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How can this episode be both hilarious and sad at the same time?

How did we go from '' Don't touch Randy'' and ''My Rupy'' to that ending? 

Link : https://www.dropbox.com/s/i7bhc16266s0qeh/Buffy%20S6xE08%201.mp4?dl=0



Enas Bassiony

Loved your insights and totally agree The one thing I would discuss though is how I just wish people would stop using Angel as an example for how a vampire should be Buffy does that, and it's turning her into something she shouldn't be We all clearly see that Spike can actually be good without a soul Yes, his morals are obviously skewed, but he honors his promise to Buffy, he feels guilty, he feels love Not the healthiest love sure (Buffybot says hi ) But just imagine if Spike was accepted and treated well by Buffy?!! See how much he has changed since S4 (I won't even go beyond the chip) and tell me Spike isn't capable of change !!! Aside from shipping them romantically, Buffy literally used Spike as a punching bag in S5, she has been abusing him alot of the time knowing he can't do anything because of the chip in his head and I hated that, I felt like she is better than that Specially if he is helpless now, and even after he started helping her and her friends for no money All because the Angel/Angelus situation made her believe a soulless vampire can not feel any good feelings at all She had to believe that otherwise why wouldn't Angel love her as Angelus?! Why wouldn't his feelings for her be stronger than his evil nature?! She takes that rule, and applies it to Spike even when it doesn't work that way for him and I don't like that I also wish the audience wouldn't hold Spike up for that She clearly developed feelings for him by now, and yes I agree it's not love But she literally instinctively rescues him even with no memory and does turn to him for comfort since she came back But she won't just admit it because 1. She will be judged by her friends, and herself if I'm being honest 2. The question of why Angel couldn't love her without a soul will have an answer, and she won't like it

Rey Gallogo

A good soulless vampire. A plot device that contradicts established mythos to appease fans!


Ironically, I don’t think spike would have fallen for buffy in the first place if she had treated him well, spike is a masochist, he likes getting beat down, add that to the place buffy’s at now and the result is a very unhealthy relationship for sure.

Marta Clemente Corredor

Damn Sophie. Loved your insight into Spike and Buffy and you've made some really valid points, let me just say that.

Mariella Nilsson

I will never understand why people are happy and excited for spike and buffys kissing at this time. It is the most tradgic thing, she is depressed, she Said it isn’t real, I just want to feel. So it is tradgic for spike and for Buffy that this is happening right now.


Marty I do believe that too. He wouldn't have fallen. for her if she treated him differently.


Sofie I want you to reflect back to your favourite dream sequence from the S4 episode “Restless” and see if you’ve found anything 🤫


Holy cow! Spike is wearing the same outfit from Xander’s dream how did i not notice that before 🤦‍♀️

Robin Davies

Two other things from Xander’s dream: “Spike’s like a son to me.” “Like a shark with feet, and much less fins.” “And on land.”


I find their relationship to be so interesting, probably the most interesting I’ve ever seen portrayed in tv. Two people with self-destructive tendencies drawn to each other, now the real question is, will they be able to save each other? Spike was the one that saved buffy in OMWF after all, you know, when she attempted suicide. Buffy is drawn to darkness (spike), and spike is drawn to buffy, in some ways he’s been drawn to the light, she’s been his moral compass, he has been trying to be good, but now that she’s in a bad place she’s joining HIM in the darkness, and not the other way round, so it will be interesting to see how things will play out, if they will embrace this darkness together, or if buffy will let herself heal. We know spike is capable of change, I believe he has proved it, he’s capable of feeling love, guilt, remorse, all in a twisted obsessive way, but he’s a vampire after all, no soul, no morals, he’s been fighting his own nature, and it would be very easy to slip in his old ways again. I think its worth mentioning it, and we shouldn’t forget that. I give him a lot of credit tho, for the way he’s been trying, even staying and helping taking care of dawn after buffy’s death, it’s amazing. But also buffy and spike to me,they’re one and the sameI, they’re the same person, spike is the male vampire version of buffy, just look at their similarities, their personalities, and the way they both feel alienated, they’ve always mirrored each other, and its not surprise to me that especially now that buffy is more in touch with her darkness, would feel connected to him more then anyone. But I also believe they have a foundation of trust, buffy has relied on him and has trusted him over and over even before season 6, dawn goes missing? She goes to spike for help, she brought her mum and sister to him to keep them safe. ’m very excited for this season, and for you to get through this journey, it will be a dark long journey, so prepare yourself 😂😂but this is 100% my favourite season of buffy, it’s not for everyone, but I relate to it a lot and I’m very excited to hear your thoughts.

Cheryl Coffin

You are incredibly perceptive!


It seems this has been a bit of a theme with Giles for a while now. All the way back in season 4 we basically had an argument between him and Prof. Walsh about different parenting styles with, Maggie pushing for a more hands-on approach and Rupert advocating for a more "let them find their own way" mindset. We can argue about who's right. Probably both. Probably neither. And goodness knows Maggie's Initiative boys didn't exactly turn out well lol. But it's just sad for everyone, mostly because it doing one of the things so well on Buffy that everyone always talks about, the "Who's Side Do You Take They're Both Kinda Right" conundrum. And it punches us in the gut harder for it It's kinda sick how well this show is written sometimes, especially once you start peeling away the layers.

