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The Mountain and the Viper

Mole's Town receives some unexpected visitors; Tyrion's fate is decided.

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That death has to have been ONE OF the most horrific ever seen on TV; and still IS....? So ends the Red Viper of Dorne.

Tommy Smith

Yes, it was Tywin who sent a copy of Roberts pardon to cause discord in Dany's camp.


As much as we all love Oberyn, he kinda deserved it. Its hard enough to kill the mountain but to toy with him? He did it because his main target has always been to implicate Tywin and trigger a war but that's just hubris. In the books, we see this scene from Tyrion's perspective and he keeps thinking "a mountain is no toy, a mountain is no toy". Sadly Oberyn found out the hard way. RIP to the legend though **sigh**


"He was dangerous enough as a snowman" haha accidental quote of the year

Wisdom of the Sphynx

Every time I see SoFie love a character or start to believe…🥺


"Today is not the day I die" -Oberyn Martell (The day he died) lmao