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Needless to say. This is my favorite Angel episode so far and all because of My Cordy 😍

My selfless Wonder Woman became a part demon 😭 and Oh GOD Cangel🥺.. Where do I start?! I love them so much ❤️😭.






Cordy 🥰 Such a great episode! Also Queen of creating alternate universes in the Buffyverse, between this and The Wish lmao

angelcakes (edited)

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2022-08-27 13:36:23 yeaaaah TASTE ❤️‍🔥💯
2022-07-31 16:57:21 yeaaaah TASTE ❤️‍🔥💯

yeaaaah TASTE ❤️‍🔥💯

Wisdom of the Sphynx

If Cordy (or Charisma) were destined to be part of one’s life and then that time line was altered, the natural result of her absence would of course be madness and pain 🥺. Just sayin 🥰 #kyrumption #moira


Such a great episode, but as you said - really a missed opportunity not to make it a two-parter. I would've loved to explore the alternate reality more, and my biggest complaint about the episode is that it's a bit rushed since it tries to fit in a bit much. We could've extended the first episode, with Angel fighting through a gauntlet (kind of like The Trial in s2) in order to talk to the conduit, in an attempt to save her. And ending the first part when she's standing on stage in the alternate reality, then explored that reality in the second part. I think Angel, as a demon, could handle the *physical* toll of the visions, but not the mental. Not alone as he was. Kind of the opposite of Cordy.


You raise an interesting point! How DID Doyle pass Angel the visions in the alternate reality? Both times we've seen it being passed, it has been through a passionate kiss. XD

Rey Gallogo

It is implied that it can be passed on by the PTB to whomever they choose (like in the case of Doyle), or through a kiss (which catches the PTB off guard). So they either chose Angel or passing it to Angel caught them off guard.


Charisma really is such a great person IRL. I wish I could a woman like her.


I love Cordelia and totally ship Cangel, but this ep has never done much for me. Angel can withstand the visions physically without his brain going to mush or blowing out the back of his head, but it doesn't make any sense that he'd wind up insane......it's just not believable. And alt-Cordelia kissing him feels very bizarre and out of nowhere, and then at the end she says that her vision has already been taken care of....but it hasn't. That was the alt timeline. So I guess that girl ends up dead. Just some weird stuff.

angelcakes (edited)

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2022-08-27 13:34:09 actually I can totally believe that the visions would make Angel insane... I mean have you seen the guy ?! He's already soooo mentally unstable, removed from society, plus without Cordy ... yeah I can totally see how he would have become insane lol now why would AU Cordy kiss him?? well maybe bc she clearly has some feelings or sensations or whatever left from the original dimension, or else she wouldnt go to the Hyperion looking for something, and in this original dimension, Cordy does care about Angel enough to do that for him ...
2022-08-01 20:24:52 actually I can totally believe that the visions would make Angel insane... I mean have you seen the guy ?! He's already soooo mentally unstable, removed from society, plus without Cordy ... yeah I can totally see how he would have become insane lol now why would AU Cordy kiss him?? well maybe bc she clearly has some feelings or sensations or whatever left from the original dimension, or else she wouldnt go to the Hyperion looking for something, and in this original dimension, Cordy does care about Angel enough to do that for him ...

actually I can totally believe that the visions would make Angel insane... I mean have you seen the guy ?! He's already soooo mentally unstable, removed from society, plus without Cordy ... yeah I can totally see how he would have become insane lol now why would AU Cordy kiss him?? well maybe bc she clearly has some feelings or sensations or whatever left from the original dimension, or else she wouldnt go to the Hyperion looking for something, and in this original dimension, Cordy does care about Angel enough to do that for him ...

angelcakes (edited)

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2022-08-27 13:34:09 Sofie you should bond with Domi around your mutual love for Cordy 🥰🥰🥰🥰
2022-08-01 21:31:05 Sofie you should bond with Domi around your mutual love for Cordy 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Sofie you should bond with Domi around your mutual love for Cordy 🥰🥰🥰🥰


I totally agree with you SpikesEcho! I've always thought this episode made no sense. Angel can withstand hundreds of years in hell and live with the the visuals of him killing and torturing people for 100 years as Angelus but can't withstand some visions of people in trouble. He has probably done worse in his past as Angelus than what a lot of these people in Cordy's visions go through. I love Cordy but it doesn't make sense as to why Cordy can take them but Angel who has the life experience Angel has can't. Giles mentioned how strong mentally Angel must be to have survived with any sense of self after being in hell for as long as he was. Also don't understand the alt timeline stuff too as far as saving that person.


I can believe alt Cordy having this nagging feeling about something she needs to do, as crucial as needing to save a life, but I just don't believe she'd have some type of echo of feelings for Angel that would make her kiss him. I wish the episode worked emotionally for me, but it's never hit me. Def doesn't play a part in my Cangel or Angel love. Note: There's a cut scene to this episode where we actually get a scene from the "Cordy" show.

Rey Gallogo

This should b less about Cangel and more about Cordelia’s growth.

Dennis Bryant

Not an alternate time line. The PTB painted a picture over reality, not perfectly either. Skip said it, they don’t go in for changing time much, more of “writing over”. The real story was there under a coat of paint. The wall paper in the hotel is the perfect example, but the whole world had a layer over reality and a pretty thin one, it seems. No rewrites, the first vision was taken care of with the veneer on, so it was also taken care of in the mainstream.


Dennis - that doesn't make it make sense. Or else everyone would remember the few hours they were their "veneer" selves, not just Cordy. Cordy alone experienced the veneer reality, therefore no one saved that girl.


Actually, the kiss does make sense to me. Just before she and Skip were talking about the whole vision transfer kiss, and she has been acting on her supernatural instinct the whole time in alt universe, like when you instinctively know what to do, but can't explain how you know it. And yeah, there are some feelings behind it, even if they both don't remember them, but I think it is more about Cordy choosing the visions even when she doesn't remember about them. The crazy Angel and "the girl is still saved after the timeline is restored" really did not work for me either.