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What Are You Willing to Lose

Mia (KATE VOEGELE) helps Hayley protect Red Bedroom Records, and Clay defends Nathan against a growing scandal. Brooke casts the face of her clothing line and Dan unveils his bride.

Link to the reaction: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mpa9zyd5bkk3hu1/OTH%207x02%201.mp4?dl=0




I think what is obvious about the Dan thing is that he really is trying to help people in is own way, I believe he cares about trying to help....It's been explicitely shown to us that Rachel is the one pushing the publicity and commercial BS......But what the show does well is showing us that no matter what he's still Dan and he can't help himself, and he's obviously a narcissist still and trying to use his own mistakes(which he indeed regrets) to build up his image and status,... even though he accepts his mistakes etc and wants to repent...It's still his own screwed up way of doing what he thinks is right lol The Rachel thing is totally out of the blue pure insanity hahaha


Yeah. The Rachel thing was definitely out of the blue, but I can't help but like it just because of the fact that Danneel said she'd only come back if she got to work with Paul more as the girls all felt safer around him. Like, I obviously hate what caused that, but you get what I mean, I hope... It's hard for me to put into words... Haha


What you said about Dan is so on point. I think it is about him trying to help but he is Dan so it is still in a narcissistic way. I love this show for the complexity of Dan's character because as much as they show Dan's human-ness and his regret - they don't change who he is as a person. He is still not the best lol


Your face is my face with Quinn's story. It makes no sense. Is she just gonna go into every relationship with expectations that they have to stay the exact same (good luck with that) or if not then she dumps them. I liked her as Haley's sister, but she wasn't much more than that for me. Wasn't impressed with her introduction or Alex's either. Ngl, I usually skip Alex's stuff except when watching reactions. I can't deal with her. She is too much for me.


I think Quinn's story makes sense. For one, I don't think most relationships end, as she said, over some big crazy thing (like cheating, lies, or other drama). She is simply saying that she fell out of love with her husband (in this case, because he changed). Of course, people are allowed to change but at the same time - if someone changes too much then, you are allowed to not want to be with them anymore. For example, from the story she told, it seemed like she is a more spontaneous live life type and her husband was too when she married him. He would have been right there next to her she said. But now he has changed and isn't into that stuff. She wants someone who will live life by her side. That's what I took from it.


One of the reasons that Nathan and Clay are so worried about this woman's story (even though Nathan says he didn't do it) is because he is in a contract year which means he hasn't been resigned with his team yet. So, if he does something that causes bad press or that they feel violates his morality clause - then he might not be picked back up by his team and won't get to play professionally. If she goes public with her story, it wouldn't matter whether Nathan did it or not - because, for a while anyway, it will be his word against hers and that will cause enough damage for him.


I also think that is a realistic storyline to explore because accusations get made against public figures all the time.


alex's best seasons are the last two. S7 alex i cant stand. Quinn's storyline makes sense but doesnt at the same time

Jenny V

I always enjoy peoples reaction to Rachel being Dan’s wife it’s hilarious. As for the big change well I disliked it at the beginning too, it felt like such a huge gap but after a couple of episodes you get used to it and I love some of the plot lines in these seasons and it’s characters.

Olia Stanasiuk

the same with me - it feels like a totally different show with another vibe and atmosphere :( And the vibe is not bad, but still it's not the old one :(


That is why I don't rank OTH as one of the best show I've seen...the writing is inconsistent and leave the audience puzzled, with losts of questions unanswered. Still, is not a bad show, it is till enjoyable.