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Hey guys, 

For this week I'm only gonna be able to post one episode per a show as I had another wisdom tooth extracted and couldn't do much this week.

The originals




Ps: Most of them are probably gonna be up on the weekend. 


Lex Larae

Feel better. 🖤✨


Stop getting wiser SoFie, leave some for the rest of us :D Take care and all the best.

The Witch Hawk

Wisdom teeth are the worst!!!!

Darrell Palmer

I had all 4 of mine removed when I was about your age and I only regretted it for a week or so. After that I was really glad I didn’t have any more to remove. This removing them one by one is impressive and we’re all really proud of you, but probably best to have it done and over 😱.


I know, right. the last time I had both upper teeth removed but now i only had my lower right removed and i really regret not having them removed all at once. The struggle is real.

Suzanne Hunt

Take care of yourself! The reactions can wait!


Hope you feel better Sofìe🤗 take your time, health is more important. Anyway, if you’re still reacting to tvd bloopers, you might want to check out some interview and panels when you have time, I can send you some links if you are interested, and it would be nice if you could react to them, I’m so in love with Paul Wesley, he’s hilarious in all of them, and he’s such a cool and lovable person, but the whole cast is actually pretty cool. Take care!!

King Author

My tips for recovering from wisdom teeth extraction: 1) gargle with whiskey, 2) wash it down with vodka, and 3) rinse and repeat seven times - then finish off with 200% grain alcohol. Trust me, you’ll forget all about your wisdom teeth. 🤗 But seriously, hope you feel better soon. Love ya.


By this week she means the week of 14th - 20th. Which is technically next week seeing she wrote that 2 days ago. She's in pain now so cut her some slack... Hoping you Feel better soon SoFie! Big Hugs.


Shaun, I'll have to take your word on that. I looked it up, and it seems to be a word that in itself is condescending & patronizing any time it is used. So forgive me in advance because I'm about to do it again...


Shaun I read your message and I was overwhelmed with so many thoughts and feelings on how much I wanted to tell you to shut up that I sat here at my keyboard for several minutes trying to collect and organize then in a way I could tell you to shut up in a clever subtle way. But I wasn't able to so I'm going to just say it straight. Everything I can tell about you is a bad look. Some fat old man wearing a hat because he is probably bald who is simping on patreon for a bunch of girls probably half his age, an obvious creeper. But tries to cover up his creepiness in the most aberrant and obvious attempt at white knighting I've seen. Please STFU before you make anyone else have to cringe as intensely I as I have.


First, we can't hear the tone of someone's writing. We assign a tone to it. In general, What I say and what I do is about me; it's not about you. What you say and what you do now that's about you. However, in reading, this doesn't hold. When I was little, I had trouble with "next," like if it was Tuesdays and they would talk about next Wednesday. Well, to me, that was tomorrow, but it was really the Wednesday after that, but then Thursday would come around, and when they talked about next Wednesday, the meaning (the day) hadn't changed. Very confusing for my childhood self. Now I perceive you to be genuine in your concern. To defend Sofie against some guy YOU perceived as being a dick. It's admirable. But did she ask? She's an Adult. It's not out of the realm of possibilities that treating her like a damsel who needs saving is even more demining to her. Or maybe it's cuter than kittens! Only she can say. We can't take her inventory. (And guys, this is just a discussion between Shaun & myself)

Shaun Houghton

Thanks Thomas, for remaining civil and trying to understand my question/point. If I misunderstood what you were trying to do, my apologies.