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Apocalypse, Nowish

Bloodied and broken, Angel and his friends try to rout the Beast who rose from the centre of the earth bringing quakes and a rain of fire.

Link to the reaction:

Next episode will be posted after a few hours





I apologize in advance for what you've just watched 😩🤢🤮


Was waiting for this episode. Up until this one came out back in the day, I was pretty meh on season 4 but this is the one where I was like “Yeah. This season is trash.” I know I shouldn’t say 1 episode can tarnish a season but it isn’t…well…..more to discuss about this hot garbage season later.


Don't worry Sofie, this season isn't hot garbage at all... I can almost guarantee you'll end up loving it. You just gotta focus on the good stuff :p By the way, it's good to see you again 💙

Wisdom of the Sphynx

SoFie you made a great observation a few seasons of Angel/Buffy ago…every time we wish for something we are made to pay a heavy toll for it. Hang in there 🙏 we are with you on this journey.


Your reaction to Conner and Cordelia shacking up was hilarious. :'D


Lilah’s impersonation of Fred had me rolling! 🤣


All I wanna say is trust the process I hated hated this whole cordelia and Connor thing and thought the same as u that their is no coming back from this, but just like with spike raping buffy and us thinking he cant come back from that. u will get the answers u need and be happy by the end of it

El Diablo Robotico

I for one never got comfortable with the assassination of Cordelia Chase, and Cordy is not my favorite character nor am I a Cangel shipper. Half of Season 4 is an abomination and on first watch I had to stop for months after my disgust started turning to anger. Season 5 is my favorite, but it doesn’t justify the majority of Season 4 for me, which I imagine is what you would get when you type “Oedipus, apocalypse, and Amnesia Cordelia” into an AI scriptwriter programmed by whoever was responsible for the last season of Dexter (maybe not quite that bad). We did not need to get to Season 5 that way. Great essay but contains spoilers: https://jennycrusie.com/excerpts/the-assassination-of-cordelia-chase/

Rachel Munns

I will never forgive Joss or the writers for trashing Cordelia. I didn't like it back then and It's even worse now that we know the backstory.

Her Limted

He slept with his mother basically god I hated all of this