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The Door

Tyrion seeks a strange ally, while Bran's lessons continue. Also, Brienne goes on a mission, and Arya is given an opportunity to prove herself.

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Wow, Sofie... That ending commentary was SO amazingly astute on all points. For me, this has made this episode with you the BEST REACTION EVER Thank you so much! and RIP Wylis the old stableboy :,( (and Summer too)

Jon Biavati

You get A++ on your analysis of what happens to Hodor. But let's talk about the direwolves. Lots of people think it's about CGI budget but I urge you to go back over the fate of all the Stark's direwolves so far and see if there's a pattern (except Lady, that one doesn't fit).


I’d argue Lady’s death has a lot of symbolic stuff going on as far as Sansa goes. At the start of the series Sansa wanted nothing more than to be a what she thought was a proper lady, like a queen in a romantic story. And Lady’s demise foreshadows the “death” of this idealized version of being a lady in court.

Ryan Martinez

This episode broke my very soul. I was in blubbering tears when I first saw this episode. He knew what was going to happen, and went through with his destiny anyway because he loved Bran and the Starks so much. The night this episode aired I was a fucking basket case. I don't think I've ever cried harder at a moment in a tv show.

Sean Stuart

This episode was what took me from a fan of show to this might be my favorite show of all time because it got me to weep over a small part character that I saw more of a character that was there to bring levity and be controlled to do some cool action scenes.


I still cry watching this episode. Makes me so upset even when seeing it so many times


Since everyone's commented on the big thing in this episode, I'll comment on a little moment. Sansa lying to Jon. I think you're right that it's at least partly out of habit. She's learned to survive in large part by keeping information close to her chest, or using half truths. However, I think the larger reason has more to do with the fact that Jon wouldn't react well to her having seen Littlefinger. Confronting him was something she felt she needed to do, but Jon (understandably) wouldn't have wanted her to go see Littlefinger at all. And, since she doesn't want anything else from Littlefinger, I think this mindset combined with habit just had her reflexively lie. And when Brienne asks her why, I think it cuts away because she isn't sure why, and it doesn't have to do with whether or not she trusts Jon.


I too will comment on a small thing this episode. Meeting knivara! Very interesting to see the first follower (allegedly) of the lord of light. I wonder her age since we say how old melly really is this season. Its also really interesting that she prophesies that dany is the PTWP... Interesting stuff in this episode for sure Rip hodor the gentle giant 💔 honorable till the end