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First Date

Buffy accepts an invitation to dinner from Principal Wood, and the secrets of his past are revealed. Xander impresses a beautiful girl with his knowledge of knots, as she seems to be interested in tying him up. Meanwhile, The First contacts Andrew in another attempt to destroy the Potentials, and Giles finds himself tongue-tied with the new Potential, Chao-Ahn.

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I love watching your mind work when you realize something. Good eye! They did recast Robin's mom! Your reactions are SOOO good. I am sad Buffy is coming to an end, but I will watching the final Season of Angel with you, for sure. I am hoping, at some point, you watch Dollhouse. It's only 2 seasons, but it is so good.

Raven Dark

This reaction was wonderful, Sofie. Loved seeing your reaction, first to the reveal the Robin is a demon hunter, then to his being the son of the slayer, then the big one at the end, that his mother is the one Spike killed. A lot of this episode is meh to me (most of the dating stuff), but there's also a lot to love, especially that ending scene. Chills. I think the idea that Wood buried Johnathan to stop the seal from opening wouldn't work, only because he does it too long after. You saw how fast the seal started opening with Xander's blood. Didn't Wood bury Johnathan days later? I always thought he just did it to give him a proper burial. He probably knew he was there because he smelled something bad and went to check it out.

The Witch Hawk

I always LOVE LOVE LOVE when the tears fill up SoFie's eyes when she makes a major realization! God, am I going to miss these reviews!

Ava Sinclair

I loved this episode, even though it was a bit awkward. It was a much needed laugh amidst a lot of angst. Also, I really enjoyed Andrew as a double agent - he's finally learning to own up to what he did and stop being a puppet. And the bit with Spike/Buffy at the end - I did not ship them season 5/6 because it was so damn toxic but watching them actually grow together in a mature way as friends and acknowledging the underlying connection more gives me a lot of feelings. And yes, Principal Wood being the son of the slayer Spike killed - amazing plot twist!

Lex Larae

That face of realization that spike killed his mother was everything I wanted and more lol. I do love this episode and it definitely sets the tone for the rest of the season.


Xander's date's actress is singer Ashanti.


You should react to the wolf pack Buffy is in there too her acting in that show is 🔥


You mentioned you love the continuity in this show (I love that too), so in case you didn’t realize here’s a few more minor continuity details in this episode: Andrew is setting up a new microwave since we saw the last one explode in 7x07 in front of Dawn. Also from that episode we see that Anya is struggling to get a red stain out of Buffy’s blouse, which is the blouse Dawn got dirty with pizza in 7x07. Dawn even said then that Buffy will probably just think it’s blood, and that’s exactly what Anya ended up thinking here lol

Michael Matthews

The one who played Nikki Wood was a stunt woman which is probably why she did have any lines , for this they cast an actress and yes stunt people sometimes act but it might be a Union thing


You're right, this is the first time Buffy has ever admitted to ever being in love with Spike. When she broke up with him last season in "As You Were" she never said "I don't love you"- she said "I can't love you." At the time I took that as she was unable to love him but looking at it another way, really she was just telling herself that she cannot- will not allow herself- to love him. She was trying to stop herself from loving him. When she said "And it's killing me", she meant knowingly loving someone without a soul was killing her. She was hating herself for it. "Bidet of Evil" is a seriously underrated comedic line, IMHO. Giles' illustration skills have not improved since "Hush" in S4. Also, Giles still hasn't learned that dating and a social life are never put on hold for the Scoobies, so it has been since S1x04 ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date") and so it shall ever be. That was a very telling moment that Buffy first went to check on Spike after the battle with the demon, even before Xander. The moment Wood said he was the son of a slayer, I knew Spike killed his mom. I remembered "Fool for Love" and that the year of his fight on the subway train was 1977- did some quick math and figured it out (that would put Wood at about 30 years old, which makes sense). I wonder how many others got that right away too, especially back when it first aired. That said, LOVED your reaction when it was revealed at the end. It is a brilliant twist.