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I had enough meat for one episode...





The Witch Hawk

I remember this episode depressing me so much when I saw it. Amy is such a bad person for doing that to Willow. Having sex in a ratty garbage filled alleyway is a new low for Buffy.

Darrell Palmer

Probably my least favorite episode of the season, but I can’t wait to watch your reaction.


I laughed so hard when you saw penis pee😂 by the way rest of this season is masterpiece I swear)

Wisdom of the Sphynx

The design of the creature was a bit… Glad I am not the only one that saw it 🤣

Shaun Houghton

It doesn't matter how she looks, the important thing is that, Amy is a rat.

Bud Haven

D - Buffy's never going to be a doctor, or a lawyer, or anything big. X - Buffy's the Slayer... D - But that means she's going to have crap jobs her whole life. Minimum wage stuff. I could still grow up to be anything. But for her, this is it. One of the saddest scenes of the series IMO. It reminds us how very much Buffy has given up to be the Slayer.


I kinda like this episode😂 it’s gross and depressing, but It’s so funny, and I love the dark humor!! Plus, it gives me X-files vibes. Buffy is so cute, and the more she spirals the more I love her this season, and I don’t think we’ll ever get the old buffy Sofie, the stuff she’s gone through changes you, and while she can heal and get to a better place, she’ll never be the same person she used to be again, which is not a bad thing. And yes, spike genuinely believes she’s a demon, and that’s why I don’t believe he’s gaslighting her to drag her down, he wants her to accept that she’s like him now, because he thinks they’re the same, and that makes him even more convinced that they belong together.

Robin Davies

It does seem crazy that the Watchers’ Council doesn’t pay slayers. Maybe their bureaucratic system doesn’t budget for slayers who are too old for their parents to support them. Many slayers will be dead before they’re 18 and nearly all the rest will be killed by the vicious Cruciamentum test.

Bud Haven

According to Kendra they want to keep them from friends school even family. So they're "not distracted". My thoughts are that they're all about preparing potential Slayers and Watchers. Once one is called for the most part they're done with them. Except for telling them what to do.


I think it's part of the feminist theme of the show in that it's a metaphor for the fact that women provide most of the essential work necessary for society to function and don't get paid for it or so little.

Star Stormer

I think this is exactly correct. Women’s work is traditionally unpaid, underpaid, and/or undervalued yet is essential to everything. I also think the Council wants to keep slayers reliant on them for everything. If I were Buffy, I’d work as security or a private investigator, kinda like Angel does.

Leora Nechama

This ep always amuses me