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This episode got me hooked.






The whole Rebekah and Marcel thing I could never really get behind - Marcel is her brother's adopted son, making him her nephew - it's weird that she fell in love with a child she helped raise.

Jenny V

I was cackling at your reaction to the entire episode I don’t even know why I’m just so excited for you to watch it all!

Jasmine Reigns

Rebekah my angel 😇 absolutely loveddd this episode and can’t wait for you to learn more about Davina ❤️

Jasmine Bellucci

And now you know why Marcel feels like he could talk to Klaus like the last episode. I remember how i used to dislike Hayley on TVD but here she's totally different and i really love her as a character, she's one of my favs and my favorite female character in the whole TVD universe. The show now it's gonna be better and better, so i can't wait for u to watch it.


I love how the show continues to build the theme of family with the reveal that Klaus raised Marcel like a son. It is such an interesting dynamic to explore. Also hilarious how they both have a thing for blondes.


I think it's so interesting that Klaus was reluctant to turn Marcel into a vampire so much that Marcel was basically begging him. I think that this shows how much Klaus cares about Marcel because Klaus sees vampirism as more of a curse. Meanwhile, I think Marcel is so interesting because he actually wants to be a vampire and enjoys it. He's not tortured by it. In fact, he choose vampirism above Rebekah he wanted it so much. Lastly, when Klaus says that the reason he doesn't want Marcel and Rebekah together is because she needs a lesson in "what she can and cannot take from [him]" I think that it really shows how afraid Klaus is of being left alone. He is possessive and controlling of his family because he is afraid.


Ever since you first watched the backdoor pilot during TVD and you realised there was something different about Klaus and Marcel's relationship, I have been SO excited for you to watch this episode. I've been looking forward to your reaction to that reveal so much! Their relationship really is just so interesting. And I'm excited for you to see more of them. Because it's Klaus. He tries so hard to hide his humanity, but there are certain people that it just slips out around. Usually that's Rebekah or Elijah (or Caroline. Or, well, ya know... His parents who suck...) But Marcel is very much one of those people too. I mean, he said it himself at the end there to Hayley. When they left New Orleans they thought he was dead and they grieved him. Klaus was literally grieving the loss of his son. But all while they were mourning him, likely blaming themselves for his death (he said Mikael had caught up to them and that was why they'd had to flee...) Marcel was alive and thriving, seemingly not caring that his family must be grieving him. And that clearly hurt Klaus to realise. Family IS very important to him. He doesn't exactly show that in the healthiest ways (daggering his siblings and killing people they have relationships with...) but they ARE important to him. And the second he took Marcel in, he became family to him and so for him to not reach out and just let him know he was still alive, that would be a HUGE betrayal to Klaus. So the way I've always seen him in this whole thing with him trying to take New Orleans back and his interactions with Marcel and all his plotting against him is honestly a mix between jealousy that he's got all that, anger at him for not telling him he was alive, and relief that he's alive. As for him not wanting him and Rebekah together. It's very much fear of them leaving him behind. Of them choosing each other over him. When Rebekah was falling for men he didn't like or care for, it was fine because he knew he could easily just kill them and be done with it and he wouldn't lose her to them, but with Marcel that's just not an option for him because he loves Marcel. But he also has to worry about losing Marcel to Rebekah. He's not just worried about losing Rebekah, but Marcel too. So that makes their relationship dangerous to him. I think there's also the fact that there's a chance that either one of them could get hurt in the relationship and he doesn't want two of the people he loves most hurting each other, because he wouldn't have a way to deal with that as he couldn't kill either. Something I love though is that you can see a lot of Klaus in Marcel. You can tell he raised him. Like, you find out their relationship and it just makes sense. I mean, when Marcel was talking to Rebekah and saying that all these people were "his" that was SO Klaus! There are just certain things that he does that are so Klaus that it hurts! Haha I mean, they both have a thing for blondes... Haha


Also... Rebekah carried on the TVDU Legacy of falling for two brothers... Marcel was Emil's half brother... Like, they obviously never saw each other that way, for obvious reasons, but STILL! Haha

Lex Larae

I’m so excited about TO finally making it on the roster. It’s finally happening lol she’s getting hooked people. 🤣 I’m calling it now once she gets a little further into the series she’s going to start blowing through the episodes. Can’t wait to see your excitement and heartbreak. 🖤

I Am Not Chamari

Can't wait for you to learn more about Davina!


Also side note, the originals choice of music is always perfect, the songs they choose are always perfectly fit for each scenario