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Asleep at Heaven's Gate

As the gang returns from Utah, Brooke and Julian are engaged, Haley is pregnant, and Clay and Quinn's lives hang in the balance.

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Mariella Nilsson

Poor brooke! I just realize why I like haley so much, she feels like a complex and real woman, wich is kind of wierd to find on tv, she is a bit nerdy but also sassy and powerful and motherly and loving! I really like clay and quinn so The ending is stressful.


Everything after season 6 I didn’t really like but I had to watch for your reaction to the opening theme coming back. You didn’t disappoint.


they really tried to fool us thinking Clay and Quinn getting shot wasn't real but there were hints within their little dream imagination thing wasn't actually happening. Such as them hearing a buzzing noise was Nathan and Haley trying to reach their phones out in the real world or nobody else being on the beach.


I really like how they reveal that Clay and Quinn were shot...I thought it was really artistic from a scenario perspective to see the bullet wounds like that after they spent the day being fine...I was so thrilled to see the theme coming back....And Alex Dupree whoufff that was a devastating blow there at the end hahaah RIP Mia; that triangle is kind of overkill but frankly i'm here for the drama lmao Everyone is just too dang happy in their relationships hihi


i always wondered why the intro went away in s5-7 like its kinda random that not all the seasons have one lol. But yeah they wanted it to seem like Clay just dreamed that and they were fine which was an interesting choice instead of just picking up with like nathan or haley finding them right away.