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Habeas Corpses

Angel (David Boreanaz) learns that Connor (Vincent Kartheiser) is trapped in Wolfram & Hart and the beast (Vladimir Kulich) is on a killing spree.

Link to the reaction:





"There's no coming back from this..." I remember you saying this exact thing when Spike tried to rape Buffy, and not even an entire season later you are back on the Spuffy train. :D You just have to have faith in Joss Whedon.

Steve Quast

Cordelia: I can't be with you because of all the horrible things you did as Angelus. Also Cordelia: *sleeps with Angel's son*


Just try to tolerate what’s going on with Cordelia right now, because it will make sense soon. There are also “out of universe” reasons for what’s happening, Charisma spoke about it when she revealed the abuse she endured on set. But if you haven’t seen that information yet, I’d suggest waiting because it does contain spoilers. But I’ve been in this fandom a long time and never heard anyone say they like the Cordelia/Connor thing so you’re not offending anyone by your reaction to it.. because we all agree with you :(


So I'm gonna play Devil's advocate a bit here with the Cordy/Connor stuff that everyone always feels some sort of way about, in no small part because I've kinda been holding this in for a while when it comes to stuff like this and this seems like as safe a place as any *Deep breath* Ok, here goes: Is it weird and icky and kinda gross? Yes, absolutely. But just like whenever a show features something that's kinda problematic it's because it's supposed to make us feel that way, which is in fact, I think, a sign of good writing. It's not being treated as ok. They all know it's fucked up. It's not being treated as if it's ok, characters doing messed up stuff is often how we get drama and conflict. Now we can absolutely make the argument that the reasons for doing so are a little weak, it's basically "I was lonely and confused and thought the world was ending so I felt the need for comfort and solace" but to be fair thats often as much of a reason as we ever get in tv dramas. If we really need to assign some psychology to it then I think there's some transfer-y stuff going on where Connor represents the good, almost innocent champion version of Angel without all the evil past baggage. Again, kinda weird and yucky but it's supposed to be weird and yucky. This last part is gonna sound like I'm dragging the fanbase and I promise I'm not because I do this too, but I often feel like we a little hung up on stuff like this. "I wish they the writers didn't do X" basically means "I wish the writers had written the version I would have written." Well they didn't, they wrote this one. The one we all say we love so much, which means we should try and see more of the why they did it in terms of storytelling, and remember that it's all these seperate storylines that end up giving us the whole series that we all love so much. Ok, rant over. Don't come for me in the comments lol. Love you all, be well, enjoy the rest of your day.


“out of universe” = poor writing There are things I like about this series and things I don't mostly Angel and his broader back story no longer a fan (I agree with Zander stake-em) but also Cordelia/Connor thing...unnecessary I loved the casts just hated the writing and story arc.


I can't speak too much about this yet until after the season is over but I think what they went with this season for Cordy is actually more forgiving to the character than their original plan. I believe Charisma but there is also some misinformation that gets pushed around about it.

Alice Izadora

i will just say this about the Cordy/Connor stuff, soon enough this whole madness will make sense


As I was watching this I just realised something. The fans often complain about the whole Cordy/Connor thing citing her relationship with Angel, the fact that it's not long since she was motherlike to Connor, and finally the age gap between them. But I suddenly realised the age gap between Connor and Cordy is so much smaller than the age gap between Angel and Cordy. Just something that I suddenly noticed because it never felt that way (which indicates how good the writers are at making us feel the way they want us to.) I think working it out she is 21 and he's meant to be about 18 right? Just weird when I realised this lol. Caveat - it did feel like character assassination of Cordelia though. I remember how baffled I was the entire time.

Dustin A Shanafelter

Yeah, I've never understood the weird hypocrisy of people who swooned over Angel and Buffy, when he secretly stalked her as a minor, then took her virginity at 17 when he was like 270, but then freaked out about Conner and Cordy when they're only 3 years apart. So what if she temporarily knew him as a baby? He didn't just magically transform from a baby into an adult. He grew up in a hell dimension, then came back to this dimension as a fully formed adult, almost the same age as Cordy. MUCH less problematic than the Angel/Buffy dynamic, in my opinion, yet much of the fandom sees that as the greatest love story ever told, while Conner/Cordy makes them lose their minds and vomit into their own mouths. Such a strange form of cognitive dissonance.