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Two to Go

Vengeance fuels Willow's ill-fated return to the black arts, following the death of her girlfriend. Spike leaves Sunnydale to embark on a mysterious quest.

Link to the reaction:




Macca Fan

I'm so glad they did that for The Trial cause best ending ever imo.


I watched these when it originally aired and it STILL hurts to see Tara :*( I watch another reactor who just released 6x18 today. She is SOOOOO over the moon happy about Willow and Tara together again. Then the crushing blow of the hand of whedon!!!! I think they should have killed Xander. OK, I'll shut up now :)


21:20 He was trying to play confident guy because he was scared of her. He was trying to convince her he was unworried so she wouldn't try and kill him.


Lol Sofie we all knew there was no way you would hold off watching 22 after that ending

Wisdom of the Sphynx

☕️☕️☕️☕️ This is the Way. We knew you’d have to watch to the end 😃👍👍

Ava Sinclair

Such a great reaction! I rewound your expression when Giles showed up three times in a row. I absolutely totally understand having to watch the next episode right now. As mad as I still am (gonna die mad about it, just saying) about Tara's death, I will say this is a hell of an arc. And yes, I love the twist of Willow actually being the big bad of the season - so fricking well done. On a sidenote, when they are out of the shadow of Warren's rotten influence, Andrew and Jonathan can be absolutely hilarious.


yyyassss such a great ending! So excited for the finale!! As always, amazing reaction sofie!


“Please don’t tell me Willow performing magic is going to have consequences on her.” - SoFie, 2x22 Becoming, part 2


“It’s about the power.” - Willow Spoilers Willow! 🤫 Keep ‘em coming Sofie!

Roy Ben-Ami

Single greatest entry indeed lol. I was waiting for you to jump like that at the end 😁

Martin Waits

“It’s about the power.” - Willow Sums up the arc for me and why I hate that it turned into essentially opioid addiction for a few episodes rather then her longstanding interest in and eventual addiction to power.

Gary Marshall

Giles's entrance was so perfect and made even better as ASH's name does not appear in the opening credits, a trick they did with Alyson Hannigan when she guested on Angel for the second season finale. This did, however, cost the producers quite a bit of money as there are rules about acting credits, but I am sure we all agree that it was worth it! Great episode and great reaction.


yes you have the watch the finale asap!! it's been such a heavy season especially these last few episodes... but there's a lot of relief and catharsis in the finale.


it's odd why they can't credit at the end, though


These last three episodes are top tier Buffy imho! Giles showing up is like “uh oh daddy’s home and he’s mad” lol. So much more painful when you realize that the big bad has been a Scooby this whole time 😭

Martin Waits

Willow's monologue in Rack's room while it is spinning is fantastic. One of my favorite in the series. The cutting truths she says to Buffy, her fleeting breakdown about Tara, everything. DW is a great big bad for the season. I think Willow's arc is one of the most well crafted in the show. It goes all the way back to the ensouling spell in S2. She opened the door to magic. Her need for confidence/power and her desire to escape being the mousy little nerd led her here. It's great to go back and see how slowly they worked her character to this spot.


I agree with your observation about what Willow says isn't coming from th e magic, but from her. This is all her, the magic is just her defense mechanism; to make her feel less insecure,. It always has been, as has been wanting to be the best at everything she did; and why she was never satisfied with the proficiency she achieved with witchcraft. Her admonishment at the start of season 6, telling Giles, "I'm very powerful and you shouldn't piss me off" is reminiscent of Buffy telling her she thought Malcolm wasn't who he claimed to be in "I Robot, You Jane." This is all where I didn't like the magic addiction angle, and found it very forced; because that was never what her story was about. She didn't need spells or ingredients anymore, as we saw at the start of the last episode; it's been in her this whole time for a while now. It was never controlling her or speaking for her. Emboldening her, sure, but Willow's mentality has always been "If I can do it, there's no reason I shouldn't be allowed to." We see this in the way she was a hacker at the very beginning of the series. The way she would still get access to books Giles tried to hide, even though she knew he was hiding them because he didn't think she was ready for them. It's the indignation in "Fear Itself," when she wants to perform a spell to get them out of the haunted house and Buffy says she doesn't think she's ready (because Willow had previously said she didn't think she was ready for that level of magic). It's her perspective on bringing Joyce back; which wasn't that it was morally wrong, but rather too difficult to do right, so it must not be worth trying. She never thinks what she does will go wrong, despite a track record of the times it has; each time believe that because she's adjusted for past mistakes, no new ones will occur. Her storyline more closely parallel's Warren's for the megalomania and arrogance; down to both manipulating their girlfriend's mind - only, the implications are that Willow went further than Warren did. Willow even calls Buffy "Super Bitch" like Warren did in "Seeing Red".

