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why Davina has so much power and her relationship with Marcel will be explained. It's def a mystery why, as a witch, she is using her power against the witches in order to keep them subjugated and why she is protecting Marcel.


You said it perfectly Klaus is playing CHESS! Just infiltrating and blowing this whole thing up from the inside....

Jasmine Bellucci

Aaaah my Klamille heart ❤️the way Klaus look at cami in this episode always makes me smile. I forgot how powerful Davina was, i watched this show so long ago.

Nezaeya (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 07:27:04 This is one of my favorite episodes of season 1. I love strategy stuff in films or tv & Klaus is an incredible strategist. I'll never understand Rebekah's sudden overly-dramatic reaction on finding out that Klaus killed Katie. She already knew that her death was inevitable, because it was discussed in the plan with Sophie. & she acts as if she has never killed innocent people, herself, lol. I love her, but she is being a bit hypocritical.
2022-08-21 19:20:38 This is one of my favorite episodes of season 1. I love strategy stuff in films or tv & Klaus is an incredible strategist. I'll never understand Rebekah's sudden overly-dramatic reaction on finding out that Klaus killed Katie. She already knew that her death was inevitable, because it was discussed in the plan with Sophie. & she acts as if she has never killed innocent people, herself, lol. I love her, but she is being a bit hypocritical.

This is one of my favorite episodes of season 1. I love strategy stuff in films or tv & Klaus is an incredible strategist. I'll never understand Rebekah's sudden overly-dramatic reaction on finding out that Klaus killed Katie. She already knew that her death was inevitable, because it was discussed in the plan with Sophie. & she acts as if she has never killed innocent people, herself, lol. I love her, but she is being a bit hypocritical.


I think you missed the point of her anger, she was not angry that Katie died, she was actually willing to kill her if you remember when she visited her to get the information of her interaction with hayley. Rebekah was angry that klaus didn’t follow the full proof plan to get Elijah back which was completing the the locator spell. Instead Klaus saw an opportunity to gain marcels trust and take a chance at getting Elijah back off that trust. Rebekah was angry he would jeopardize getting Elijah back safely by risking not getting him back to get what Klaus wants which was Marcels trust. That’s why she said “I’m sure you’ll get what you want no matter what it costs the rest of us” implying in this case they risked getting Elijah back just because klaus took a gamble to get what he wanted as well. Even though they ended up getting Elijah back at the end she doesn’t like that Klaus actively wagers family over his own obsessions and goals when Rebekah and Elijah wouldn’t, hope that helps👍


I get what you're saying, but like Klaus said, Katie could have takin Marcel down with him (I doubt he was aware that Davina was helping him at the time). I guess the thing is, that Rebekah has no clue of the actual plan between Klaus, Elijah, & the witches in trying to gain Marcel's trust to gain back the city. So, it's not just "his obsessions & goals". But even if she did, I'm pretty sure she'd be highly critical of him, regardless. It still doesn't change the fact that she's being extremely hypocritical. Killing an innocent person is killing an innocent person & she's guilty of that as well, many times.


Again Katie’s death didn’t anger Rebekah in the slightest in terms of “killing an innocent person” she was mad Klaus killed her before Sophie could finish her locator spell therefore not being able to get Elijah back at the time. The soul purpose of the plan like discussed at the end of episode #2 was getting back Elijah “whatever it takes” both Klaus and Rebekah made that promise it was no longer gaining Marcels trust for the witches since they found out about the powerful weapon marcel had with him being Davina and like Rebekah said “more powerful than an original” so during the plan that’s what the priority should’ve been which was saving Elijah by letting Sophie preform the locator spell. But because Klaus saw an opportunity to gain marcels trust and at the same time potentially getting back Elijah at the same time he took that chance over letting Sophie finish her locator spell. The locator spell was a full proof plan to getting Elijah back but not following it we now see that Davina doesn’t want to give Elijah back anyways therefore complicating things. As for Katie taken marcel with him, if the plan was truly to run out the clock to get the locator spell done Klaus could’ve easily pushed marcel out the way, pushed Katie out the way, taken the stake from her hand, Klaus could’ve done anything but kill her as she wasn’t even focused on him and I doubt Katie could’ve won against marcel with Davina helping him and the most powerful original


Okay, all true. but her reaction was still extremely overly dramatic. I'd understand at the beginning when she finds out that he kills Katie. But after the fact, when she says "I have all faith in the world that you will always get what you want...." (don't remember the full quote) ..."you disgust me" goes a lot more deeper than the entire events of what happened in this episode. & that's actually more of MY point. While Klaus is the most ruthless of all of them, there's no doubt in that, she is far from innocent.


That was the quote I was talking about “I have all the faith in the world that you will get what you want, no matter what it costs the rest of us” there she was talking about bailing on the original plan to rescue Elijah in order to gain marcels trust, as for the “you disgust me” quote I believe she just has a lot of bent up anger towards him as he was the person who staked Elijah and gave him to marcel in the first place when all Elijah was trying to do was help him, as Elijah continuously called Rebekah with hopeful news on Klaus’s redemption so obviously Rebekah already mad at Klaus from TVD drove to New Orleans and heard news of Klaus betrayal to Elijah didn’t exactly give her the best picture of her brother, so that quote came from built up anger towards him, not just then but over the 1,000 years she’s known Klaus but yes I agree she isn’t innocent and the last comment was uncalled for


True, that does make sense when you explain it like that, especially when it involves them as a family. She deserves that anger towards him with how he has treated her for so long. He's taken her & the rest of his family for granted for far too long.


Agreed, was a nice conversation and appreciate being so civil always nice hearing others points of views 👍


Thank you so much! & yes, it's always nice to just have civil discussions overall. We don't always see the full picture 😊