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Daenerys meets her future; Bran meets the past; Tommen confronts the High Sparrow; Arya trains to be No One; Varys finds an answer; Ramsay gets a gift.

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Oh my sweet Summer Child... Mr. Martin has created a diverse world, an epic world, one ripe for many possible seasons of good television or for good movies - if the right writers and producers can come together and do it... However, as great as it is, it still does not come close to the scope and scale of Professor Tolkien's masterpiece world of Arda: Middle-Earth and the Undying lands of Valinor. Some (if not many) of the ideas in GRRM's world and stories are borrowed from JRRT's work and many names and words also borrowed. Tolkien's 'angelic beings' are the Valar and the Maiar, and Martin has the word "Valar" mean "mankind" or "men". Direwolves in Tolkien's world are called Wargs (and do NOT look like the hyena-ish creatures seen in Peter Jackson's movies but like huge wolves!) . There are other examples, but there are also things 'borrowed' from other sources, some of which I am not familiar with and some I can't recall at the moment but they exist. Of course, even Tolkien didn't invent Dragons or Elves or Dwarves! Gotta keep it real... I'm sure there are plenty of original ideas Martin had. IDK if there is a huge wall of ice in any other fantasy or sci-fi work (fans can set me straight wherever I falter, I'm sure!). In any case, I guess my only real point is that it falls far short of Tolkien; although what it does have is a canvas that can be filled in by others later, should they wish (and should Mr. Martin let them sometime...). There is DEFINITE POTENTIAL for LOTS of stories in Essos and Westeros, and the rest of Martin's world. Damn. Sorry that was so long... I always DO that LOL :D


Actually Tolkien's world has a lot of potential for more stories too, as evidenced by the billion-dollar-turd they call 'The Rings of Power'. Ugh... Please! Someone do better next time!

