Clay is actually the one who just tackles him over the bridge, starting the entire thing. I love him! And then Julian drowning him, showing him what Brooke went through, what Jamie was about to go through and would've had Julian not been there. And then Nathan. I love that he went to help him up, he was always kinda the one rooting for Ian, he was kinda this false sense of security for him, and then he just punched him. I love them all so much. I've said it before but I'll say it again forever! I love Nathan and Jamie scenes, especially this Season! I love the parallel to 1x06 with Nathan's story about Dan Coaching HIS Little League Baseball Team and how he ended up kicking him when he didn't do things the way Dan wanted him to, and now Nathan is Jamie's Coach for the same sport and he tells him it's just a game and it doesn't matter if he does well or not because they're getting Ice Cream either way. To me, this just feels like the perfect Full Circle moment with Dan, Nathan and Jamie. Nathan being in the exact same situation with Jamie as Dan was in with him, and going in the other direction and giving him encouragement instead of abuse. I know this is gonna be a controversial opinion here, so uh, please don't kill me... As happy as I am for Brooke and Julian with them being pregnant, I honestly wish they'd stuck with them adopting and Brooke not being able to get pregnant. Now, I know it CAN happen. Being told you'll never have kids and then one day you just do, I KNOW it can. But I really do kinda wish they hadn't gone that direction. It feels kinda like a copout... Like, of we're gonna put her through the storyline of not being able to get pregnant and so she decides to adopt instead, but then she's just gonna end up pregnant anyway and have her own baby. It just doesn't feel right to me. It makes the story feel incomplete. Like I said, I AM happy for them and the scene where Brooke tells Julian is ADORABLE and I love it! But I just kinda wish they'd stuck with having them adopt. The stuff with Kellerman and Nathan is great. I love that when he told Nathan he didn't want him representing his son, it wasn't because he thought Nathan wasn't good enough for his son, it was that he didn't think his son was good enough for Nathan. And I love that moment where Nathan admits to him that he saw him as his Father and couldn't get past that image in his head and let that get the better of him. And then Kellerman admits that he'd been doing the same with Nathan and had been seeing him as his son. It's just such an interesting dynamic there. Having a son whose father was awful and a father whose son was awful and having them look at each other and mistakenly believe that they are each like that person that hurt them, but eventually manage to get past that and see that that's not the case. That would be really good for both of them. And Haley telling Nathan he should maybe go talk to Dan. I love how supportive she is! I love that she understands him so well. And I love that Nathan was able to admit that he's still not past what Dan did. And yeah, that comparison of Dan and Keith to Lydia and Jamie was horrifying. It really did just make the entire situation SO MUCH darker than it already was. Thinking about this baby one day growing up and killing this child all grown up. Imagining these two little kids in that same situation one day is haunting! I hate it! But it was SUCH a good moment, with Nathan putting that into perspective. It is terrifying! And it's sad that Nathan was unable to go see Dan. But I'm glad it wasn't as easy as him deciding he wanted to and just going and doing it. There's a lot of hurt there, it wouldn't be easy at all...

SB (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-21 15:45:46 Another great reaction Sofie 🙏🏼💯 I notice most of your shows are about to come to a end, any ideas what shows you might do next??
2023-05-21 04:31:46 Another great reaction Sofie 🙏🏼💯 I notice most of your shows are about to come to a end, any ideas what shows you might do next?? I recommend The Walking Dead, I think it’s on par with Game Of Thrones & The Vampire Dairies for me!

Another great reaction Sofie 🙏🏼💯 I notice most of your shows are about to come to a end, any ideas what shows you might do next?? I recommend The Walking Dead, I think it’s on par with Game Of Thrones & The Vampire Dairies for me!

Leora Nechama

Not gonna lie I feel like the actor who plays Ian could play Ian Summerholder's little brother