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I love it lol That's why when you were saying it came out of nowhere laughing out loud thinking, when is the R+L=J video coming already? LOL It's a genius revelations and good hints spread out....Like can you actually believe - Maester Aemond saying how a Targaryen being alone in the world is so sad and then Jon walked right in the frame and there was a moment of silcence...Like this ACTUALLY HAPPENED lol How can something be so obvious and yet so subtle at the same time am I right hahaha

Chantelle Miles

Robert never loved Lyanna, he loved the idea of her. Even old maester Aemon remembered exactly what his love looked like. Lyanna was said to be alot like Arya too. Ned gave Cersei that mercy because he remmember the sight of Rhaegars bloody children wrapped in lannister cloaks & shown to Robert.


R+L = Doesn't matter ... Danerys is the rightful Targaryen.

Chantelle Miles

Fair enough but its true. If he knew the actual Lyanna and loved her truly there's no way he'd forget what she looks like after only 18 years. That says alot. Also actually Jons the one who united the 7 kingdoms against the dead. The last Targaryen heir that can actually keep the Targaryen bloodline going.


Maester Aemon said to Jon "love is the bane of honor, the death of duty." It seems to me that in A Song of Ice and Fire that one of the major if not the major metaphysical conflict is honor verses love. And it seems when people choose love over honor things end badly.


I mean, that's not how the laws of succession work. Jon was the first born son of the crown prince so Jon would have been the rightful heir. Especially in this fantasy because the rules at the time were that any male Targaryen would inherit over any female Targaryen.

Kim Walker

Sophie, I sooo LOVE your reactions. You are such an in depth viewer. And your insights and commentary are very introspective and intelligent. You really illuminate the human element of every character. And it is so refreshing. I love watching you watching the Greatest Show of All Time! When you mentioned that the Jon Snow reveal came out of nowhere, I was hoping that you'd watch this video. And you did not disappoint. Even your review of this was so very sentimental and aware. Love you Goddess! Keep 'em Coming :)


I think your point about not seeing what Lyanna thought of Robert in the story can be extended to Rhaegar as well. Like, we hear that Rhaegar was kind and noble, but there's also no denying that he essentially abandoned his wife and the kids he already had with her. Not exactly noble. Did Lyanna want to go with Rhaegar? Maybe initially. Why wouldn't she want to go with this handsome man who seems so kind and has a beautiful singing voice - especially when Robert was the future she was looking at. Did she want to *stay* with Rhaegar, even after what the Mad King had done to her family? Hell, did she even know about it? Or was Rhaegar keeping her locked up in the same tower she'd eventually die in? We hear that Lyanna was like Arya - she loved riding and was willful. Does that sound like someone who would stand by while her family was being killed? If Rhaegar and her shared such a great love, you would think she'd have begged him to ally with Ned and turn against King Aerys. Perhaps she did, and he didn't listen. We see that she was kept under guard when Ned goes to rescue her, but it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that the guard was there to keep her in as much as it was to protect her. And I don't say this to try to swing one way or another. I just think the way the show (and some fans) seems to conclude that Rhaegar and Lyanna were mutually in love and stayed mutually in love and it was a ~beautiful~ thing, doesn't really match up to other things we know. It could be true, but as with so many other things in this show I imagine the actual truth was a lot more complicated and messy.


12:10 Don't feel stupid, hon. You're not. How many of us were fooled by the beautiful swerves thrown us by the show (and Mr. Martin for the readers)? !? !? You're the best creator reacting right now. #1 in my book and my book so far has 16 creators (not all at once mind). And the show you're in the middle of *NOW* is even better than this!! (*GASP* Blasphemy!! No... TRUTH - or at least honest opinion) And here's something to chew on: If Lyanna's child had been born silver-haired, how long could this secret have been kept? The seed is strong? The seed of Rickard Stark in this case! Not Rhaegar! Talk about luck... - Yeah, I know I'm a year late to the party here LOL -