Raven Dark

Yay! Two in one day! LOL Going in...

Raven Dark

Now that I've watched the reaction, I can't wait for the next one! Whoo hoo! Your reaction to the ending with Giles showing up was beautiful. I rewatched it a bunch of times before I finally decided I had to get back to work. LMAO

Raven Dark

Oh, oh, oh! I forgot I wanted to mention something else real quick. I wish I could remember exactly what you said, but at some point much earlier in the show, you made some kind of comment about, what if they made one of the Scoobies a villain, or maybe you actually said Willow. Whatever the case, when you said it, I honestly planned on leaving a comment on this episode about it, because you were right, and it made me laugh at the time.

Gary Marshall

Agreed, I think it is all to do with the Screen Actors Guild rules requiring the cast and main guest stars appearing at the start of an episode. Joss mentioned it in an interview I saw but it was a while ago so cannot remember all the details. But money spent well as all of us that saw this episode for the first time had expressions like Sofie's.


Hurt my heart when she kept saying “this is too good” about Willow and Tara getting back together. She’s usually more right than she realizes lol

Raven Dark

OMG, I know! Tara's death hurts my heart too, and reactors always get so freaking HAPPY when they're back together! *lip quivers*


Alyson is AMAZING!! And yes, they upped their game from Glory. Making one of our own the big bad, the actually sweetest one? And doing it perfectly. Nothing hurts more in my opinion, and makes me more confused about who I should root for. And it happens in real life too, one of our close ones turn on us, or we can lose someone to grief or addiction etc. And one of the things that makes this my favorite season is all the pointers in the beginning of the season of Willow actually being the big bad. For each time I rewatch it I discover a new one. And I also love how Buffy points out several times during the season how guns aren't good for anything. Thank you for a great reaction as usual!


I knew you wouldn't be able to hold off watching the final! If only someone had thought to warn you. Ow well, missed opportunities and all that ;D


Wow I love these thoughts! Especially the parallels you make between willow and Warren!

Phoenix Dawn

Yeah, it is kind of reeealllyyy hard not to watch these episodes back to back ahaha!


I know there was some brouhaha way way back about the original Star Wars not showing the credits for the actors until the end, because of union standards. But George Lucas didn't want the names over his opening, so instead he just paid a fine and kept it the way he wanted it. Now it's practically a standard for movies, while tv still does it the old way, with a few exceptions. I believe they made the same arrangement holding back Juliet Landau's name when she appeared on Angel to turn Darla.


You read my mind. I've been thinking lately about how much Warren and Willow have in common. They share hubris, and a lack of regard for consequences, the natural order of things and other people's agency. Both are ringleaders who pressure and manipulate their friends into morally questionable actions (murder/resurrection). Both harbour feelings of inadequacy and a desire to best Buffy specifically. Not to mention the parallels in their romantic lives. It's not even just Tara - as far back as season four, Willow laments that if only she were more powerful she could have "made Oz stay". I think being downtrodden through her formative years means Willow tends to self-identify as David and anyone who slights her as Goliath. "It's okay to take revenge against this person, because I'm the real casualty/the weaker party/the little guy." It's not a healthy attitude at the best of times, but it becomes extremely dangerous once you're actually powerful yourself. She has that in common with Faith. While Buffy sees herself as strong and recognises she must use this strength carefully, Willow and Faith see themselves as weak, no matter how strong they actually are. They treat their power as a break they deserve, so they wield it more selfishly and are dismissive of the negative consequences of their actions.


I 100% agree, I've recently wondered if Tara's death could have been a karmic/cosmic retribution or balance issue; where the life of one loved one is forfeit to bring back another.

Zoé Turcotte

Sofireact my favorite moment in the episode is the fight between Buffy and Dark Willow, Dark Willow she is absolutely so badass 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩😘❤️😘🤩😘😘❤️😘🤩😘❤️❤️🤩🤩❤️❤️😘😘❤️😘🤩😘❤️❤️🤩🤩❤️❤️