Enas Bassiony

I disagree, because we've seen that Dru knew he was falling for Buffy even before he did.. even before the chip .. He and Buffy faught like equals and then temporarily became allies tobtake down Angelus.. she wasn't abusing him then or treating him as a punching bag and yet he did fall for her so.. I believe that theory contradicts canon

Enas Bassiony

It has already been established within canon ... since intervention and till the 2nd episode of S6 ... I'm not saying they should do that, I'm saying that's what they already did .. they just twisted it for Drama purposes which is fine but keeps you wondering if things could have went a different way

Enas Bassiony

I agree that he loved her, which is why I mentioned the question why couldn't his love for her overpower his evil nature ... Angel seemed like he can give up his life for her but Angelus enjoyed torturing her and actively tried killing her probably because whatever feeling she made him feel irritated him

Claire Eyles

I just saw on YouTube that you were up to season 6 of Buffy and I just had to resubscribe to your patreon. This is my absolute favourite season of Buffy for so many reasons. So happy to see another reactor make it to this (in my opinion) brilliant season. :D


Enas, yes they teamed up but she wasn’t exactly nice to him if you reckon😂 I maintain my idea, I think spike fell for buffy because of how tough she is, and because he enjoys getting beat down, when he says to buffy she’s got a death wish, he’s projecting, he seeks out slayers, the thing that could potentially kill him, he tells angelus “don’t you ever get tired of fights you know you gonna win”, he’s the one with a death wish, wheaten it applies on buffy in s5 or not that’s debatable, but he does, And he’s got sex/violence/love/hate all mixed up. Also drusilla can see the future, so when she tells him she can see the slayer all around him, it’s unclear weather spike is already into buffy or weather she knows he’s gonna fall eventually, I’m gonna go with the latter, because in season 2 there is obviously some sexual undertone to their interactions, even James said he played it like that, but I think he’s still very much in love with dru. I think he fell for buffy somewhere in s4, and he realized it in “out of my mind”.


I was just thinking ... you know didn't Giles just get back on the payroll last season? (Maybe he got too much retroactive pay from the council).

Teresa Schultz

Great insights as always!! I loved this reaction and was just waiting for your face on the very last shot (and Michelle Branch)!!

Rodolfo Ceballos

Sofie is probably one of the most, if not the most perceptive reactor I have seen. Regarding Willow, I have read some criticism about the treatment of her addiction to magic as a drug addiction, and while I do understand where those comments come from (hello Smashed and Wrecked), this storyline has been years in the making. Willow is not addicted to magic per se, but to power. It is important to remember how insecure Willow used to be about herself back in season 1 and 2, but as she started becoming powerful she started having that validation. She has always been impulsive, and she gained power so quickly that she never really healed or grew confident by herself, but rather by the power magic gave her. Tara makes an excellent point in saying she fixes stuff to her advantage, and we have seen this before repeatedly since season 3. This is why I love this season for Willow. Just as Buffy's, it is painful to watch at times, but it is a necessary path in both of their characters' growth.

Mitch M

I agree entirely. Plus the most common complaint I've heard is that people say that the addiction thing came out of nowhere, but they tend to forget the Dark Age, the s2 episode where Giles, in his troubled youth, has seemingly-drug-style hazes where he and his friends would use dark magic to control a demon's possessive power in order to have "an extraordinary high." He literally uses addiction language to describe using dark magic to feel a certain way. And there's the time he warns Willow before the Angel curse that opening herself to dark magic might be a door she can't close. The signposts are there and I agree that it's not the magic or the demon itself--it's the way it makes you feel and the psychological addiction that keeps you coming back. Willow felt insecure and powerless as a teenager, and magic makes her feel confident and powerful.

Leora Nechama

For me this is where I really realize the full implications of Willow and Tara in Once More With Feeling. Tara asks how Willow could violate her mind especially after Glory and I realize they had sex in OMWF during Under Your Spell and when you think about it it was rape. Willow took away Tara's memories of her reasons for saying no to being with Tara. By erasing her memories she erased Tara's ability to provide informed consent. As much as Willow didn't see it like that in the midst of her addiction, she basically gave Tara the magic equivalent of a date rape drug to make her compliant. It's completely understandable Tara can't be with her after that violation and I'm sure it made it extra confusing to Tara who may have felt like "the wrong kind of victim" because it wasn't violent assault. Her body responded feeling good and it happened within a loving relationship but that kind of violation is hard to process and harder to come back from.


yea Giles left at the worst possible time :( however ASH specifically wanted to leave the show and go back to England to be with his family so the showrunners had to factor that into the show but they should've written a different reason like he had to go back because his mother was terminally ill or something. Him leaving so that she could become stronger on her own was a bad reason.

Janel Davis

I always felt like Giles was convincing himself of something he wanted to believe. I know that Giles loves Buffy, but we've seen in past episodes how much of what he wants for himself gets sacrificed for the sake of his watcher role. And you know that when he accepted the post all those years ago, he never expected it would last this long. He's just as tired of the life as Buffy, but unlike Buffy, he can actually walk away from it. Only he loved Buffy too much to do that, so he's been stuck too. Now, he's got this perfect rationalization for why he "has" to leave for Buffy's own good. It's terrible logic, but it makes complete sense to me that he wants to believe it's true.