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Après Moi, le Deluge

The entire French Quarter is affected when Davina becomes violently ill; Sophie presents a drastic plan; Hayley comes clean.

I'm sorry guys. This video took me some time to post.

Link to the reaction:





The Marcel and Klaus scene is so beautiful! My favorite scene of this episode. It's funny how Davina is so much like them both. It's like she was destined to be Marcel's daughter and Klaus's granddaughter. If they were blood related they are exactly who I'd expect them to be.


I believe every main character in this show has a first scene where it shows the viewer the incredible talent they have in their acting, we saw cami’s when klaus made her forget the urge to find out what had happened to her brother and I think this scene by marcel at the end when he was grieving davina was that scene for him and klaus’s empathetic scene was just that cherry on top! As for you theory on the witches at the end, your correct they were all dead and Celeste stole the power to resurrect the remaining harvest girls including davina and instead used it to resurrect other witches of her choosing. How the harvest goes is the power enters the earth and when the harvest girls resurrect they are given power from that ritual, in this case Celeste resurrected 3 witches and gave herself the power of the 4th theoretical harvest girl making them 4, great reaction and can’t wait for your next one!

Sade L.

Ugh that Marcel and Klaus scene gets me every time..heartbreaking but beautifully done


Right! Think the build up of both marcel and klaus being portrayed as the big bad dudes that rule and have no resentment to get what they want really helped sell this vulnerable scene for both!


The scene between Klaus and Marcel will never stop being one of my favourites of the TVDU. I absolutely love their relationship, it's honestly one of my favourites and one of the most interesting imo. I just love how clear it is that they DO love each other, but there's just so much more there that kinda holds them back from admitting it a lot of the time. But I really love Klaus finally telling Marcel how much it hurt him to lose him, and how hard it was on him thinking him dead all those years. Because as I've said before, I do think that played a big part in why Klaus was so angry about Marcel having taken over New Orleans, because he'd spent all that time he'd been doing that grieving him. But he doesn't like allowing himself to be vulnerable, so he just used anger to hide it. But now he sees Marcel going through the same thing and that was enough to allow himself to be honest about it with him. What I REALLY love about that scene though is Marcel's body language after Klaus has first hugged him. He basically starts clinging to him, when Klaus pulls away, he's kinda holding onto him and then he kinda leans back into the hug again. But also, Klaus' body language. He leans down so he can look at Marcel properly, so they can make eye contact, and he also never lets go of him during that scene. As soon as he's grabbed him he doesn't let go. I just feel like it really shows what kinda dynamic they had when Marcel was growing up. There's a deleted scene between them later in the season that I really wish they hadn't deleted. I'll send it to you after you've watched the episode it's from. (It's more an extension of a scene that's already there... But still... I felt it was so important to both their characters and their relationship...)

Jasmine Bellucci

Klaus and Marcel scene is just beautiful and heartbreaking. I felt so bad for Davina, she's just a kid.


"I won't choose the dead over the living" -- well, she did that in tvd, when she chose her dead family over the living werewolf pack Klaus killed. But this is why I like her more on this show, her character is handled so much better.