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I’m having troubles with my camera. Yesterday I lost a OTH episode and today some parts of GOT episode are corrupted. I’m looking to it right now. Getting help from a professional to hopefully recover the video files. I’m sorry guys I’ll make sure it won’t happen again.


Jasmine Reigns

You can only do your best but know that we appreciate you ❤️

King Author

Don't stress or worry over it. It happens to the best reactors, and you are unquestionably the best reactor. ❤️


Gosh that's too bad... was really hella looking forward to GOT, can only do your best, worst of cases it's to hoping some parts of the episode will be viewable-don't stress on it though

King Author

Or the best case scenario is that she loses all of it, and we get to watch her act it all out!

Mariella Nilsson

Please do not stress about it, some things are out of our control!


When is the orginals gonna be upploaded? Hope u have a great day / sorry for my english i’m from sweden :)


Don't stress over it, that's technology for you, lol, it happens. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop though, and hopefully the problem will be fixed sooner rather than later and you can retrieve your lost videos, but if not and you have to record them again, that will be fine too!!!


What model is it?