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Sinners and Saints 

Sophie reveals troubling secrets from her past, and Marcel asks Klaus to accompany him to the bayou after gruesome remains are discovered. 

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Jasmine Reigns

Having the story of the harvest told from 3 different perspectives was amazing! I loved the scenes between Davina and Elijah. In Elijah’s presence we really saw Davina as a child by the way she carried herself this episode. I love Davina so much 💕 As always great reaction and can’t wait for upcoming episodes ❤️


Can't wait for next episode - it's one of my favs. Love the parallels this ep between Klaus/Marcel and Marcel/Davina. Also, Haley and Elijah ;)


The brutal slaughtering was necessary for the ritual, they were practicing sacrificial magic in that scene which was offering the girls to their ancestors, you’ll learn more about sacrificial magic as the series moves on but that’s why they didn’t tell the girls anything and why the mothers of the girls allowed their daughters as offerings, and also because the mothers and covens believed in the ritual working and bringing back the girls sacrificed. Reason the girls were left in the dark was because regardless of the faith no child would be open to be an offering to death so telling the girls would create conflict from having them do the ritual if they were not willing to do it from the start. Marcel and Davina are aware something was working during that ritual but they are not 100% sure that the ritual of bringing back the girls to life was part of the truthful part, one because davina doesn’t want to die and two because of the relationship that marcel has with davina, he doesn’t want to see her harmed and potentially die for real. As for the coven and Sophie, they full heartedly believe in it and is why they want to finish it in order to keep their magic and bring back the girls. Guess we shall find out who’s right and wrong as the series progresses. Great reaction and can’t wait for the next one👍


I love the fact that Marcel was able to pull one over on Klaus and Rebekah, because IT MAKES SENSE. He was raised by that family. He knows their tricks and learned everything he knows FROM THEM. Of course he of all people would be able to trick them. The parallels between Klaus and Marcel and Marcel and Davina are just amazing. I LOVE that Marcel basically did for Davina what Klaus did for him. And for the same reasons too. I mean, he was probably raised knowing that him fighting back is what drew Klaus' attention to him, so in that moment part of him was probably thinking about that. Honestly, Klaus and Marcel's relationship is one of my favourites on the show. It's so interesting to me. And yeah, there really is something about the fact that Klaus named Marcel that just really hits hard. It just has special meaning to them both. It's symbolic. That's the moment his life truly began. Most people are named at birth, it kinda symbolises the start of their life. Marcel wasn't named for the first 10/11 years of his life, and it was not a good life, it was barely a life, then Klaus comes along and gives him a name and an actual life. I just love them.


The witches in New Orleans are on another level of power, because of the anchestry they have there in the cimitery.


While TVD has more an wider message about many things, acceptance of diversity and breaking the legacy of hatred pass on through the generation, the value of comunity, of friendship, what does it means growing up, findind your voice, the value of family and not just the blood family but the bond you make with people that you can call family etc. here on TO the family theme is explored more in dept. TO is manly focused on the value of family and the effect and the implication of power. It's structure is more of a linear story that unravels before you bits by bits and doesn't need interpretation, nor connecting the dots with past seasons episodes, or putting the pieces togethere, there aren't any allegories or methaphores as in TVD, You just have to sit back, watch and enjoy the show as it unfold, as all the information are simply given to you to draw the bigger picture.


The Marcel and Klaus relationship is interesting, on the one hand they plot against each other and Klaus tries to overthrow him but you can feel there is not a scenario where Klaus wants to directly harm him