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Hey guys, I'm really sorry for not posting. I have eye allergy and I'm really not conformable recording with my eye looking like this 😅 hopefully it gets better in the next couple days. 

Thank you for understanding. 



We wish you all the best and hope you will get well soon. Take your time and take care!


Get well and take care


You sure get sick a lot.... hope u feel better


If it's pinkeye, it will take 1 to 2 weeks to clear up on its own ... 1 or 2 days with medication. Unfortunately, getting in to see a doctor sometimes takes a week. I don't know what I would do without urgent care centers (suffer, I guess). My doctor referred me to a specialist last month. I can not get to see her until July.

The Witch Hawk

Definitely NOT helpful for someone who is sick to hear a comment like this. Certainly going to make her feel guilty and like shit.


Get well Soon Sofie.