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The Other Half of Me

Brooke and Julian's wedding day is finally here. Dreams become reality, secrets are revealed and wedding hookups are inevitable.

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fun fact- sophia bush wrote those vows for brooke herself. she said she didn't like how they were written so since she knew brooke so well, she wrote those vows herself for brooke to say and it is why they are perfect. she nailed it


I don't care what anyone says what happened in the show because in my mind Payton 1million % showed up to Brooke's wedding and bachelorette party lol They were just not able to make it happen for practical reasons...For narrative purposes there is no way her character would have skipped out on that....they were the original duo-


I love that every previous wedding was mentioned this episode. And how every single one of them had SOMETHING go wrong. And I love that Skills cared so much about making sure nothing bad happened this time. Jamie's speech was great! <333 I also really love that Madison was there. Idk, I just think it kinda speaks to the fact that Jamie is his own character with his own friends. He's not just an extension of his parents and their friends. And it also says that the characters think that way too, that he got to have a plus one. He was a guest on his own, he gets to have a friend. Idk, it's just something I've always liked about Jamie's character. It's such an easy mistake to make when main characters have a kid, just making them an extension of them or a prop. But they made him his own character with his own friends and his own storylines. :) I'm so glad the wedding went well. Brooke really did deserve this! And the vows were beautiful! They're really so cute! <333 And the new baby is a girl!! Yayy!! :D


Julian marries Brooke Davis: "Guess it's my lucky day..." You best believe it! hahah

Zeph 802

Everything you said about Brooke and Haley I agree with, a great friendship that we got to slowly see blossom through the show and you wouldn't expect their personalities to mesh so well but they just do